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We Had to Make the Decision for Our Dog

In summary, our lovely big lab mix dog, Spencer, had to be put down today. Spencer could no longer get up on his back legs and had tumors throughout his body. It was very sad, but no he no longer feels any pain. It really hurts me, time will heal but memories will remain.
Gold Member
Our lovely big lab mix dog, Spencer, had to be put down today. I know others have discussed how hard it is with having to make the decision when our animals cannot talk for themselves. Poor Spencer could no longer get up on his back legs and had tumors throughout his body. It was very sad, but no he no longer feels any pain. It really hurts me, time will heal but memories will remain.:(
Oh my, Gail...{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to you and your family. Spencer sounds like most of our faithful pets. He sounds like he was a super dog. You are going through a tough time and I am glad that you know you did the right thing by your beautiful Spencer. So hard for us not to feel guilty even though we know it is the best thing for their comfort. Lots of hugs.
I am SO SORRY. Losing a pet is one of the worst things to go through in life!
I feel for you!
I am so sorry for your loss. This is the hardest decision any pet owner can make, and you need to know that you are doing the right and best thing for your pet. I've been through this twice now in the last 2 years and am looking at the 3rd sometime in the next few months. I think you know in your heart when your beloved pet is ready to say goodbye because it becomes to painful to carry on normally. Many big hugs to you today!
We just had to do that to ours in April. No matter how much you think you're prepared its never enough. My DH says NEVER AGAIN!! I look at it as what about the 12-15 years of fun & happiness they bring, but so far its a NO. Hang in there it does get somewhat better...:)
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  • #6
Yes, I know it will get better. We had lost Babe 12 years before Spencer, after having her about 12 years, as well. I thought it would be easier this time, but it sure isn't. I know time will help and know that he can no longer feel the pain. The years of unconditional love they give make it more bearable. Our other dog, Sophie, doesn't yet realize he's gone. She is 13 and they've been together for 12 years as well. Thank you all for sharing in this with me.
{{HUGS}} I know your pain!
I am sure you are going to see Sophie go through some changes and that too is heartbreaking to watch.

Ginger, I think your husband watched Ole Yeller when he was a boy. I know when I watched Marly and me, I knew how it was going to end and I know I don't cry as easily with the medications I am on. Well, I was crying so hard I couldn't hold back the sobbing (my boyfriend was next to me and I was trying to be brave). I had dogs growing up and each of their deaths was literally like losing a family member and I took it hard.

I know have a cat but he is my bud too!
Sign me...
A sucker for pets!!
I'm so sorry. It was a difficult but loving decision.
  • #10
I'm sorry!
  • #11
So sorry for your loss. Treasure you memories. My husband said it best when we had to make this decision ourselves last year. He wanted another dog - mainly for our son who is just a toddler now - and I said I was done, it had been too hard. And he said "would you give up the past 12 years to take away this week?" Of course, the answer is no. Your pain will ease but your memories will last a lifetime.
  • #12
I am so sorry for your loss. May your wonderful memories bring you peace. I too have been there and know your pain. {{{{Lots of hugs to you}}}}
  • #13
I am also so sorry for your loss. I'm facing the same thing with my dog. He has tumors on his inside hips and is having a hard time getting up. I dread the day I have to make the decision. I've already had to do that for my cat a few years ago. I can't believe how fast it has come to my dog now.

You will never get over the loss, but I pray time will ease the pain and memories will bring smiles for you in the future.

Take Care,
  • #14
I am so so sorry for your loss, we had to put our Misty down in March we got her in 1993 when she was a puppy. I read a book called remember the 10 things about charlie, to help my daughter (she's 12) it helped me too, to remember the good things. As time passes you will feel better. Prayers to you and your family.
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  • #15
Thank you all so much for your encouragement and kind words. Isn't it amazing how much our pets turn into part of the family.

Related to We Had to Make the Decision for Our Dog

1. How do I know when it's time to make the decision to put my dog down?

Every situation is different, but some signs that it may be time to consider euthanasia for your dog include chronic pain, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, and decreased quality of life. It's important to consult with your veterinarian and consider your dog's overall health and well-being before making this decision.

2. Will my dog feel any pain during the euthanasia process?

Euthanasia is a peaceful and painless process for your dog. Your veterinarian will administer a sedative to help your dog relax, and then an anesthetic that will cause your dog to fall into a deep sleep. Once your dog is fully unconscious, the veterinarian will administer a medication that will stop their heart.

3. Can I be present during the euthanasia procedure?

Many veterinarians allow owners to be present during the euthanasia procedure if they wish. It's important to discuss this with your veterinarian beforehand and determine what is best for you and your dog. Some owners find comfort in being present, while others may prefer to say goodbye before the procedure.

4. What should I expect after my dog is euthanized?

After your dog is euthanized, you may experience a range of emotions, including grief, guilt, and sadness. It's important to take care of yourself during this time and seek support from friends, family, or a therapist if needed. You may also want to consider ways to honor your dog's memory, such as creating a memorial or donating to a pet charity.

5. Is there anything I can do to make the process easier for my dog?

One way to make the process easier for your dog is to help them feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible. This may include bringing their favorite toys or blankets to the vet's office, playing calming music, or staying by their side and offering comfort. It's also important to follow your veterinarian's instructions for any pre-euthanasia preparations, such as fasting your dog beforehand.

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