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What Online Jobs Can You Do as a Domestic Goddess?

I have been a stay at home mom for the last 7 1/2 years and now my daughter is in 1st grade. Last year I started subbing for the school district in the food service and latchkey. I am still doing that now with the hopes of finding a job full time in the school district. I love being off when my daughter is in school and can watch her during the day.
I am curious to know what everyone does besides PC. I am wanting to get an online, work from home kinda job. Anyone do that sort of thing?
i'm a stay at home mom, full-time. lol
I'm a mainframe computer programmer. Between assignments right now, but I still have to report to the office for 45 hours a week.
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  • #4
I am a full time stay at home mom also...
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  • #4
chefann said:
I'm a mainframe computer programmer. Between assignments right now, but I still have to report to the office for 45 hours a week.

Sounds technical:p
I am the Web Coordinator at a college 37.5 hours a week, then freelance web design on the side as well. (no hubby or kids yet!)ETA: Sept is my last month for PC because I will be working towards my Master's. I would entertain the idea of picking PC back up PT in the future - you just never know!:)
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JaimeQ said:
I am a full time stay at home mom also...

the best, hardest job with not enough recognition!! :)
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  • #7
I took a web design class in college. It was fun but I don't think I could do it on a reg. basis. I lean more towards photography and graphic design...
Be wary of scams - there are a lot out there that promise "get rich quick" scams for people like you who are looking for something at home online. Really, the only legitimate jobs (not home business, but JOB where you work for a company) are the ones that many people "fall" into by being allowed to telecommute from home for a company that they used to work onsite for. There are also medical transcription jobs, but you need a lot of training for that (a friend of mine just started working and making money at this over the summer, after training for over a year!). Just do your homework, check the BBB and really check them out from 3rd party sources (not the people who work for them who may be blowing smoke) and then make a decision based on what you enjoy doing (similar to how you decided to do PC).

I'm actually going back to my full-time job in September when my kids are both in school full time. It was always our plan for me to stay home after my 2nd was born, then go back when he entered Kindergarten, and he's 5.5 and will be starting K in 2 weeks, so the time is here!! I'm still planning to continue my PC business - I've been working it consistently for the last 4 years and I can't begin to imagine letting it go - I love it too much!! I will probably cut down the number of cooking shows I do per month (I regularly do 4-5 a month, will prob. go down to around 2), but I'll make up for it with catalog shows and vendor fairs, etc.

Best of luck to you and let us know what you decide - it can be tough to find those at home, online jobs, but there are some legit ones out there!!
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ginamkiely said:
the best, hardest job with not enough recognition!! :)

I hear ya. My Dh always uses the excuse "but i've been at work all day"... what do you think i've been doing all day??
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  • #10
cathyskitchen said:
.....It was always our plan for me to stay home after my 2nd was born, then go back when he entered Kindergarten....

That's our plan too, but I have aways to go:p My daughter isn't even 2 yet:)
  • #11
I do PC, and homeschool my oldest...youngest is 3yrs....so, we find lil projects for her to do too. I just interviewed for a job with a new Starbucks that is getting ready to open. Health ins. for the kids and I was getting WAY too expensive, so we dropped it. If I work at starbucks 20 hours a week, I can get us full health and dental for about $50 a month! Plus get a little extra income...we love starbucks anyway, so this would pay for our "habit". :) We figure if I were to work early mornings or nights, that I would get home in time enough for hubs to go to work and start school, or give him time in the evenings to hang with the kids one on one. We'll see...I'm supposed to find out next week if I get the job.
  • #12
I have been a stay at home mom for the last 7 1/2 years and now my daughter is in 1st grade. Last year I started subbing for the school district in the food service and latchkey. I am still doing that now with the hopes of finding a job full time in the school district. I love being off when the kids are off and working just during the time they are at school.
  • #13
head of housekeeping (this includes but is not limited to: bathrooms, vacuuming, mopping, dusting) Thankfully, I never learned to maintain our pool!!
personal shopper, errand runner & pantry stocker
occassional chauffer
keeper of the calendar so everyone stays on schedule.
lawn service/gardener when the mood strikes
  • #14
Good luck, Ann - that sounds like a great job - I love Starbucks, too!! Keep us posted on if you get it!! :)
  • #15
Jamie, I hear that all the time too!:eek: I swear they think we sit around eating bon bons all day or something! Being a full time mom is hard work, because it's not just about being a mom! There's other stuff around the house that goes with it man!

