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Using Pampered Chef to Do Taxes as a Business: Thoughts and Advice

was like $200 total.You can do it all with one version of the software.You can do it all with one version of the software.You can do it all with one version of the software.
This is what I have used to do our taxes for years, but this is the first year with PC as a business. A friend has told me it walks through all the business stuff step by step. Does anyone else use this and know how good they explain business things?

They transfer all information from year to year and I LOVE that feature and do not want to have to change places for efile.
I highly recommend TurboTax online!! They cover EVERYTHING!!! I've used them for several years and this is the first year I will file with PC as a business. I've already started as they have one specifically for small business owners and it asks everything imaginable. If anyone might be a USAA member, you can file at a discount if you access it from the USAA website.
PamperedChefDebi said:
I highly recommend TurboTax online!! They cover EVERYTHING!!! I've used them for several years and this is the first year I will file with PC as a business. I've already started as they have one specifically for small business owners and it asks everything imaginable. If anyone might be a USAA member, you can file at a discount if you access it from the USAA website.

Ooooh - I didn't know about the USAA discount!! I Am a member!
What is USAA? If you file with Turbo tax do you have to buy separate software for personal and then another for small business or can you do it all on one?:confused:
chefkristin said:
If you file with Turbo tax do you have to buy separate software for personal and then another for small business or can you do it all on one?:confused:

You can do it all with one version of the software.
chefann said:
You can do it all with one version of the software.
So would I just get the Small Business version and do my personal on there as well?
chefkristin said:
So would I just get the Small Business version and do my personal on there as well?

Get a tax program with Schedule C. That's what you need for your Pampered Chef Business.
chefjeanine said:
Get a tax program with Schedule C. That's what you need for your Pampered Chef Business.
Thanks. I paid out a lot to have them done last year and I refuse to pay it again.
And the Small Business has the Schedule C. You don't HAVE to buy the software, you can do it right on line and it saves all your info. Even from one year to the next!

USAA is a military-affiliated insurance, investment, banking, etc., company. They are AWESOME!
  • #10
jrstephens said:
This is what I have used to do our taxes for years, but this is the first year with PC as a business. A friend has told me it walks through all the business stuff step by step. Does anyone else use this and know how good they explain business things?

They transfer all information from year to year and I LOVE that feature and do not want to have to change places for efile.

I use taxactonline every year....it's FREE for gosh sakes! It is VERY easy to use and walks you thru everything. It even asks you details for things (like if you use a home office, you enter the sq footage of your home, and then the square footage of your office and it figures out everything for your utilities, business use of the home amount, etc).

I highly recommend it, but only tell my closest friends about it....:D
  • #11
taxactonline is FREE? There's no filing fee and is it free for the state returns as well? Thanks.
  • #12
jwpamp said:
I use taxactonline every year....it's FREE for gosh sakes! It is VERY easy to use and walks you thru everything. It even asks you details for things (like if you use a home office, you enter the sq footage of your home, and then the square footage of your office and it figures out everything for your utilities, business use of the home amount, etc).

I highly recommend it, but only tell my closest friends about it....:D
Awe thanks Janice!!!!:p
  • #13
I used turbotax last year and found it to be EXTREMELY easy. I plan on using it again this year. They do ask everything imaginable.:D
  • #14
beepampered said:
taxactonline is FREE? There's no filing fee and is it free for the state returns as well? Thanks.

No, to file the state taxes online you have to pay a fee, but I use it because we have to file in Indiana and Illinois, and we usually don't get anything back on either of them (or have to pay)....I am in no hurry to do that!!:rolleyes:

Federal online filing is FREE!!
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  • #15
beepampered said:
taxactonline is FREE? There's no filing fee and is it free for the state returns as well? Thanks.

I do both state and federal and e-file them. I think last year it was $19.95 for both.

Since I now know they ask all the business questions, I will stick with them. I love that they carry info over and it saves me a lot of inputting that I do not have to re-enter.
  • #16
dannyzmom said:
Ooooh - I didn't know about the USAA discount!! I Am a member!

We're USAA members too, and last year was our first time with Turbo Tax, and I'm glad that I not only saved (last year was 20%!), but that we did everything online, and I am the one that did our taxes! Usually it is so complicated to me, that hubby has to do it, but I was able to do it myself! Now that we've purchased a house, etc, it might be a little harder, but it is so nice to have everything right online, AND they offer an audit protection plan just in case you make any mistakes! It's fool proof really! Give it a try whether you have USAA or not! ;)
  • #17
I priomised myself that I wasnt' going to go on a tirade about this..... but if you know me really well you also know what my family business is... We have some H&R Block franchise.... as a professional I can say if your doing any type of business return, small or other wise you really need to see a professional... your chances of being audited are GREATLY increased.... and it might say free but if you have a problem or a question have yoru credit card ready!......
  • #18
I understand where you're coming from Leah, but honestly, DH won't go to HR Block....the only time he was audited was when he went there...

