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What are appropriate gifts for consultant anniversaries and birthdays?

never received a gift for my PC anniversary from either of the two directors I've been under. (My first director quit.) I have been in PC for seven years. I have never given anniversary gifts to my consultants, other than recognition in our newletter. That said....it's a nice idea. You seem to be at a perfect time to start doing that. The great thing about PC is that you can make your business what you want. A simple anniversary gift (NOT a PC product:) ) would no doubt be a very nice tradition to start.I just passed the 5 year mark. My Exec. Dir. sent me a nice handwritten card. Other than that I have never received
Brenda K.
Gold Member
Hi everyone, I am a future director and wondered what directors give their consultants if anything on their anniversaries. I have a consultant that is going to be having her first year anniversary for Pampered Chef. Also, what about birthdays, do you give them gifts for those too? Please let me know. Thank you.

Brenda K.
Independent Future Director for
Pampered Chef
I have never received a gift for my PC anniversary from either of the two directors I've been under. (My first director quit.) I have been in PC for seven years. I have never given anniversary gifts to my consultants, other than recognition in our newletter.

That said....it's a nice idea. You seem to be at a perfect time to start doing that. The great thing about PC is that you can make your business what you want. A simple anniversary gift (NOT a PC product:) ) would no doubt be a very nice tradition to start.
I just passed the 5 year mark. My Exec. Dir. sent me a nice handwritten card. Other than that I have never received anything and haven't heard of anyone else receiving anything. The card was nice. It was only the 2nd time I have heard from this director.
I like the idea of a hand written card. In this computer age, it is too easy to send an email, and VERY impersonal. Something tangible to put on their desk and read from time to time is a nice touch. As your cluster grows and you reach levels of 25, 50, or more consultants, trying to keep up with gifts is going to be too time consuming. Once you give a gift then everyone begins to expect that and you can really eat up time and money trying to keep up.

I have a "Yea Me" file where I keep personal notes, postcards, etc that my director and past hosts have sent me. It is great to read through from time to time when you are going through a PC slump and need some encouragement to brighten your day.
i feel special:) Hello all-
I just got a hand written postcard from my director last month and it really made me feel special. I am not only earning a paycheck and free stuff I get reconized. Being self employed sometimes you just need that reminder that you are really not alone in the biz.

My director also gives out monthly gifts for top sales and on time from supplies that we may need (postcards, stickers) and extra perks. I got a pc bag that i just love after i had finished my super starter months *qualified for all the extras and this month a pc career club pen. "believe, dream, achieve" I only hope i do not loose it. It adds a little extra push for me to be top sales because i am so competive I want to give 110% and be as good as i can be.

I do not expect stuff from my director each and every month. I go to my clusters to learn a few new things, share ideas, and hope to keep me enthuised about the company. Not to mention I like the girls I work with.

I too have a "Yea Me" file and I go back to it. I have only been in for 8mo and cant wait to see how large my file can get. I keep all personal notes, postcard, etc that my director, and past hosts sent me along with anything that i may have done from the website ( i was mentioned for having 2 recruits in my ssm )

well that is my 2cents. thanks guys

WOW exactly when did you join? 456343 is my #
There is another home based business out there that does handwritten cards for you on a set schedule. It's pretty cheap, so you could put in your downline's anniversary or birthdays and they would get a real card every year!! Apparently, this business can send it with your signature on it. I haven't tried it myself, but how cool is that?? It's much cheaper and easier than hunting through the Hallmark section of the store!! It's like 1.00 a card plus postage!!!
Brenda K. said:
Hi everyone, I am a future director and wondered what directors give their consultants if anything on their anniversaries. I have a consultant that is going to be having her first year anniversary for Pampered Chef. Also, what about birthdays, do you give them gifts for those too? Please let me know. Thank you.

