I had a show in May where my Host bought $150 worth of products to turn into her own show. She really just wanted to renew her 10% PHD. Anyways her grand total came out to $195.59 (including 153 points for Panorama). She paid with cash. I submitted the show and over a week later, I get an email from HO stating that they cannot accept a show where the Host is also the Guest. I thought that was kind of stupid because they get the same profit whether the Host is the only guest or if the Host had a different person who bought $150 worth of stuff. Anyways my Host just wanted to cancel her order all together after I told her that HO had a problem her with show. I gave her money back. Now I have a $20 Returned Check Fee on my account because HO tried to take out the $195.59 anyways, even though I canceled the show. Yeah sure they could have taken the money out before we canceled everything but they shouldn't have taken money out for a show they weren't going to accept in the first place! Needless to say I'm a little peeved over what HO did. I did send them an email asking for my $20 back. What do you think are the chances that I'll actually get it?