As for TurboTax, that is why we pay the little extra for Audit Protection...

Please, no offense:eek: ....but it's like going to a restuarant and having a bad experience...it doesn't make you want to return. :)
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  • #19
I understand what you are saying Leah. I work for an attorney and I hate it when people go to the internet to do legal documents and then I have to straighten them out for them.

That being said: I have a friend who is an accountant so I ask him any tricky questions before I use the internet, but I really do not want to pay what a professional charges when I can read up on it myself and do it for a little of nothing. I think in the older days not using a professional would get you audited quicker, but now in the days of e-file I do not think they look at it as that much different especially with all of the help these website give you. I would never use one I have never heard of and just pulled off the internet, but I have been using the same one for going on 6 or 7 years now. And if there is a question I cannot understand and do not feel comfortable interpreting I will stop and go to a professional.
  • #20
My husband, until recently, ran his own building company, and before PC, I ran a Personal Chef business. We have used Turbo-Tax for several years now, and have LOVED it! I have read and listened to reports that state that Turbo-Tax returns are the least-audited returns, because it's actually difficult to make mistakes (unless you are making them on purpose:eek: ) when using Turbo-Tax. And the price is good - not free, but still good - and alot cheaper than when we used an accountant to do our taxes! I'm a little wierd - I actually think its sorta fun to sit down with all the info and answer all the questions!
  • #21
I'm kinda wierd too then! I already started ours and made a whole long list of all the info I need to gather. It's almost like completing a puzzle. I know...DORK!
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  • #22
I am wierd too! Of course, I like looking at the "refund" amount in the coner go up with each deduction!!! We usually go on vacation with our deduction.

Also, I talked to my account friend and explained that my office is in a guest bedroom that is not used except for husband's closet and he told me I could take the home office deduction! He also said I could deduct the value of bonuses received if I use them in my business to generate sales - which I do!! YAHOO!!! I love free tax advice!
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  • #23
Tax QuestionsWhich Business Activity Code do you use for PC? I described my business type as direct sales but do not know which code category to put it under. I hate to call and ask my accountant friend for more free advice he may get tired of it being free! HA!

I was geting as much done as I can ahead of time.
  • #24
I didnt' say go to H&R Block, what I said is if you are doing a BUSINESS return small or other wise, you really should consult with a professional beforing attempting to do it on your own, H&R Block how ever has a standard gaurentee and we have a peace of mind guarentee for $29.00 in case your audited. I am not offend but like I said I didnt' say use H&R Block, just seek professional adivce.

hmolah said:
I understand where you're coming from Leah, but honestly, DH won't go to HR Block....the only time he was audited was when he went there...

As for TurboTax, that is why we pay the little extra for Audit Protection...

Please, no offense:eek: ....but it's like going to a restuarant and having a bad experience...it doesn't make you want to return. :)

Related to Using Pampered Chef to Do Taxes as a Business: Thoughts and Advice

What is Pampered Chef and how can it be used to do taxes as a business?

Pampered Chef is a direct sales company that offers kitchen and cooking products. As a Pampered Chef consultant, you can use the products to host cooking parties and earn commissions on sales. You can also use the products to assist with cooking and food preparation, which can be claimed as a business expense when doing taxes.

What are the benefits of using Pampered Chef to do taxes as a business?

Using Pampered Chef to do taxes as a business offers several benefits. Firstly, it allows you to claim business expenses related to food and cooking, which can help reduce your taxable income. Additionally, as a consultant, you can earn extra income through hosting cooking parties and selling products. Lastly, using Pampered Chef products can help you stay organized and efficient when managing your business finances.

What are some tips for using Pampered Chef to do taxes as a business?

Here are some tips to make the most out of using Pampered Chef to do taxes as a business:

  • Keep detailed records of all your Pampered Chef-related expenses, such as product purchases, party supplies, and travel expenses.
  • Separate personal and business expenses to make tax filing easier.
  • Consult with a tax professional or use tax preparation software to ensure you are claiming all eligible deductions.
  • Attend training sessions or reach out to other Pampered Chef consultants for advice on managing taxes as a business.

Can Pampered Chef consultants claim tax deductions for using their own products?

Yes, as a Pampered Chef consultant, you can claim tax deductions for using your own products for business purposes. This includes using the products for cooking demonstrations, recipe testing, and other related activities. Just make sure to keep detailed records and receipts to support your claims.

Are there any tax obligations or requirements for Pampered Chef consultants?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, you are considered self-employed and are responsible for paying self-employment taxes. You may also need to make estimated tax payments throughout the year. It is important to consult with a tax professional or research the tax laws in your area to ensure you are meeting all tax obligations as a business owner.

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