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What Happened to Paige Dixon Birgfeld?

In summary, Paige Dixon Birgfeld, a member of the Cheffer community, went missing in 2007 and her remains were found in 2012. The case is considered a homicide and under investigation by forensic experts. The community has been lighting candles for Paige and her family as a show of support. In other news, on this day in history, Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79, burying the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in ash and preserving them for over 1700 years. The last M-24 tank was produced by Cadillac in 1945, and in 1967, entrepreneur Henry J. Kaiser passed away, leaving a legacy in the construction, aluminum, and automobile industries. In
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In case you are new to these daily updates, let me just quickly tell you that our friend and fellow Cheffer, Paige Dixon Birgfeld, disappeared without a trace on June 28, 2007. You can follow the entire story in a thread called "One of Our Own Is Missing" at the top of this page. Human remains were found in Colorado on March 8, 2012. Two days later, dental records tentatively identified the remains as those of Paige. On March 28, DNA testing confirmed that Paige had been found. As of this date, all we know is that Paige's remains have been found, law enforcement is considering this case a homicide, and everything is in the hands of forensics experts. All we can do now is wait, because once again, we have nothing new to report.In news of Candles for Paige we had 3 candles as of this post. Remember, candles go out after 48 hours so keep lighting candles for Paige, her family and her three children.Instructions for lighting candles for Paige are in the Missing thread, in this post.On this day in History......in 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted. The two days of eruption spewed uncountable amounts of ash and lava, completely engulfing the city of Pompeii and its sister city of Herculaneum. The cities were buried in 60 feet of ash, which settled over the cities and preserved everything, including the people who died in the disaster. The cities were lost for over 1700 years until their accidental discovery in 1748. While the site has been looted over the years, much of Pompeii and Herculaneum is well preserved and it is felt that other villages, inundated by the volcano, remain undiscovered.

While excavating the site of Pompeii, archaeologists found voids in the lava that were
formed by decaying bodies that had been captured in the flow. Plaster casts were
made by injecting plaster into the voids. Today, resins are used instead of plaster, revealing
the last moments of the citizens of Pompeii and Herculaneum who could not escape.
...in 1814, British Troops set fire to the White House, during the War of 1812. President James Madison had left the White House on the 22nd to meet with his generals, and Dolley Madison fled later in the day, after making sure the painting of George Washington had made it to safety. They were able to return two days later, but never lived in the White House again. Not until 1817 would a President live in the reconstructed White House, President James Monroe....in 1945, the last M-24 tank was produced by Cadillac, the last of the war effort by this most noble division of General Motors. Some people say it was the last tank produced by Cadillac, however, anyone who has ever been close to a 1959 Sedan De Ville might take issue with that statement.
1945 M-24 & 1959 Sedan de Ville - which is the tank? Speaking of automobiles......in 1967, Henry J. Kaiser passed on in Hawaii. He was 85, and left a legacy as the owner of a construction company, shipyard, Kaiser Aluminum, an airplane company and an automobile company that he founded with Joseph Frazer. His construction company was a part of the consortium that built the Hoover Dam, Bonneville Dam, Grand Coulee Dam and the footings for the San Francisco Bay Bridge. Kaiser-Frazer was formed in 1945 from the remains of Graham-Paige Automobile Company, and they started building cars in the war surplus plant in Willow Run, Michigan, where Ford Motor Company mass produced B-24 bombers. Henry J Kaiser foresaw a time when people would demand a smaller car than the tanks Detroit was building, and the Henry J was a compact car before anyone knew what a compact car was. They also built and sold Jeeps and the Kaiser-Darren, a sleek, sexy sports car that is still good looking. Kaiser-Frazer folded in 1955, but the Kaiser name lives on in several places, including the Kaiser Convention Center in Oakland, California.http://files.conceptcarz.com/img/Kaiser/54_Kaiser_Darrin_BY_05_MDB_02.jpg
1954 Kaiser Darren...in 1938, Rhett Butler found a way to the screen when Clark Gable, reluctantly, signed to play the part. He was afraid that any actor in the shade of David O. Selznick would have an impossible task to play Butler to Selznick's approval. Gable was born in Cadiz, Ohio, (where his home has been reproduced by the Clark Gable Foundation) and he worked in an Akron tire factory at the age of 14. He was an oil driller, lumberjack, salesman and Broadway actor before he caught on in Hollywood. Of course, he played Butler with great success and also won an Oscar for It Happened One Night. He had a storybook marriage with Carole Lombard in 1939, the beautiful actress from Fort Wayne, Indiana, until her death in a plane crash in 1942 during a war bond drive. Gable died of a heart attach in 1960.

Clark GableThat's it. That's all we know as of 2:31 AM, EDT.
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Thank you for the update on Paige Dixon Birgfeld's case. It's heartbreaking that she has been missing for so long and now has been confirmed as a homicide. My thoughts are with her family and children. I will definitely light a candle for her and keep her in my prayers.Wow, I had no idea that Pompeii and Herculaneum were preserved in ash from Mount Vesuvius. The plaster casts of the bodies found are haunting and a reminder of the power of nature.It's interesting to learn about Henry J. Kaiser and his various business ventures. I had no idea he was involved in the construction of so many famous landmarks. And Clark Gable's story is also fascinating. It's sad that he lost his wife in such a tragic way.Thanks again for the update and the history lesson. I look forward to reading more updates and learning more about history.
Good morning Cheffers! Thank you for the update on Paige Dixon Birgfeld. It's heartbreaking to hear that her remains have been found and that law enforcement is considering her case a homicide. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and children during this difficult time. I will continue to light candles for Paige and her loved ones.Thank you also for the interesting history lesson! It's amazing how the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were preserved for so many years and the use of plaster casts to reveal the last moments of those who perished. And who knew that the last M-24 tank was produced by Cadillac? And I never knew that Clark Gable was originally from Ohio. It's always interesting to learn new things.Thank you again for the update and I will continue to keep Paige and her family in my thoughts and prayers. Have a great day everyone.

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