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toSend Out the Invites or Not...that Is the Question!

In summary, Amanda is struggling with her failed hosting business and is considering returning to giving out invitations and a sheet of labels with show information. She is also considering offering incentives to her hosts for the number of names they give her.
Gold Member
I've been really hurting bad the past several months. My shows just aren't panning out. I've tried stepping up my host coaching, but still the shows are bombing. The catty shows are falling through, the cooking shows get cancelled. This month is the first month where I don't have the commission money coming in to cover my expenses on my supplies and samples I bought.

Plus, I've been mailing out the mini's as invitations for my hosts. I've been doing that for just about every show I can and I am just not seeing the results. The turnout is still terrible and the outside orders are about the same. I'm thinking that because I'm saying that "I try to make hosting super easy...why, I even will send out your invitations and make your reminder calls" (you get the gist), the hosts aren't as motivated to do anything. They aren't talking to people about it and they aren't picking up the phone. They still aren't reaching every circle of friends in their lives...even when I give and go over the "50 in 5" flyer.

So.....I'm wondering if I should just go back to giving the hosts the invites and a sheet of labels w/ their show info on it. It at least saves a step for them.

I just need to cut costs where I can and since the mini's hasn't really brought in anything more than normal, I'm torn. Part of me really feels like I should continue sending them because of all the reasons we know of (less cancellations, we KNOW that they got sent out, we know how many were really invited, etc.) But I just can't afford it.
Amanda, Although I do send out invites for my hosts, I tell my new consultants not to spend the money to do that....I encourage them not to spend any more than absolutely necessary until their business is bringing in a consistent income. I think you could certainly apply the same reasoning to your situation right now!
Have you considered postcard invitations? I’m not a real fan of postcards, but they will save you money (cost of the invites and postage) and keep the ball in your court. Or you can do what I do, create a full page invite. The postage is more than for a postcard but I get to list all the information that I want people to know (including specific instructions for ordering on-line and that month’s guest special).

Have you considered offering any incentive to your hosts for the number of names they give you? You can choose your own gift (or decide not to do this at all) but I ask my hosts to give me a list of 45 names, addresses & phone numbers (I make reminder calls the day before a show). When they give me this list (by a specific date and it must have all this info), I buy the ingredients for their show. The biggest thing I have to explain is that 45 people will not show up the night of the party . . . they really do worry about this.

When you do get a tiny list, you can work with them to try to come up with more names or think about places where they can hand out more invitations. Sometimes they work with a bunch of people that they are willing to invite but they don't want to gather the mailing information. I always include five extra invitations in their host packets (I send the host packet after I get their guest list) and will include more invitations when they have a situation where they can hand deliver the invitations.
I've been sending invitations for most of my Pampered Chef career . . . that’s one thing I will not put into the hands of my hosts. I don’t have cancelled shows and my sales are good.
I don't mail out invitations unless the host asks me to. I don't have the time and don't want to go to the expense unless the host really needs me to.

One thing I've started doing is telling my hosts:

It's not about the invitations. Invite everyone. Phone them. Email them. Talk to them in person. Invite people right up to the night of the party. The invitations are great, but they aren't the most important thing.
Wow Rae! Do you have good luck doing it that way? I mean what is your average on attendance?
I have thought about it (not sending invites) and letting the host text, send email or whatever, but I am not sure I want to let go.
Afraid I will show up and she will tell me "Oh I told a few friends in passing two weeks ago, but I haven't had much time lately to do anything else. After I have driven an hour or whatever to get there and wasted my evening. That is what I am afraid of.

Kelly V.
I do the same thing Rae does. I work FT and have no time to mail out invitations, and I don't have the extra cash to spend on mini catalogs. As long as you follow-up and make your 3 host coaching calls to your host, and encourage her to invite as many people as possible in any way she can/wants, you'll get the attendance. I usually have at least 15 orders for every show, usually more, even for catalog shows (b/c I say the same thing!).
I copied a Holiday Invitation from a file on here (thanks!!!) and put all my host info on it. Full of beautiful color and very eye-catching. I e-mailed it to her and she loves it. Now the dilema. . . she wants me to print off some (don't know how many she wants yet) and mail them to her. I have an office jet and color printing is expensive, not to mention if I took them to the local Staples (.39 per copy). :yuck:

Do you ladies/and gents, print off color invitations for your hosts? and how many would you do? I have tried to call her, and she only corresponds with me via e-mail. Her show is Dec 5th. Should I just bite the bullet and print them in color and mail them to her, or in black and white and mail them? Am I being penny wise and pound foolish?:confused:

Thanks for your feed back!
I don't ever print anything in color. WAY too cheap for that. Color paper with black ink (done in 'draft mode') is my economical way of doing things and I can say I'm still successful. Since fall I have done the mini invites with the new label on them - do I think its helping, not sure but I think they look nice and I have had many people bring them with them so I know they are looking at them.
Melissa78 said:
I don't ever print anything in color. WAY too cheap for that. Color paper with black ink (done in 'draft mode') is my economical way of doing things and I can say I'm still successful. Since fall I have done the mini invites with the new label on them - do I think its helping, not sure but I think they look nice and I have had many people bring them with them so I know they are looking at them.

You can also buy holiday-themed paper. Then, you're only printing the text. Anything left over can always be used next year (but, you get to write it off this year!).
  • #10
curly one, if she only corresponds with email, why doen't she email that invite to every and print however many she wants herself.
  • #11
pclinskie said:
curly one, if she only corresponds with email, why doen't she email that invite to every and print however many she wants herself.

See, that is also my question too. Why doesn't she email it to them? :confused: I spoke with her sister in law today (past host) and she said that she would get the new host to call me. If she insists that I print something for her, then I definitely will only do it in black and like someone else suggested, in draft mode. I am always trying to make my host feel like I take care of so much for them, that someone actually asked me to do more than I felt necessary. :eek: But from everything, I guess here I learned a lesson.

Thanks guys for your input! I always know where I can turn to for assistance.:love:
  • #12
pampchefsarah said:
You can also buy holiday-themed paper. Then, you're only printing the text. Anything left over can always be used next year (but, you get to write it off this year!).

And Sarah, great idea!! That should have been as plain as the nose on my face. I really didn't think about the paper. . . . I have some and with black ink, it will be perfect!

  • #13
Connie - I myself wasn't thinking holiday paper. I just have the normal colored paper in my mind and I guess I looked at the tree instead of the whole forest. Oops :) Hope it all works out for you!

Related to toSend Out the Invites or Not...that Is the Question!

1. Should I send out physical invitations or use electronic invitations?

It ultimately depends on your personal preference and the formality of your event. Physical invitations can add a special touch and are more traditional, while electronic invitations are more convenient and environmentally friendly.

2. When is the appropriate time to send out invitations?

For most events, it is recommended to send out invitations at least 4-6 weeks in advance. This gives guests enough time to RSVP and plan accordingly.

3. Should I include an RSVP date on the invitations?

Yes, it is important to include an RSVP date so you can get an accurate headcount for your event. This will also help you with planning and preparations.

4. Is it necessary to include a dress code on the invitations?

If your event has a specific dress code, it is helpful to include it on the invitations. This will give your guests an idea of what to wear and ensure everyone is dressed appropriately.

5. Can I send out invitations through social media?

While it may be convenient, it is not recommended to solely rely on social media for sending out invitations. Not everyone may have access to it and physical or electronic invitations are more formal and personal.

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