Wu...I was about to get on my soap box there :D

JaimeQ said:
I hear ya. My Dh always uses the excuse "but i've been at work all day"... what do you think i've been doing all day??
  • #16
Teresa Lynn said:
head of housekeeping (this includes but is not limited to: bathrooms, vacuuming, mopping, dusting) Thankfully, I never learned to maintain our pool!!
personal shopper, errand runner & pantry stocker
occassional chauffer
keeper of the calendar so everyone stays on schedule.
lawn service/gardener when the mood strikes

ROFL, Teresa Lynn!! I guess most of us do that, too, in addition to all of the other jobs we have - isn't it great?! :rolleyes:
  • #17
I keep thinking when my kids are gone my house will be immaculate again. my 14 yo daughter is the worst!!
But, then there is my husband the way he scatters his newspaper you'd think we are training a litter of puppies.
  • #18
I work at a IT helpdesk for the State of Florida. I fix people's computer problems all day long.
  • #19
I work for a business college in their admissions department and I am going back to school this fall for my master's... hoping that I can get PC up enough that this spring I can quit my job in admissions and do PC and grad school, and then get an internship for grad school!
  • #20
I guess I forgot to include I'm a darn good receptionist... I make the best reservations for dinner.
We lost 3 friends this spring and all the spouses have said if only we'd used her china and not laughed when she wanted to eat off of it, or if we'd traveled more, etc. they all have regrets.
on our 20th anniversary we decided to go out to a rest. we've always wanted to try on the 13 of every month. So far we've eaten our way thru July and Aug. :)
  • #21
I oversee a department of 48 food service employees who feed 3500 students a day in eight school cafeterias. In fact...I best order their food right now for their return on Sept. 5th!:eek:
  • #22
Teresa Lynn said:
I guess I forgot to include I'm a darn good receptionist... I make the best reservations for dinner.
We lost 3 friends this spring and all the spouses have said if only we'd used her china and not laughed when she wanted to eat off of it, or if we'd traveled more, etc. they all have regrets.
on our 20th anniversary we decided to go out to a rest. we've always wanted to try on the 13 of every month. So far we've eaten our way thru July and Aug. :)

Wow, I'm so sorry to hear of your losses. My DH and I try to have a "Date Night" at least once a month to keep our relationship fresh - we love our kids but we need time for ourselves as a "couple" every now and then, too. It really keeps things in harmony, and we've found some really great restaurants around us, too!! (((HUGS)))!!
  • #23
yes, we've been known to slip away for an afternoon at a nice hotel too.
  • #24
Teresa Lynn said:
I guess I forgot to include I'm a darn good receptionist... I make the best reservations for dinner.
We lost 3 friends this spring and all the spouses have said if only we'd used her china and not laughed when she wanted to eat off of it, or if we'd traveled more, etc. they all have regrets.
on our 20th anniversary we decided to go out to a rest. we've always wanted to try on the 13 of every month. So far we've eaten our way thru July and Aug. :)
What a great new tradition! DH and I go back to our favorite B&B every year for our anniversary (even the year DS was only 4 months old!) and we have a favorite restaurant where we go then, plus a favorite restaurant that is our "Birthday Date" restaurant.......but I love the idea of going once a month someplace special and new!ETA - Oh - and I am a stay-at-home Mom too. I just saw a report that said being a SAHM was a 93 hour a week position!
  • #25
Teresa Lynn said:
yes, we've been known to slip away for an afternoon at a nice hotel too.

You naughty girl!! ;-) :love: Good for you!!!!
  • #26
I am actually one of those blessed Work at Home people. I actually work for Cigna healthcare. I did start out onsite in the office. After 2 years i was offered the position of W@H. I absolutely love it. My son just turned 3 and he was home with me until january of this year. My single mom came and watched him during the day while i worked and then left here and went to her 2nd shift job. In january we put him in daycare-the hardest day of my life.
  • #27
I have been the Admin clerk for a car rental company for 8 years! I am lucky enough to be the only one who does my job here.... I do it on my own priorities, in my own office, where no one bugs me... then after hours my other job is a party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can I complain?
  • #28
I work as a Biller for URS an Engineering Firm full time. Hope PC will replace my full time job, but I'm the one that carries the Health Ins right now so I'm kind of stuck. I like it though....

My husband and I also try to do things w/o the kids at least once a year for our Anniversary (my mom and the inlaws don't mind us leaving the kids with them if it's "our Anniversary." We also plan weekend get-aways when we can. It does make a BIG difference.
  • #29
I'm a stay at home mom too.

I may go back to school when the kids are in school, but who knows.... we haven't had our last one yet!! :)
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  • #30
That's my thing too... we only have 1 kid we want atleast one more... so who knows when I will actually get a FT job.
  • #31
I've been in the US Air Force for over 13 years! Seven more years until retirement! Woohoo!

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  • #32
My hubby is in the AF... going on 7 years :p He just put on Staff.... he's got a long way to retirement:)
  • #33
I work full-time for a health care system in the Construction Services Department. I am hoping when my youngest start's school in 4 years (he is going to miss the b-day cut-off by about 2 months) I will be able to be home with them all the time. I have three boys, 8 (beginning of Oct), 3 (as of March) and 2 (end of October).

DH and I also get away the first friday of the month for our "date night." At least we try to when the kids aren't sick and we have a babysitter. :)
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  • #34
pamperedpals said:
I work full-time for a health care system in the Construction Services Department. I am hoping when my youngest start's school in 4 years (he is going to miss the b-day cut-off by about 2 months) I will be able to be home with them all the time. I have three boys, 8 (beginning of Oct), 3 (as of March) and 2 (end of October).

