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Unexpected Car Crash at Home: How I Survived a Scary Incident | Busy Road Chaos

In summary, a car went through the house at work, and Trish's husband called her to tell her. Trish was thankful that nobody was hurt, and then had to worry about her own home. Her insurance company said that the damage was covered under her husband's auto insurance. Trish is still at home, and is thinking about getting a remote garage door.
Gold Member
I was at work today and my husband’s calls me to tell me that a car went through the house!! :eek: Thanks god that no one was hurt! My road is a busy road, mind you that the speed limit is 30 BUT people do around 50 or 60. It snowed yesterday and there were some icy patches. I just had to contracters come by to look at it!
OMG!!! Thank goodness everyone is ok....I just hope everything is easy to fix...
Bless your heart!

Trish in Texas
Future Director & Recruiter
wow that is just crazy. That happens to be one of my biggest fears. We also live on a busier street and I am afraid someone will loose control when they turn the corner.
There is a house in my home town that is on a back road and not even directly by a road that has been run into 3 times. There is a bar around the corner and the drunk drivers miss the curve and over correct right into this poor older couples home. 2 times they were out of town but their deaf son was home luckily not hurt.
Thank God no one was hurt! You certainly have my day beat!
Thank God nobody was hurt!
How extensive is the damage?
OMG! I am glad everyone is okay. I hpoe you can get it fixed quickly.
  • #10
We had a tree fall on our house 4 years ago on Christmas Eve (well, 11pm on the 23rd). It was our first christmas in our house and as a married couple. We came home to find it....stupid tornado.:mad: Of course, on Christmas Eve morning as our friends showed up to survey the damage and bring Starbucks and donuts I couldn't see the good in it.

A few days later when the insurance company showed up and estimated the damages, I realized that we were going to get to remodel on our terms and things got better. I live in a 60 year old house....the remodel was good! The wall had to be completely rebuilt and before the contractor put up the sheet rock, my husband and I scanned a couple of wedding pictures, a picture of our cats, and pictures of what the house used to look like and then wrote a letter about us and how we came to own the house. It brings tears to my eyes to even think about it. It was very touching b/c dh was the one to think of it. We put it all in an envelope, covered it in plastic, and stapled it inside the wall. It's now sealed for all eternity, or until the next tree!:)
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  • #12
Thanks for all your replies!! I will find out this weekend with the estimates.
It must be some kind of a sign or something. Last month my transmission went on my car which cost me over $2,000 and now a car goes through my house:(
  • #13
LOL! (Not at your loss but how insignificant my week sounds)! I'm feeling much better now (including the fact that "someone" in my family dropped my bar pan and medium round stone on the floor this week and broke them both). Not as bad as a car in your house!
  • #14
Oh my gosh!:eek: Where are you guys staying?
  • #15
WOW..I feel so bad for you, but like you said your PC stuff is safe....:rolleyes:
  • #16
Horrible news, glad everyone is okay. Does auto insurance cover that kind of damage?
  • #17
provided they have insurance that is. Wish you the best of luck
  • #18
Thank God everyone was ok. My thoughts are with you on your remodel.
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  • #19
PampMomof3 said:
Oh my gosh!:eek: Where are you guys staying?

We are still home. He hit the front of the house(enclosed porch) and the garage. Thank god for the enclosed porch it saved him from crashing into our living room!:eek:
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  • #20
bbauman07 said:
Horrible news, glad everyone is okay. Does auto insurance cover that kind of damage?

yes, it would be under his auto coverage "Property damage" coverage! I am glad that he does have insurance!
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  • #21
nikkijo said:
Thank God everyone was ok. My thoughts are with you on your remodel.

Yeah, thank god. My son could of been out front playing!!

Thank you for thinking of me!! Hey maybe I might even get a remote garage door!! lol
  • #22
letscook04 said:
yes, it would be under his auto coverage "Property damage" coverage! I am glad that he does have insurance!

WOW...That really sux, I pray we dont have any bad weather till its fixed...
  • #23
I am so happy noone was hurt. Try to see the positive-a new porch and garage? Anything about what could have happened makes me crazy. I just thank god it didn't!
  • #24
Wow, thank goodness you werent' home!
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  • #25
lacychef said:
Wow, thank goodness you werent' home!

My husband was home and when he heard the house shook, he was like what the Heck is going on!! I am thankful that my son was already in school!
  • #26
I am so sorry. Glad to know that everyone is ok. I have always had a fear of living on a busy street and being the house that deadended (is that a word?). I told my husband that I would never live in a house that is located there for fear of someone driving through my house.
When I was in high school a friend of mine (who was a big guy) turned a corner and went right into someone's house on the way to school. No one was hurt but it was the talk of the town.

Related to Unexpected Car Crash at Home: How I Survived a Scary Incident | Busy Road Chaos

1. What happened during the car crash?

The car crash occurred when a driver lost control of their vehicle and crashed into my home, causing significant damage to the exterior of the house.

2. Were you injured during the incident?

Thankfully, I was not physically injured during the car crash. However, I did experience some emotional trauma and shock from the unexpected chaos.

3. How did you handle the situation?

I immediately called 911 and checked on the driver of the vehicle to make sure they were okay. I also contacted my insurance company to start the process of repairing the damage to my home.

4. What steps did you take to prepare for a potential car crash at home?

I made sure to have emergency contact numbers easily accessible, such as 911 and my insurance company. I also had a first aid kit and basic tools on hand in case of any injuries or minor damage.

5. How has this incident affected you and your family?

The car crash was a scary and unexpected event, but thankfully everyone involved was physically unharmed. However, the incident has made us more aware of the potential dangers on the road and the importance of being prepared for unexpected situations.

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