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What Are the Best Alternatives to Constant Contact for Online Newsletters?

In summary, Debbie recommends www.123byrequest.com, and says it has great feedback from her customers.
Does anyone use an online newsletter service besides Constant Contact? I use them and like them, but I want to see what else is out there. Thanks!
  • Thread starter
  • #2
Ooops, guess I should have posted this under "Newsletters". Sorry.
I use www.123byrequest.com. I have had great feedback from my customers.

If you decide to sign up, use me as a referral!

p.s. I just sent you a copy so you could see it.
  • Thread starter
  • #4

thanks for the suggestion and for sending me a copy of it. I'm actually looking into this for a friend of mine who is not a PC consultant, so I need a service that is not exclusively for PC. I really like the look of it though. Thanks!
Heather talk to Joy at Tasty Tidbits

I am pretty sure she will create what ever your needs are. And if it works tell her Amanda Fairall sent you.
DebbieJ said:
I use www.123byrequest.com. I have had great feedback from my customers.

If you decide to sign up, use me as a referral!

p.s. I just sent you a copy so you could see it.

Debbie, could you please send me a copy too? I would love to see it. I didn't know there were many other companies out there. I have no time to create my own but would love to offer this service to my customers!

Done! :):):)
Has anyone ever used http://www.pamperednewsletter.com. I think it looks very professional. I am currently using 123 By request, which I like, but this one I like even more. I am thinking of changing over when my subscription ends. I found out about this through Melissa Bourestom I am not signed up yet so please use her as a referral person. I don't think I can get a referral bonus since I am not signed up yet.
DebbieJ said:

Debbie. I signed up last night! WooHoo. I've already had a few good comments and I used it as a "Reintroduction" to those whom I haven't contacted about PC yet.

Here is what I put BEFORE the Newsletter so ppl would know I wasn't spamming them:

Hello Friends and Family. I’m emailing you because I recently started selling Pampered Chef and I thought you might be interested in receiving my newsletter. Pampered Chef has a lot to offer, whether you cook for one, cook for ten or even don’t like to cook! Everyone has to eat! (Would you consider hosting a show for me? It can be a cooking show, catalog show or even an online catalog show for friends and family far away! Contact me for details!)

This is my first attempt at a newsletter and would like your feedback. These Newsletters will be filled with Recipes and specials and will be sent out once a month. Please let me know what you think! Future Newsletters will come from [email protected]. I am just sending it to you today from my work email, because I didn’t have all of you on my personal email contact list at home. Please feel free to add my personal email to your contact list as well.

If you wish to not receive these anymore, please feel free to respond with unsubscribe in the subject line! I will respect your wishes. My Newsletters will always be sent Blind Carbon Copy (BCC). Your privacy is important to me! If you would like to continue to receive it but at a different email address, let me know that too! Please email [email protected] and let me know what email address I should use.

Please feel free to share this with any friends and family who you think may be interested! Thanks for your time! Without YOU, I would have NO business in the Kitchen! Now, we continue with our regularly scheduled Newsletter.

Thank you!​

Anywho....I was just wondering if you got your little gift/incentive from them? Apparently newbies get it too! :D
  • #10
Thank you, Tammi!

I didn't get a notification yet, but I'm sure I will soon.

I hope your customers enjoy receiving the newsletter and that you get lots of bookings from it! :)
  • #11
??? for all who are doing great sending newsletters....HOw do you send them?? Send out to so many at a time??? Set up a group somewhere to send them from??? Just curious, as I've been selling for 3 years, I've got quite a list of emails, and would LOVE to start, but just not sure where to start.


  • #12
Lisa, I just started using Yahoo Groups... found out about it from Joy @ Tasty Tidbits... I've attached the info on how to set up an account. It takes a while to enter everyone, but then it's great! You don't even have to deal with the please remove me responses!


  • Yahoo Groups Setup Info.doc
    947.5 KB · Views: 547
  • #13
GourmetGirl said:
Lisa, I just started using Yahoo Groups... found out about it from Joy @ Tasty Tidbits... I've attached the info on how to set up an account. It takes a while to enter everyone, but then it's great! You don't even have to deal with the please remove me responses!
I used to use Yahoo Groups for my newsletter. It is handy because you don't have to deal with "undeliverable message" notes. However, you should be aware that it is technically not allowed by HO policy. The actual policy reads as follows:
You may set up a chat room or e-mail newsgroup ONLY to communicate solely with other Pampered Chef® Consultants about the business. Please do not mention, advertise or promote your Pampered Chef® business on any chat rooms, other than those created for communicating with other Consultants.​
Yahoo Groups are considered e-mail newsgroups, so they are covered by this policy.
  • #14
Well it is technically not a chat room if you do not allow chat or communication other then sending out your newsletter. You can set it up just for sending out info not for communication withint the group. You wuould only be communicating with customers that had given you their e-mail address to communication purposes so it would not be considered spam. It also allows the customer to unsubscribe at their discretion.

