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What Do I Do if I Can't Get Them to Co-Operate?

In summary, the organization did not seem interested in having their involvement or presence at the TradeShow. They were only willing to donate money and not volunteer their time.
I have organized a TradeShow with other Home Party Consultants ANd it is a fundraiser for a Local Committee. Today, I asked if someone from that committee would be willing to sit at the table (near the front doors) to accept admission/donations AND talk about the Committee (they have given me brochures and the blue-prints for the building). They said, "You chose US as the Fundraiser, so we are not obligated to be there...we have nothing to do with your TradeShow."

Now, am I expecting too much for someone from the committee to help out and volunteer their time? I feel like I am risking myself and the other Consultants of being asked a question about the committee and I feel like it is not up to us to answer those questions.

Any suggestions as to what I should do? Talk to someone ELSE???? - It is NOT up to myself OR the other consultants to answer the questions about this committee OR to educate the public! Why would they NOT want to volunteer their time????...I am going to be handing over a Cheque to them!!!

Did this organization aprouch you to fundraise for them? How did this organization get involved? It doesn't seem like they really care that your raising funds for them.
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I askedI asked them if I could help them out.

I just didn't know they would totally step-back and not even volunteer an hour of their time!.......
Could you ask someone else from the committee? Maybe this person thought you were asking her personally. I seriously don't see why they wouldn't want someone there to answer questions about their org and whatnot...

My other thought is to tell them (nicely) that if they would like the check the least they could do is have representation at the event... it's not your job to raise their funds... you generously offered your time and services to them to raise money they were not expecting or counting on. Is there another organization you could donate to?

Sorry... a little cranky tonight, but really? The lady you talked to is ridiculous
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Lol....thanks for the advice. I did get the name and number of the Lady's Boss. I am going to nicely ask him if there is another member of the board who would be willing to volunteer their time.

Thanks for all your help!
Jenna, I think you're doing the right thing by contacting the name and number of whomever is above this woman.I can get a little feisty in such situations...(heh) I would ask the President of the committee something along these lines: We are involved in a fundraiser for this committee although we're not true representatives of the committee. It is always nicer to have that personal touch by having someone available at the event to answer any questions or generate interest in your group. What do you think?"If he or she said no, they couldn't do it, then ask for a contact name for people who have questions about the group. In no way would I volunteer to answer any questions about the committee on my own. Get a contact name.And I'll be honest. If the answer is in the negative, then I'd have a small table with the committee's information and not give one iota of thought to it anymore. I'd make sure there was a permanent sign with the contact information for the committee and anyone who had questions, I'd politely point them to that table and say, "The contact information is over there. Sorry, I don't have any more information but I know they'll be happy to answer any questions you have......Now, when would you like to have a really fun night with your friends, eat some delicious food, learn some great cooking tips and earn free products?!!":D

Related to What Do I Do if I Can't Get Them to Co-Operate?

1. What do I do if my family members or roommates won't cooperate with my meal prep plans?

It can be frustrating when others in your household are not on board with your meal prep plans. One solution is to involve them in the decision-making process by asking for their input on what meals they would like to see on the menu. You can also assign tasks to each person to help with the prep work. Additionally, try setting a designated meal prep time each week so everyone knows when to expect it and can plan accordingly.

2. How do I handle picky eaters when meal prepping?

Meal prep can be a great opportunity to introduce new and healthier foods to picky eaters. Start by incorporating small amounts of new foods into dishes they already enjoy. Also, consider involving them in the meal planning process and allowing them to choose a few meals each week. Finally, be patient and continue to expose them to different foods over time.

3. What should I do if someone in my household has dietary restrictions?

When meal prepping for someone with dietary restrictions, communication is key. Make sure to discuss their specific needs and preferences beforehand. Look for recipes and ingredients that can easily be modified to accommodate their restrictions. You can also try meal prepping separate dishes for that individual or finding meals that can easily be customized.

4. How can I encourage my family members or roommates to help with meal prep?

One way to encourage others to help with meal prep is by making it a fun and social activity. Put on some music, pour some drinks, and make it a group effort. Also, consider assigning tasks based on each person's strengths and interests. And don't forget to show your appreciation for their help and involvement.

5. What if someone in my household doesn't like leftovers?

Leftovers are a big part of meal prep, but not everyone enjoys eating them. One solution is to only prep enough for a few days and then incorporate fresh ingredients for the remaining meals. Alternatively, you can try repurposing leftovers into new dishes to make them more appealing. And remember, not every meal has to be a leftover meal - mix it up with some meals that are made fresh each day.

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