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Uncovering the Benefits of Chef Success for Consultants: A Guide

In summary, I found CS through a Google search and it was a great help in my decision to join PC as a consultant. I'm excited to be a part of the community and look forward to joining in the discussions.
I've noticed a few people already on Chef Success who speak about "getting ready to join" or "will join after Christmas", etc. I even saw one that said she called her director to let her know she wants to sign up and can't wait to hear back from her, implying that she's on the site before her sponsor even knows she wants to be a consultant. How did they hear about CS? I had to ask my director if there was such a place to exchange ideas and ask questions and she didn't know. It took a few days and a couple of searches to find it. I assumed it was a site introduced to new consultants only, particularly since you do invest a fee (minimal but a fee nonetheless). Yet, seeing some of these posts, I wonder do we give this site out to hosts and customers too?
anybody can find this site and join. There is no verifying if you are a consultant or not. One of my recruits found it just by doing a search for PC and she joined (she had been thinking about it) and when she read alot of the posts she decided to sign!!!! And she is doing AWESOME!!!!
I found this site by doing a google search one night when I was deciding whether to sign up or not. (and have been addicted ever since.) The info. I read here was MAJOR factor in my decision to become a consultant!
I found this site after being with the company for about a year. I was googling one night & found it. I wouldn't necessarily direct potentials to it because I would rather talk to them about joining myself, but I would probably tell new recruits about it.
I will definitely tell new recruits about this site. My upline are all in Minnesota and I am in Illinois. I do receive a call once in a while (like 2x a month at most) just to check in with me. Most times if I call it might take a week to get a return call. I have been a consultant since June and have only received two of the monthly newsletters my director sends out. Without this site I would be lost!!! Most of my ideas come from here.
The best part of this business is that you can make it be whatever you want it to be. The worst part of this business is that so can everyone else. meaning if your director so chooses she can help you or not. (I do realize that this is not usual and not the norm....but for me that is why i love this site.) The company is fantastic and I really enjoy it! I plan to be a director someday and will do everything I can to help my recruits, and this site will be one of the tips I give them.
I also got a recruit from this site. She joined the site just to use the consultant search to find me to help her hold a show. I ended up offering her the oppertunity and she signed!! I found CS myself through a Yahoo search for something else about 14 months after I joined PC. They haven't shut me up since, LOL!
I'm one of the posters you're talking about. I had my party a month ago and ever since then I've been thinking I have wanted to join but wasn't sure.

I'm not new to message boards. I googled "Pampered Chef" and this came up. I thought $5 was a small price to pay to see what you had to say about Pampered Chef before I invested time and money in being a consultant and finding out I didn't like it. Your enthusiam has let me "jump off the fence" and make a decision and just last night I emailed my director to let her know that I was interested in joining her team.
As long as our griping about occasional HO and customer issues hasn't turned you off. But those problems pop up in any business. :)
SilverCeladon said:
Your enthusiam has let me "jump off the fence" and make a decision and just last night I emailed my director to let her know that I was interested in joining her team.

What a nice Christmas present for your recruiter....WELCOME aboard...:D
  • #10
Just like a lot of others, I googled it before I signed on with TPC. Finding the board actually helped me to decide to sign up b/c of all the support I saw. Other companies I looked at didn't have this kind of support (Avon is the only other one I know of this extensive). Being able to even see only partial posts helped me decide to start up with TCP. And I told my recruiter about this site, she had no idea it existed!
  • #11