My problem is that I have never been able to set it up to send out my newsletter with pictures so it doesn't really work for me unless I have a text only newsletter

We have a customer communication on our PWS but it needs a lot of work - Only one topic at a time and no possiblity of changing text size, font etc.
  • #15
I wrote to HO about using Yahoo groups to communicate with customers and they verified that it was not allowed.
  • #16
How do you send newsletter out without it going in there spam. I have people say they never get it. And family members say it went in spam. Is there a way to avoid this?
  • #17
chefann said:
I used to use Yahoo Groups for my newsletter. It is handy because you don't have to deal with "undeliverable message" notes. However, you should be aware that it is technically not allowed by HO policy. The actual policy reads as follows:
You may set up a chat room or e-mail newsgroup ONLY to communicate solely with other Pampered Chef® Consultants about the business. Please do not mention, advertise or promote your Pampered Chef® business on any chat rooms, other than those created for communicating with other Consultants.​
Yahoo Groups are considered e-mail newsgroups, so they are covered by this policy.

You can set up Yahoo groups as "announcement only" and mask the email addresses from other members. A true "email newsgroup" allows communication between all members. The way I set up my Yahoo group is as a private distribution list only. Never can my customers see each others' email addresses or email each other through my Yahoo group. the replies can only come directly to me.

It protects their privacy and also gives them a way to unsubscribe easily... and also follows the spirit of HO's rule (which I believe was intended to prevent chatting back and forth between customers, and allow privacy to be maintained).
  • #18
Can some one send me there newsletters from 123 By Request, pamperednewsletter & any other out there? I would love to see what is out there to choose from...


[email protected]
  • #19
I just sent you the 123byrequest one.
  • #19
So with using Yahoo for newsletters, are the newsletters picture-free? Do people like that?
  • #20
123byrequestCan someone send me a copy of their 123byrequest newsletter? I'm trying to decide if I should subscribe but would like to see a sample. thanks.
[email protected]
Chris spies
consultant - new jersey
  • #21
cspies said:
Can someone send me a copy of their 123byrequest newsletter? I'm trying to decide if I should subscribe but would like to see a sample. thanks.
[email protected]
Chris spies
consultant - new jersey

DONE! :):):)

Related to What Are the Best Alternatives to Constant Contact for Online Newsletters?

1. What is Explore Online Newsletter Services?

Explore Online Newsletter Services is an email marketing platform that offers a variety of features for creating and sending newsletters, managing subscriber lists, and tracking email campaign performance. It goes beyond just basic email marketing by offering additional tools such as social media integration, landing page creation, and automated email sequences.

2. How is Explore Online Newsletter Services different from Constant Contact?

Explore Online Newsletter Services offers a more comprehensive set of features compared to Constant Contact. It has more advanced automation capabilities, a wider range of customizable templates, and integration with popular social media platforms. It also offers more affordable pricing plans for small businesses and entrepreneurs.

3. Can I import my contacts from Constant Contact to Explore Online Newsletter Services?

Yes, you can easily import your contacts from Constant Contact to Explore Online Newsletter Services. Our platform supports importing contacts from various sources, including CSV files, Excel spreadsheets, and other email marketing platforms. This makes it easy to switch to our service without losing your valuable subscriber list.

4. Are there any limitations on the number of emails I can send with Explore Online Newsletter Services?

No, there are no limitations on the number of emails you can send with Explore Online Newsletter Services. Our platform offers unlimited email sends, so you can reach your entire subscriber list without any restrictions. This is especially beneficial for businesses with a large subscriber base.

5. Is Explore Online Newsletter Services suitable for small businesses?

Yes, Explore Online Newsletter Services is an excellent option for small businesses. Our platform offers affordable pricing plans and a user-friendly interface, making it easy for small businesses to create professional-looking newsletters and engage with their audience. Additionally, our automation features can save time and effort for small business owners who may have limited resources.

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