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What Are the Latest Developments in the Search for Paige Birgfeld?

the Jennifer and Abby Recovery Foundation is asking for volunteers to help find Paige Birgfeld who has been missing since June 30th. The search will be organized by the foundation and law enforcement and will start Saturday morning at 7am. If you are interested in volunteering or have any information about the disappearance of Paige Birgfeld please call Connie Flukey at 254-1567.
Gold Member
This is actually from Wednesday night...but posting in a new thread since it's already Thursday here and many US cheffers are probably down for the night.

Update is from the NBC affiliate in GJ

The investigation into the disappearance of 34-year-old Paige Birgfeld has been on going for nearly two weeks and now a group devoted to searching is taking the reigns in hopes of finding her.

The search for Birgfeld is being taken up by the Jennifer and Abby Recovery Foundation, which of course dates back to the Michael Blagg double murder case in 2001 and while 250 search volunteers are ready to go, the foundation and the family are asking for your help.

Although the actual search area has not been disclosed as of yet a staging area will be set up in the next 24-36 hours so prospective searchers can be brought up to speed and squared away and then the search itself will start at 7 a.m. Saturday.

Birgfeld hasn't been seen in nearly two weeks, however, her burned out car was discovered at a business on 23 Road less than a day after she was reported missing.

The investigation into Birgfeld's disappearance has led in several directions, including the discovery that she was involved in several businesses, including an escort service.

And with family hardship the foundation is determined to find the mother of three.

If you are interested in getting involved in the search efforts you can contact Connie Flu key at 254–1567.
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  • #2
Here's another from the local abc affiliate:

Local Organization Will Conduct Search for Paige Brigfeld

July 12, 2007 05:54 AM

By Brian shapleigh

The Abby and Jennifer Recovery Foundation will conduct a massive search for missing mother Paige Brigfeld on Saturday.

The organization will work closely with law enforcement officials. It's expected between 250 and 300 volunteers will help aid in the search.

The mission of the foundation is to ban together with law enforcement and community member to help in the search for any missing child.

The organization was started in memory of the famous Jennifer Blagg murder case in 2001. If you would like to be involved in the search please call (970) 254-1567 for more information.
Thank you for the updates! It's cool how you are "ahead" of us, and get us all the latest! We really appreciate it! I hope Paige is found soon...alive and well!! (we all do!) Does anyone know if there is a fund set up for the family??
  • Thread starter
  • #4
nothing, zilch, zero on the cbs affiliate's web site...odd
Thanks Kris. This was actually posted before I went to bed.
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  • #6
Here is today's article from the GJ Sentinal. Preparations are underway for an organized search. The first line is an insult...Adult entertainer? He could have just as easily written escort, but chose this title instead. For a while I thought this paper wasn't playing up the sex angle as much as the others, but guess not.
(I understand referring to the double life, since a separate group of people would know her that way....and therefore maybe realize they have relevant info for the investigators.)

Hundreds ready to search
By GARY HARMON The Daily Sentinel

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hundreds of people are poised to start a search for Paige Birgfeld, the missing Grand Valley mother of three and adult entertainer.

“We have tons of volunteers,” said Connie Flukey, director of the Jennifer and Abby Recovery Center.

Birgfeld was last seen two weeks ago today and was reported missing on June 30. The next day, July 1, her car was found ablaze about two miles west of her home in north Grand Junction.

“We’ve had people who have never been involved with the organization” call in with offers to help, Flukey said. “It’s been crazy.”

The recovery center five years ago marshaled the efforts of more than 900 people in a search for Jennifer and Abby Blagg.

Paige’s father, Frank Birgfeld, said he was aware of the Blagg search, having been in the Grand Valley at the time.

That search remains inconclusive, with 6-year-old Abby Blagg still missing. Her father, Michael Blagg, is in prison for the killing of her mother. Jennifer Blagg’s body was found in the Mesa County Landfill.

Interest in the search for his daughter seems high, as well, Frank Birgfeld said.

“It’s evidence that the community seems frustrated that they can’t personally do something,” he said, urging people to search their memories for something that might turn into a clue, no matter how insignificant it might seem.

One person, he said, had found a bag of women’s clothing that might have belonged to Paige and alerted authorities. The clothing turned out to be unconnected, but “that’s exactly the kind of thing that our family is very appreciative for,” he said.

Searchers will have to provide background information to participate, Flukey said.

“We’ll take your state identification and give law enforcement a copy,” she said. “If you don’t have it on you, you’re not welcome at the search.”

Twice divorced, Paige Birgfeld had two sides. To many, she was an active MOMS Club member, who taught Brain Dance classes to youngsters and sold kitchen utensils and baby gear.

In postings on Web message boards, she said her main source of income was from her modeling agency.

She was the owner of Models Inc., according to investigators, which provided exotic dancing, erotic massage and escort services.

After restarting her relationship with her first husband, Paige Birgfeld was known to have met with him Thursday in Eagle and to have spoken with him by telephone that night, telling him she was near her home.

Her first and second husband have cooperated with investigators.

