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What Color Should the New Chef Success Buttons Be?

In summary, the current buttons will be available in blue and pink, and new buttons will be available in bright colors.

What color button do you want?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Gold Member
I heard from several people just before or at Leadership that they didn't have a Chef Success button. Since there are a lot of people who never got one, or lost the one they had, I will make them available again.

However, I might redesign them.

Please vote for your preferred background color above. If the color you want isn't included in the poll, select "other" and post what you'd like. It's a total pain in the rear to manage inventory of 2 colors, so there will likely be only one available from me, however I am open to making a couple different colors available directly from my Cafe Press shop(s).

Blue is not included in the choices because I will be making a Director CS button available in blue.

This poll will be open until the end of February, at which time, I'll make the new buttons available.

In case you haven't seen them, the current buttons look like:

That color is currently available in a standard (2 1/4") and a jumbo (3 1/2") button. (I had a jumbo one on my tote bag at Leadership.)


The bright version is currently available in a standard (2 1/4") MAGNET, and a mini (1") button. (That's the one I had on my lapel at Leadership.)
I was just thinking I have no idea where my CS button is. That's what I get for moving twice this fall. :)I would love a mini one!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
Almost forgot - you CAN select more than one color when you vote, but you can't vote more than once.
Whew! Thanks for letting us know we could choose more than one ~ I could finally vote then!:balloon: I just like BRIGHT!
I don't care what color they are - just not beige or white. Something bright.
I like bright too but...The current button does match the website itself. Geez! Linda, what are you thinking color wise and Ann, you must have a preference as well?
  • Thread starter
  • #7
I was thinking of that when I made them beige, John. But the bright is kinda nice so people see the buttons and ask about them. As well as us being able to spot them on other Cheffers easier.

I don't really have a preference, myself. (How wishy-washy is that?) Although I do like the idea of Director Red for those who are working to promote.
Yellow is my favorite color and it's nice and bright, but I see not too many votes for that. :( I will get any color though, got to have mine for conference. I promise to get a digital (small) camera and take pix with every Chef Success consultant I see!
How about tutti-frutti to match your star?
  • Thread starter
  • #10
I was thinking of that, but I'd be the only one. :) Unless KG starts posting like a madman! Maybe we'll do ribbons like last year, but actual ribbon instead of paper.
  • #11
Okay, I understand now. You want us to get a CS button the same color as our star? That's okay by me - I like pink.
  • #12
Here in SoCal tutti-frutti colors identify a gay person, you see car decals all over.
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  • #13
I mentioned that to KG after Greg changed my star and KG mentioned he was jealous. He decided that he'd stop posting just before he'd get it. :)
  • #14
chefann said:
I mentioned that to KG after Greg changed my star and KG mentioned he was jealous. He decided that he'd stop posting just before he'd get it. :)

I forget, what is the next level? Not that I want a rainbow either... Blue is just fine by me! :rolleyes:
  • #15
green to match the spring products!:D
  • #16
I voted for Hot Pink, Red, and "Other". What about neon green to match our new spring green products?

Actually, I am OK with whatever color...I was picking those colors cuz I figured they would be easiest to spot. Hopefully, other (non-CS people) will ask more about them if they are a brighter color. I don't think anyone (other than other cheffers) asked me about my pin at NC.

Thanks again Ann for always thinking ahead and being so helpful!
  • Thread starter
  • #17
KellyTheChef said:
What about neon green to match our new spring green products?
That's what the Sea Green is. :D
  • #18
I voted for Cranberry just because it would match so many of our products..... :)
  • #19
chefann said:
That's what the Sea Green is. :D
Doh! That's what I was guessing...but wanted to be sure!:D
  • #20
I voted for red because I always vote for red, but I would have voted for more colors. I didn't see that I could vote for more than one until after I voted. Bummer! Can't wait to wear one, no matter what color it is.
  • #21
Wow, am I a thread killer? No other votes?
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  • #22
Bump, so everyone who wants to vote will remember to do so.This poll is open until the end of February. I'll announce the new color(s) then.
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  • #23
Another bump- make sure you vote if you're interested in changing the color of the Chef Success button. You may only vote once, but you can select multiple colors when you do.

As it stands right now, I will be making hot pink and cranberry Chef Success buttons, and light blue Director Chef Success buttons. But there's still a month to vote.
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  • #24
Anyone else have a preference for CS buttons? The poll has been at 111 voters for the past couple of days.
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  • #25
We've got 121 votes now. And unless there's a major influx of votes for other colors, it looks like the new buttons will be Cranberry and Hot Pink.
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  • #26
Bump, for last-minute voters. :) Choose a color from the list, and I'll post when new buttons are available.
  • #27
chefann said:
We've got 121 votes now. And unless there's a major influx of votes for other colors, it looks like the new buttons will be Cranberry and Hot Pink.

YEAH!! I'm so glad - I had a hard time choosing between the two...
  • #28
how do you get a button?
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  • #29
They'll be available for order from Cafe Press. I'll post links once they're available.
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  • #30
Poll closes 10 am on Friday - vote now!
I'll post links to the buttons after I make them and upload to Cafe Press.
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  • #31
Only 24 hours to vote! If you haven't picked a color yet, it's your last chance!!I'll work on the new buttons tomorrow and over the weekend, so they should be posted by Monday. (DCS button, too)
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  • #32
Hmmm... just had a thought (imagine that!)I was planning to make the DCS button light blue to match the color scheme over there. Would the DCS members rather have a "Director Red" button?
  • #33
If I was a director, I think I'd rather have a "Director Red" button.
  • Thread starter
  • #34

Related to What Color Should the New Chef Success Buttons Be?

What are the 5 most frequently asked questions about "New Buttons - Vote for a Color! I heard from several people just before or at Leadership that they didn't have a Chef Success button.

1. Can I still get a Chef Success button even if I didn't attend Leadership?

2. Will there be more than one color available for the new buttons?

3. Can I request a specific color if it's not listed in the poll?

4. Will the buttons be available in different sizes?

5. How long will the poll be open for voting?

What options are available for color choices in the poll?

The available color choices for the poll include pink, purple, green, yellow, and other (specify in comments).

Will there be a blue button available for Directors?

Yes, a blue button will be available specifically for Directors.

How can I purchase the new buttons?

The new buttons will be available for purchase through the Cafe Press shop(s) or directly from the company. The options for sizes and colors may vary depending on where you purchase them from.

What is the deadline for purchasing the new buttons?

The poll will be open until the end of February. After that, the new buttons will be made available for purchase.

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