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What is a Meme? Understanding the Viral Online Phenomenon

In summary, Ginger's up-line is having a booking blitz where people can call and talk to potential bookings. There are different point systems depending on what is being booked. The first time someone calls, they will need to be ready to be on the phone for a long time. They need to dial in at 6:30 p.m. Central time and the access code is 362143#. The second time they can dial in at 7:45 p.m. Central time. There is a point system where people can earn points by talking to potential bookings, referrals, or recruits. At the end of the blitz, the person with the most points will win a prize.
I keep seeing people talk about them, but what is it?
The booking blitz I did was from my up-line. We talked on a conference type phone call and shared information on how to increase bookings. Then we get a certain amount of time to try to get a live person on the phone, referrals, sell products, catalog show, cooking show/fundraiser, or potential recruit. Each of these get a point system and after 45 minutes the points are calculated, and my up-line gave away magnets and a business card holder. At the end we shared our thoughts and any ideas we may have gotten while talking to potential bookings or recruits.
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Cool, I'll have to check with my director and see if this is something she ever does. Might be the motivation that I need!
We are having one again tonight you are welcome to join. Just be ready to be on the phone for quite a while. The time and access code are below as well as the point system we use. I hope you can join us.

Date: Tuesday Dec 2nd, 2008

Dial in 1st time: 6:30 p.m. Central

Dial in 2nd time: 7:45 p.m. Central

DIAL IN NUMBER: (712) 580-6300

Participant Access Code: 362143#

1 point = talking with someone live, but not receiving an order or booking

2 points = getting a referral for a show or consultant

3 points = receiving an order

4 points = booking a catalog show

5 points = booking a kitchen, Celebration, bridal or fund-raiser show

6 points = setting up an interview for a recruit lead
tlag1986 said:
We are having one again tonight you are welcome to join. Just be ready to be on the phone for quite a while. The time and access code are below as well as the point system we use. I hope you can join us.

Date: Tuesday Dec 2nd, 2008

Dial in 1st time: 6:30 p.m. Central

Dial in 2nd time: 7:45 p.m. Central

DIAL IN NUMBER: (712) 580-6300

Participant Access Code: 362143#

1 point = talking with someone live, but not receiving an order or booking

2 points = getting a referral for a show or consultant

3 points = receiving an order

4 points = booking a catalog show

5 points = booking a kitchen, Celebration, bridal or fund-raiser show

6 points = setting up an interview for a recruit lead

How did you do? We did this at our last cluster meeting and everyone left with at least 2 bookings for just a 20 minutes session. I think it really boost morral. Tonight and tomorrow night I'm doing my own booking blitz. A goal for myself: I need 8 bookings more for January. I can do it!
I have worked two different Booking Blitz's with good results. The first one I got 44 points, and the second one I got 29 points. Most of what I did was call some of the people who were somewhat hesitant, and told them about the great opportunity in January and I just wanted to call a few friends first. I did well with this. I think doing your own booking blitz is a great idea.
I had so much luck with the booking blitz my up-line held.. that I occasionally call doing my own booking blitz. I tell the ones I call that my team is holding a contest and we are to book as many cooking parties and/or cat parties and we can.. (I don't tell them I am the only one on my team lol) And the one who books the most wins.. More will help knowing this. And I do win!!!
I love your idea Ginger! I was the only one on my team "playing" tonight too. I booked one and will follow up with the others who I had to leave a message for. I need 5 to commit to a date (they know they want Jan.) and I need to get 5 more bookings on top of them.

Related to What is a Meme? Understanding the Viral Online Phenomenon

1. What is a 'Meme'?

A 'Meme' is an internet phenomenon that spreads rapidly through social media platforms, often in the form of an image, video, or phrase. It is typically humorous or satirical and is meant to be shared and reproduced by users.

2. Where did the term 'Meme' come from?

The term 'Meme' was coined by evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book "The Selfish Gene." It is derived from the Greek word "mimeme," meaning "imitated thing."

3. Are all memes meant to be funny?

No, while many memes are created for humor, there are also memes that serve as a form of political or social commentary. Some can also be used to convey emotions or express opinions.

4. How do memes become popular?

Memes become popular through the process of "going viral." This means that they are shared and spread rapidly through social media networks, often by users adding their own variations or captions to the original meme.

5. Can anyone create a meme?

Yes, anyone can create a meme. All you need is an idea, a sense of humor, and some basic knowledge of how to use image or video editing software. However, not all memes will become popular and go viral.

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