She is 5-foot-4, 110 pounds and has sandy hair and hazel eyes. She was last seen wearing a blue strapless top with flowers and blue denim shorts.

Anyone with information about her is asked to call investigators at 244-3500.


Gary Harmon can be reached via e-mail at [email protected].
I can't believe that an organized search hasn't happened up until now. This is absurd!!!
DebbieJ said:
I can't believe that an organized search hasn't happened up until now. This is absurd!!!

I agree..........
I thought the same thing....but at least its finally happening and lets keep our fingers crossed.
  • #10
I know what you mean! About the search & about how the writer worded that--geez....
  • #11
Thanks for the update.
  • #12
Thank you for the daily updates...
  • #13
This kind of search didn't happen before because they were still looking for Paige as a missing person. It just changed to "foul play" a couple of days ago. So, eventhough it is great that they are doing a large scale search, they aren't actually looking for the outcome everyone would like.
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  • #14
Hi everyone. Turns out the large scale search doesn't begin until Saturday. (The search yesterday...and possibly ongoing today(?)...was by the authorities.)

Here is a news clip from the local nbc affiliate (follows the commercial):

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  • #15
This is from this morning's Rocky Mountain News. Indicates the investigation is still on-going...also her children are now with their father and his parents in Arizona. -leggy

Police: Burned car tied to disappearance
By Ellen Miller, Special To The Rocky
July 12, 2007

GRAND JUNCTION - Investigators believe the torching of Paige Birgfeld's car three days after she vanished is connected with the disappearance of the mother of three young children, Mesa County Sheriff Stan Hilkey said Wednesday.

"It was arson, and the car burned from the inside out,'' Hilkey said. "From all the circumstances surrounding it, we believe it is tied to her disappearance.''

Birgfeld, 34, vanished June 28 and was reported missing two days later. The next evening her car was found burning in a parking lot about three miles from her upscale home.

While friends knew her as a devoted mother with several businesses, including selling products for the Pampered Chef, Birgfeld also worked as an escort through Models Inc., which she owned and promoted on the Internet. Her online alter-ego was Carrie, and investigators, who suspect foul play, hope her business holds the key to her fate.

Hilkey said his investigators, assisted by two detectives from the Grand Junction Police Department and others from the city's fire department and the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, are busy tracking contacts Birgfeld made on her cell phone, leading them to a "handful of persons of interest."

The sheriff has enlisted volunteer searchers and plans were -being made to establish areas where they can start looking Saturday.

The Jennifer and Abbey Recovery Center, which formed after a community search in 2001 for Jennifer and Abbey Blagg, hopes for at least 250 volunteers, founder Connie Flukey said.

Hilkey said both of Birgfeld's ex-husbands are cooperating, and "we believe their whereabouts at the time were outside Mesa County. But nobody is excluded.''

Birgfeld's children are in Arizona with their father, Rob Dixon, who was her second husband, and his parents.

Copyright 2007, Rocky Mountain News. All Rights Reserved.
  • Thread starter
  • #16
Copied from the 'One of Our Own is Missing' Thread. New post from PaigesBrother.

Sorry it has been awhile since my last post. We have been busy. In case anyone hasn't yet heard.. We are organizing a search for clues about Paige to begin this weekend. Fortunately, we have here in Grand Junction a wonderful group of caring individuals through the Jennifer and Abby fund who are able to help with this effort. There are already at least 300 volunteers, but for more help, feel free to call 254-1567. As for the kids, they are doing as well as can be expected. The youngest constantly asks for mommy, but is tto young to understand what is going on. The middle one is a bit more solemn and quiet and the eldest often has tearful times as she seems to understand things a bit more. Will talk more later.
  • #17
'Legacy's real time updates'

THANK YOU for taking the time to do this!
  • #19
Thanks.........i was looking for this earlier
  • Thread starter
  • #19
bumping up...be sure to also check the "One of Our Own is Missing" thread...more info is there (too much to cut and paste :))
  • #20
DebbieJ said:
I can't believe that an organized search hasn't happened up until now. This is absurd!!!

I recall the father saying last week that they weren't ready to do that with the hope that she was alive and would be home soon...
  • Thread starter
  • #21
bumping up...
  • #22
Thanks for the updates Kris!

Related to What Are the Latest Developments in the Search for Paige Birgfeld?

1. What is the Thursday July 12 Update (Paige) about?

The Thursday July 12 Update (Paige) is a new product launch from Pampered Chef, featuring our brand ambassador Paige.

2. What products are being launched in the Thursday July 12 Update (Paige)?

The Thursday July 12 Update (Paige) includes a variety of new kitchen tools and cookware, including a set of non-stick pans, a garlic press, and a silicone baking mat.

3. How can I purchase the products from the Thursday July 12 Update (Paige)?

You can purchase the products from the Thursday July 12 Update (Paige) through a Pampered Chef consultant or on our website.

4. Is there a special discount or promotion for the Thursday July 12 Update (Paige) products?

Yes, for a limited time, customers can receive 10% off their purchase of any of the Thursday July 12 Update (Paige) products.

5. Can I host a cooking party or event to showcase the Thursday July 12 Update (Paige) products?

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