Brenda K.
Independent Future Director for
Pampered Chef

I have only been with PC since October, but I have been making plans for when I make it to director. I think maybe a gift certificate to VIP would be nice. That way they could chose something they may have wanted, and it would be some advertising for their business. It doesn't have to be a big amount(say $10), but to make it through your first year is a very big accomplishment and should be recognized. We recognize our host for getting a $1000 show don't we? If you are director, this recruit is helping your bottom line too.

Keri Carroll
It's amazing what one little postcard can do! When I promoted to Future Director, I got a handwritten postcard from Marie Friedag. She is like my directors directors director! I know she probably just got an email saying one of her downline promoted, but it truly made me feel so special that she took that extra time to write me a personal note!
And, my Director likes to send little postcards now and then. Like for a really good show or something. She recently sent me one just for making a commitment to improve my business by regularly attending cluster meetings. I know she's a really busy lady and I just really enjoyed getting a piece of mail that wasn't an advertisement or a bill! :rolleyes:
So I think that anything you can do to recognize your recruits will be wonderful. It doesn't have to be much, just something with a personal touch!
  • #10
Marie Freidag is my hospitality director. She is a great lady, and very helpful to me, since my director and cluster is in Indianapolis. I have cluster meeting at her home tomorrow night, anf it is always so much fun, and I learn so much.
  • #11
mrssyvo said:
Marie Freidag is my hospitality director. She is a great lady, and very helpful to me, since my director and cluster is in Indianapolis. I have cluster meeting at her home tomorrow night, anf it is always so much fun, and I learn so much.

Wow! You are so lucky! I've never had the opportunity to meet her, but I've heard nothing but great things about her. Unfortunately, I'm not going to conference, I know I would get to meet her there.
We are having a big Cluster meeting tomorrow with Suzie Light (sp?). I'm excited about that!
Nice to know someone knew who I was talking about! :)
  • #12
lovetocook64 said:
I have only been with PC since October, but I have been making plans for when I make it to director. I think maybe a gift certificate to VIP would be nice. That way they could chose something they may have wanted, and it would be some advertising for their business. It doesn't have to be a big amount(say $10), but to make it through your first year is a very big accomplishment and should be recognized. We recognize our host for getting a $1000 show don't we? If you are director, this recruit is helping your bottom line too.

Keri Carroll

As someone mentioned above, you want to be careful giving out gifts in the beginning that you won't be able to afford or possibly track when your cluster grows to 50 or 100 or more. If you have 50 active cluster members and you give them all $10 on their anniversary...that is $500 a year.

Besides, I like others appreciate a hand written note! Remember that in recognition it is not the momento but the moment that matters! I love it when I get postcards from Chris Manion, my exec, that simply say...congratulations you were #3 in sales for the entire Manion downline of 1800+ consultants!! Things like that are amazing to recieve!!

Just my 2 cents!
  • #13
I think the VIP gift certificate is a nice idea, maybe with a handwritten card? VIP had cheaper stuff too so it wouldn't have to be too much money. I don't think birthdays are in need of a gift for your consultants, but I would recognize their anniversary.
  • #14
fruit76loop said:
As someone mentioned above, you want to be careful giving out gifts in the beginning that you won't be able to afford or possibly track when your cluster grows to 50 or 100 or more. If you have 50 active cluster members and you give them all $10 on their anniversary...that is $500 a year.

Besides, I like others appreciate a hand written note! Remember that in recognition it is not the momento but the moment that matters! I love it when I get postcards from Chris Manion, my exec, that simply say...congratulations you were #3 in sales for the entire Manion downline of 1800+ consultants!! Things like that are amazing to recieve!!

Just my 2 cents!