DH and I also get away the first friday of the month for our "date night." At least we try to when the kids aren't sick and we have a babysitter. :)

When in March?
  • #36
pamperedpals said:
I work full-time for a health care system in the Construction Services Department. I am hoping when my youngest start's school in 4 years (he is going to miss the b-day cut-off by about 2 months) I will be able to be home with them all the time. I have three boys, 8 (beginning of Oct), 3 (as of March) and 2 (end of October).

DH and I also get away the first friday of the month for our "date night." At least we try to when the kids aren't sick and we have a babysitter. :)
I'm going to suggest this to my hubby! :) A set date once a month sounds good. We will have to find a sitter though...
  • #37
We only went places our kids could go with us for many years. We only went alone for our anniversary.
Once our oldest had a drivers license we felt a little more comfortable going out. Now, we are "out" as much as the 3 of them!!
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  • #38
  • #39
Teresa Lynn said:
We only went places our kids could go with us for many years. We only went alone for our anniversary.
Once our oldest had a drivers license we felt a little more comfortable going out. Now, we are "out" as much as the 3 of them!!

Can't wait for that (when they're old enough)!! I do love our family get-aways... We always look forward to your yearly Anniversary trips, but end up talking about the kids and missing them most of the time. :eek:
  • #40
I work from home as a scopist, which basically means I proofread for court reporters. I went to school to be a court reporter, but 11 years ago I had a car accident that left me with nerve damage. I didn't want all of that schooling to go to waste, so now I proofread for them. It actually works out great for me because I get to be a stay-at-home mom.
  • #41
JaimeQ said:
I hear ya. My Dh always uses the excuse "but i've been at work all day"... what do you think i've been doing all day??

oh my god i know i swear i hear that everyday too... whenever i say i'm tired he's like "try cutting trees all day then you'll know what tired is"... i feel like saying why don't you take care of the 3 year old one day ALL DAY and tell me how tired you are!! they will never understand
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  • #42
No they sure won't....
  • #43
I have been a stay at home mom for the last year. I suck at housekeeping, so I have to stop. I am thinking of starting a course in September (I know, 2 weeks away) to start my certification as a registered nutritionist. I have posted adverts all over town and online to relaunch my music studio teaching private lessons again. I used to have over 20 students- then along came baby....
  • #44
Im a Nanny but bring my daughter with me to work, so I consider myself pretty lucky :) Im hoping once we move in Oct to be able to my PC into full gear and not have to work outside our hose except for parties.
  • #45
I'm a school crossing guard & also stock a galley for a fishing boat (used to own & run It ) but now just running to Costco,restaurant depot,beer distributers etc...is enough for me!:cool:
  • #46
I suck at housekeeping, so I have to stop.

this cracks me up...
Honey, do you think it gets easier or better if you stop???? :p
  • #47
JaimeQ said:
My babies is the 2nd.

That is between my nephews, the 1st and my MIL on the 3rd. We have quite a few b-days in March. June and October are just as bad.

How old will your baby be next year?
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  • #48
On top of that my sister is prego and due in March!!
  • #49
I was a physical education teacher and a volleyball coach, also a substitute teacher. Haven't taught my own class for 4 years, but had been coaching volleyball for 5 years until this season. Subbed for three years until this school year. I am not going back. I'm selling PC and not going to babysit students any longer. Not coaching because I need to be home after school for my boys - homework, you know? Happy to have a pretty full September, hoping for two more shows and then a consistent two shows a week for most months. SOOO much better than subbing.
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  • #50
pamperedpals said:
That is between my nephews, the 1st and my MIL on the 3rd. We have quite a few b-days in March. June and October are just as bad.

How old will your baby be next year?

She will be 2:)
<h2>1. What kind of work do you do besides Pampered Chef?</h2><p>Besides working for Pampered Chef, I also have an online job where I work from home.</p><h2>2. Can you tell me more about your online job?</h2><p>Sure! My online job involves managing social media accounts for small businesses.</p><h2>3. How did you find your online job?</h2><p>I found my online job through a job search website specifically for remote and online positions.</p><h2>4. Is it difficult to balance both your job at Pampered Chef and your online job?</h2><p>It can be challenging at times, but I have a set schedule for both jobs and make sure to prioritize my tasks accordingly.</p><h2>5. Do you recommend getting an online job for someone looking to work from home?</h2><p>It depends on the individual's skills and preferences, but overall, having an online job can provide flexibility and the opportunity to work from the comfort of your own home.</p>

Related to What Online Jobs Can You Do as a Domestic Goddess?

1. What kind of work do you do besides Pampered Chef?

Besides working for Pampered Chef, I also have an online job where I work from home.

2. Can you tell me more about your online job?

Sure! My online job involves managing social media accounts for small businesses.

3. How did you find your online job?

I found my online job through a job search website specifically for remote and online positions.

4. Is it difficult to balance both your job at Pampered Chef and your online job?

It can be challenging at times, but I have a set schedule for both jobs and make sure to prioritize my tasks accordingly.

5. Do you recommend getting an online job for someone looking to work from home?

It depends on the individual's skills and preferences, but overall, having an online job can provide flexibility and the opportunity to work from the comfort of your own home.

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