I also didn't want to talk to my director first because I didn't want to get her hopes up that she had a possible recruit and I didn't know how forceful she'd be with getting me to join so I decided to take it in my own hands.
  • #12
I would refer this website potential recruits to be honest. I mean I was uneasy when I joined, thinking that I would get stuck at a dead end with my business, but there are so many ideas out there to share... I think potential recruits seeing that would love to know that there are plently of ideas to keep your business great!
  • #13
For those of you who would refer potential recruits to this site, do you pay for their $5 joining fee or just let them see it as a guest (which means they can't see everything) or just tell them about it and if they are interested they will just pay the $5? I have a few recruits that i would like to see this board because you guys are all such a support to me that i would think every potential and current consultant is lucky to find you all in one convenient spot!!!!
  • #14
Honestly, I'd let them know it was here...and let them decide to pay the $5 or not. That's really their choice. But I think seeing that there is so much support and ideas to share here would make a differnce in some signing up sooner than they otherwise would.
  • #15
I think a potential recruit would benefit from seeing this site. It shows every part of our business (the good and the bad) and that we aren't just a site set up to talk them into joining. I think it give potential recruits piece of mind that we have problems and it isn't going to be a dream all the time. My mom always said "if it seems to good to be true it probably is" and I don't like to make promises to my recruits that everything is always going to be perfect!
  • #16
Shonda1107 said:
I've noticed a few people already on Chef Success who speak about "getting ready to join" or "will join after Christmas", etc. QUOTE]
I was looking online for pc and pc related information. this was one that I came across and started to try and read the threads. but not being a member i couldn't read the whole message. So I figured that $5 was a small enough investment if it meant getting the info I needed. PS this is an awesome site. And it did help me decide to sign up.
  • #17
I think that I would let them decide with the $5.00 fee. I would just let them know that this site is super awesome. You know, maybe if they hosted a party with me I would pay the 5 dollars for them! ;)
  • #18
I think that Consultants, etc people that have officially in with PC should be able to sign up with success....

Does anyone know of any other places like this that will help with pc.... like this site.
  • #19
I think you have already found the best!:D :cool:
  • #20



I think you'll find these boards are mostly dead and rarely have pc anything. This is the best site I have found in 6 years. There are tons of other sites too...I googled 'home business' and 'party plan boards' to get these when the chef success came up. The 2nd best I have found is the party plan network and it's really not that great.:(
  • #21
straitfan said:
I found this site by doing a google search one night when I was deciding whether to sign up or not. (and have been addicted ever since.) The info. I read here was MAJOR factor in my decision to become a consultant!

Me too! And it was great for me because at the time it was FREE membership to look up and chat and ask ??? before I signed with TPC, then found my recruiter-director here on CS! But I would definitely recommend it to downline as this is such a great support site and has such a wealth of info!
  • #22
I think a few people have given memberships to their new recruits which I think is a great idea and if I ever get really serious about this rather than being a hobbyist I'll definitely do that. I might pay for someone that was on the fence about becoming a recruit if I thought that their mind would be made up after visiting here - $5 is not much especially if it is either your 2nd or 5th recruit and you'd be promoting if they signed up.
  • #23
I signed in mid-Oct and immediately went googling. I don't think I would have been as successful my first month if it hadn't been for this site. Reading the threads gave me LOTS of ideas and, more importantly, a sense that this really is doable. I have tremendous support from my upline, but the info here is accessable 24/7. I would definitely encourage any potential consultants to take a look. Everyone is so genuinely supportive.
  • #24
I think it's nice having so many different people with different experience levels here! Sometimes my upline won't know something that one of you do.
  • #25
This site is a savor. I know my director has been awesome, and she will answer anything 50 times for me, but I love finding a place where other people are either asking the same questions and I can just read or seeing some of the creative ideas. I love seeing the ways to save money. I have found myself just reading for hours. Truly this site is just GREAT.
  • #26
Jilleysue said:
I have found myself just reading for hours. Truly this site is just GREAT.

That's my problem!!! I've become addicted to this site! I have made myself at least TRY to get my real work done first. Of course that doesn't always happen...as I have work in front of me to do!!

Related to Uncovering the Benefits of Chef Success for Consultants: A Guide

What is the purpose of Chef Success?

Chef Success is a platform designed specifically for Pampered Chef consultants to connect, share tips and tricks, and support each other in growing their businesses.

How do I access Chef Success?

You can access Chef Success by logging into your Pampered Chef account and clicking on the "Consultant's Corner" tab. From there, you will see a link to Chef Success.

Can anyone join Chef Success?

No, Chef Success is exclusively for Pampered Chef consultants. You must have an active consultant account to access the platform.

Are there any costs associated with using Chef Success?

No, there are no additional costs associated with using Chef Success. It is included as a benefit of being a Pampered Chef consultant.

What can I do on Chef Success?

Chef Success allows you to connect with other consultants, share recipes and cooking tips, and access training and resources to help grow your business. You can also participate in discussions and ask questions to get support from other consultants.

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