Now I have a question? When someone gets to the point that they have 50-100 people under them, what are they making each year off of them? Maybe that gift certificate would let them buy something that they just might not want to ( or afford to ) even though I think VIP products are not really quality items for the money they want for them anyway.
  • #15
I think if you can afford the time and money to do anniversary gifts, its really nice. But it seems like it can get expensive.
  • #16
My director has almost 100 people under her and makes almost $3000 a month off her downline alone. I think she can afford $1000 a year to give us each 10 bucks on our anniversary!
  • #17
gilliandanielle said:
My director has almost 100 people under her and makes almost $3000 a month off her downline alone. I think she can afford $1000 a year to give us each 10 bucks on our anniversary!
Wow! I imagine if you and your downline are doing well, money wouldn't be an issue.
  • #18
It is insane what she makes! I just got a recruiting CD with her on it and she says that her last paycheck (whenever the CD was recorded) was over $7000!! She is always in the CN for sales and sends motivational e-mails every week, but I just can't get bookings. She told me to come to one of her shows and see what she says that turns into bookings, but she lives 90 minutes away!!
  • #19
gilliandanielle said:
It is insane what she makes! I just got a recruiting CD with her on it and she says that her last paycheck (whenever the CD was recorded) was over $7000!! She is always in the CN for sales and sends motivational e-mails every week, but I just can't get bookings. She told me to come to one of her shows and see what she says that turns into bookings, but she lives 90 minutes away!!

Well, look at it this way... if you go and it works, the investment in the ride may be worth it.
  • #20
Thank Anne, I am just making excuses for not going. She also told me to call her one day this week, but I can't talk to her while my kids are up and screaming in the background. I am going to try her at nap time!
  • #21
I really hope it works out for you! After about a year, I finally feel like I've got the hang of it, and can do the shows I want, and not do the shows I don't want.
  • #22
I wish I could turn down shows, but I am only getting about 12/year and not one a month either!!
  • #23
Don't get me wrong... I'm not turning anything away, really. There's just one show in a bad neighborhood that I'm not doing. I can use all I can get, I'm just not going to risk my safety for it.
  • #24
I was the only one from my cluster to attend the Level 3 cruise (fun, but a tad lonely!), and I'm newly divorced and was on the ship alone with my 3 very small children. My director knew I'd be having my birthday while on the cruise (that was actually my incentive to earn Level 3 rather than Level 2) and that it would be the first birthday on my own since the divorce. She was so thoughtful, she had bought a package from Royal Carribean to have my cabin decorated with streamers and balloons!

Normally, she sends a bday card which I think is very special, I think she went all out this year due to my circumstances.

Yes, they make alot of money by having alot of consultants on their team, but they need to focus their efforts on business builders- bday cards are nice, but don't help us build our businesses.

Here's a great idea: My director gives each director in her first line $100 to go towards conference. She has lots of directors, so I'm sure this is a very big expense for her every summer, but imagine how it pays off when those consultants actually attend!
I've followed her lead and have given the director on my team the same $100 towards conference. It was a hardship for me last year, but I can see how easily it pays itself off.
  • #25
AJPratt said:
I think if you can afford the time and money to do anniversary gifts, its really nice. But it seems like it can get expensive.

Don't forget they are a business expense... and if you were to gift a piece of logo wear, could help your consultants drum up more business which also benefits you. Just a thought.
  • #26
That's right! A tax write off for you and a business boost for your cluster!

Related to What are appropriate gifts for consultant anniversaries and birthdays?

1. What are some popular consultant anniversary gifts?

Some popular consultant anniversary gifts include personalized aprons, kitchen gadgets, cookbooks, and gift baskets.

2. Can I customize the consultant anniversary gift?

Yes, many consultant anniversary gifts can be personalized with the consultant's name, initials, or a special message to make it more meaningful.

3. How do I purchase a consultant anniversary gift?

You can purchase a consultant anniversary gift through your Pampered Chef consultant or online through the Pampered Chef website. You can also check out our current specials for any exclusive consultant anniversary gifts.

4. Can I have the consultant anniversary gift shipped directly to the recipient?

Yes, when ordering through the Pampered Chef website, you can have the consultant anniversary gift shipped directly to the recipient's address. Just make sure to enter their information as the shipping address during checkout.

5. Are there any discounts or promotions for consultant anniversary gifts?

Yes, Pampered Chef often offers discounts and promotions on consultant anniversary gifts. Be sure to check our website or contact your consultant for any current deals.

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