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Walking Right Now?

In summary, Jill is a walking expert and she is excited to walk in Dallas. She is also excited to cheer on her friends who are walking.
I want to cheer for you, so tell us if you are walking!

(Thought I'd get it all together in one post)
yep yep I am! :D
Me too! I have a lacy dress, blue under with black lace on top.

Kind of worried about the back, though. It laces up and you can see my scar from spinal surgery....should have thought about that before I bought it...too late now!
I am!!! I have a black skirt with either a red and black top or teal sparkly top...can't decide!
jwpamp said:
Kind of worried about the back, though. It laces up and you can see my scar from spinal surgery....should have thought about that before I bought it...too late now!


I'm brand new (SS1 next month), so I'm not walking in Dallas. But I read your comment about your scar and had to tell you something. Isn't that scar what made it possible for you to do PC full time (your %^#%&@ of a boss fired you, right?)? If that's the case, I, for one, am thankful for that scar--not because you had surgery, but because of the inspiration you've been to me as a result of it.

As a result of that surgery, you have been an inspiration to me and I'm sure to so many other people. You've worked your business and achieved so much. Not just the material things, thought that's nice, but you've also showed me to set big goals and work my tail off. Please wear your beautiful dress and every time you look at that scar, think of the brand new consultant that wants to be like you when I grow up!

Congrats to you and everyone who's walking in Dallas. You should all be so proud of yourselves. You set the goal, you worked hard, and you DID IT!
I AM TOO!! I am a plus size girl - so looking for something "special" to wear ANYWHERE has never been a high priority for me. Give me some jammie bottoms and a sweatshirt and I'm fine :D

However, I do like sparkley things and I just couldn't find a sparkle shirts that matched my plaid jammie bottoms :(

So ~ My DH helped me pick out a black sheath dress with a black & blue sparkle jacket....

AND ~ I will be sporting my SC pin as well:)

We leave tomorrow~~~:eek:
jwpamp said:
Me too! I have a lacy dress, blue under with black lace on top.

Kind of worried about the back, though. It laces up and you can see my scar from spinal surgery....should have thought about that before I bought it...too late now!

Janice ~

You have a wonderful smile and it is going to be magnified 100 x's when you walk on stage...

No worries.....about ANYTHING else :)
Danielle and Gina, you are great! Thanks so much for the "boost"!

I can't wait to meet you both -- Gina, hopefully at Leadership, and Danielle, when you walk at National I will be cheering YOU on!
I am confused about this walking thing..when do people walk? walk for what? Everyone walks, walk when you are promoted...
Do tell, I am confused. I wanna walk somewhere and pick out a cool outfit...LOL God know I don't need a reason to shop..but I just didn't know how everyone gets to..
  • #10
Jilleysue said:
I am confused about this walking thing..when do people walk? walk for what? Everyone walks, walk when you are promoted...
Do tell, I am confused. I wanna walk somewhere and pick out a cool outfit...LOL God know I don't need a reason to shop..but I just didn't know how everyone gets to..

Jill: you walk when you promote to director, or if you achieve top performance cluster (like your buddy Carolyn!) If you promote before Leadership, you walk at leadership; if you promote between leadership & national conference, you walk at national! (like I"m hoping to do:) Hope that makes sense! When you're walking, everyone else in the crowd cheers & yells...it's great!
  • #11
lacychef said:
When you're walking, everyone else in the crowd cheers & yells...it's great!

See I would hate that. I hated having my name called to get my high school and college diploma's/degrees.
  • #12
Same here. I do not like to be the center of attention at all. Makes me too self-conscious!!
  • #13
Well, I'm not one that likes all the attention on me either! But if I promoted, I would be excited to walk! And, if you're not walking, it's lots of fun to cheer on those that you know especially:)
  • #14
Very true!! I bet it is a lot of fun! :D
  • #15
Well that would be fun..I would walk and skip and dance and boogie...and wave...la la la...do do do.....BAHAHAHAHAHA! Especially since I got to pick out a new outfit.....LOL
  • #16
Jilleysue said:
Well that would be fun..I would walk and skip and dance and boogie...and wave...la la la...do do do.....BAHAHAHAHAHA! Especially since I got to pick out a new outfit.....LOL

I saw a girl at conference do a cartwheel across the stage one year - LOL
  • #17
That would be me...I better wear a pant suit..or OOOPSIE...LOL

Related to Walking Right Now?

1. What is "Post Here if You Are Walking!!!"?

"Post Here if You Are Walking!!!" is a fun and interactive way for Pampered Chef consultants to track their daily steps and share their progress with others. It encourages a healthy and active lifestyle while also promoting a sense of community among consultants.

2. How do I participate in "Post Here if You Are Walking!!!"?

To participate in "Post Here if You Are Walking!!!", simply post a comment on the designated post in our Pampered Chef consultant Facebook group. Make sure to include your step count for the day and any other details you want to share about your walk.

3. Can I post my steps from any type of physical activity?

Yes, we encourage all types of physical activity! Whether you are walking, running, biking, or even doing yoga, feel free to share your step count and progress with us in "Post Here if You Are Walking!!!".

4. Is there a specific time frame for posting in "Post Here if You Are Walking!!!"?

No, you can post your steps at any time during the day. We understand that everyone has different schedules and routines, so feel free to share your steps whenever it is convenient for you.

5. Do I have to participate in "Post Here if You Are Walking!!!" every day?

No, participation in "Post Here if You Are Walking!!!" is completely optional. However, we do encourage consistency and accountability in tracking your steps and staying active. So, the more you participate, the more motivated and accountable you may feel in maintaining an active lifestyle.

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