Read this today on Julie Anne Jones' blog (her details below...had to include it to copy the article. ) - but I really liked the concept and idea!!
How many times has someone left one of your parties "on the fence" about booking a party of their own? They haven't exactly said no but they aren't ready to commit by saying yes. And how many times have you followed up with these leads repeatedly without reaching them until you finally give up, feeling rejected and frustrated?If you're like most direct sellers, this is a common chain of events. I hated the fact that I let so many bookings walk out the door this way. So I created a tool (and I 'm going to share it with you today) which virtually eliminated this scenario from my business. Have I got your attention?It's called a think-about-it packet and it's really exactly what it sounds like. You have someone who is on the fence and wants a little more time. Instead of just saying, “I’ll follow up with you next week” and then letting them walk out the door, hand them a think-about-it packet.Here's the best part. My think-about-it packets were exactly the same as my host packets. It was always my intention to book a party with that person when I followed up, and I wanted them to have the packet so they had everything they needed to host a party. The problem was, when I would ask them if they would take one of my host packets, they usually said no because they were afraid that obligated them to actually book the party.So I just called them think-about-it packets instead. A rose by any other name, right? And they would almost always take it if I called it a think about it packet. Then, if they decided not to book the party, because they already had outside order forms and catalogs, I could often talk them into at least doing a catalog party.Here’s how the think about it packet works: Before she left, I’d say, “Tell you what, Marilyn. I want to give you some time to think about it. Would you be willing to take one of my think about it packets? All you have to do is take some time in the next few days, look over all the benefits, and think about doing a party. I’ll follow up in a few days by phone." Here's the important part. I would say to Marilyn, "Now, I just have three rules for my think about it packets." (These are crucial to the success of this tool, and I said them pretty much verbatim when I gave them the packet): 1. Rule number one, you have to actually think about it, for at least a few minutes between now and when I call you.
2. Rule number two, you have to take my call when I follow up. When can we talk for about five minutes in the next few days? (Set up this time firmly on both your calendars so she's expecting your call).
3. Rule number three, if you decide not to book a party, you have to let me down easy. It’s that simple.Now, I believe that people generally do as they're told. I swear! It's a pretty amazing phenomenon. So these rules are key because now she understands how to use the packet. More importantly, she’ll take my call (because it was one of the rules) and I gave her permission to say no. By telling her up front she can decide not to book a party, I take the pressure off of her and she'll pick up the phone when I call.I'm telling you, this works! I'd say 90% of the time, the people who took my think-about-it packets were there at the time we'd agreed upon and actually answered their phones. And about 75% of the time, they booked a party. And that, after all, is the name of the game!WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE FOR FREE IN PRINT OR ONLINE?
You may, as long as you do not alter it and include the following information (with active links as appropriate):Julie Anne Jones is direct sales corporate consultant, coach, and trainer, and the CEO of Julie Anne Jones, Inc. She is known for her authentic and easy-to-use scripting and specializes in specific language and tools for success in direct sales. To learn more about Julie Anne and her products and services, and to read more blog posts, visit her at
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