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Tmj - Temporomandibular Disorders

In summary, a person has TMJ, which causes pain in various parts of the body. The person has found relief by getting a mouth guard and has also found relief through yoga and relaxation.
Something InterestingHi all!

I was in charge of our team's opening last night (do the meeting with two other Directors). During the introductions, I asked everyone to share the name with one person with whom they would like to work and the reason they would like to work with that person.

I thought it went GREAT! When some of them gave the name, they also started sharing the reasons why they did not think it would work out. It really opened up some great dialog about not prejudging and sharing words to use while speaking with their friends.

Also, the newest recruit on my team (from late January) shared the name of someone who works with her. She has already begun talking to her about Pampered Chef. :party:

Just wondering if anyone has TMJ or knows any tricks for relief of the pain?

I went to the family DR back in November, was since on a decongestant, and predizone, and now continuing on an anti-inflammatory.

I have pain in both my ear, jaw and neck . . . it's a really pain in the neck (sorry for the punt).

I have an appointment scheduled with the ENT on 2/18 for the ear but I don't know if they will be able to help me . . . I did have a suggestion to get a mouth guard . . . just wondering if anyone else has any suggestions.
GET THE MOUTH GUARD THAT IS MADE JUST FOR YOU!!! I can not stress this enough. I have TMJ as well...I was having sever migraines, jaw popping all of the time one of my friends/co-workers had the same thing. She spent a lot of money going to the regular dr to get it (miagranes) diagnosed. Finally she was sent to a dentist that specializes in TMJ and got a mouth-guard and it helped a lot. (and the migraines went away)

I had just contacted my dentist to see if they specialized in TMJ and they did not and I asked if they recommended anyone. I went to them and it is one of the best things I ever did. They did a full mouth x-ray and a couple of other things (sorry to not exactly remember it was 7 years ago) and I had a mouth-guard made. Mine is for my lower mouth my friends was for the top..they both worked.

While I was waiting for it to be made (took about 3-4 weeks) one day I was having shooting pains in my eye. It started in the back of the eye in the middle and shot to the front. This scared the heck out of me. I ended up in the emergency room (cause I wouldn't go to urgent care right away,...thought it would go away) they gave me some lubricating eye drops and said it was related to my TMJ.

If you do not get this fixed you might end up with lock jaw or have to have your jaw broken and sewn shut for a fix.

At first I had to wear the mouthpiece 24/7 now I just wear it when I sleep. It has moved my lower jaw forward and it no longer pops at all. The insurance paid for the TMJ until it was diagnosed so I had to pay for the retainer myself. But that was the best $400 I have spent (price has probably gone up in the last 7 years) I am still on my original retainer as well.

If you have any questions at all just let me know. IMO I would cancel the apt with the ent because it is most likely tied in with the TMJ and you need to fix that first.
wow did I write a book...also make sure to get one made just for you..I saw at Target they had a mouth guard (not football) and it does not work that well at all. I had a cousin that tried that.
I got a mouth guard, but it doesnt seem to fit quite right. I go for an adjustment in two weeks. I have had TMJ since an accident when I was 14 years old.
Thank you Nikki and Friday.

I did just go to Wal-Mart and buy a cheap mouth guard and fit it before I read your posts.

I will cancel my ENT appointment and find a DR that deals with TMJ. I will start with my dentist and if he doesn't do it an oral surgeon about 30 minutes from here deals with it.
Thanks again, I feel like I'm going crazy here . . . constant discomfort.

Oh, I almost forgot . . . a co-worker has it too . . . the mouth guard around here is up to $600.
My dh's work benefits cover my mouthguards for up to 75%. It cost me about $100 out of pocket. This is my second mouth guard. It really has made a trememdous difference. Also, yoga and relaxation helps, because tensing up sets the jaw badly and really makes matters worse.
Definitely the mouth guard. I had one made for me (had to pay for it totally I think it was about $300 but this was a time ago - the insurance I had at the time considered it a 'cosmetic prosthetic' and wouldn't pay a dime... wtf? how is being able to open my mouth, chew and talk cosmetic? at the time my jaw was locked and stiff and could barely open it to put a toothbrush through) and the guard was wonderful. I wore it through though. I found I didn't need it as much now that I had a couple wisdoms removed (the one was falling out, and they took it's 'twin below' out too and lo, I ended up having more jaw range and didn't grind as much at night). Other things... notice what happens when you get tense or stressed. If you clench your jaw and/or teeth, learn to not do that... I know, easier said than done.
BigSisGretchen said:
Thank you Nikki and Friday.

I did just go to Wal-Mart and buy a cheap mouth guard and fit it before I read your posts.

I will cancel my ENT appointment and find a DR that deals with TMJ. I will start with my dentist and if he doesn't do it an oral surgeon about 30 minutes from here deals with it.
Thanks again, I feel like I'm going crazy here . . . constant discomfort.

Oh, I almost forgot . . . a co-worker has it too . . . the mouth guard around here is up to $600.

I'm sure that ours is up to that price now as well..but it was sooo worth the price for all of the pain to go away.

Keep us updated! I would use the one from Wal-Mart if it fits in your mouth ok until you get a custome made one. I have had mine adjusted over time as well.
  • #10
lkprescott said:
Definitely the mouth guard. I had one made for me (had to pay for it totally I think it was about $300 but this was a time ago - the insurance I had at the time considered it a 'cosmetic prosthetic' and wouldn't pay a dime... wtf? how is being able to open my mouth, chew and talk cosmetic? at the time my jaw was locked and stiff and could barely open it to put a toothbrush through) and the guard was wonderful. I wore it through though.

I found I didn't need it as much now that I had a couple wisdoms removed (the one was falling out, and they took it's 'twin below' out too and lo, I ended up having more jaw range and didn't grind as much at night).

Other things... notice what happens when you get tense or stressed. If you clench your jaw and/or teeth, learn to not do that... I know, easier said than done.

I was wondering the same thing! This is what my insurance company said as well and I know many insurance companies think this way. My thought is why not pay for 1 mouth guard? If I do not get this I will eventually need surgery! Hellooo which is cheaper and less time off of work??
  • #11
Well I slept with the mouth guard last night. It is one that you actually mold yourself, you put it in boiling water, then cold water, and then in your mouth and push the plastic/rubber around to fit your teeth. I actually think it helped me . . . at least my ear wasn't thumping today.

I will keep you updated as to my progress.

Related to Tmj - Temporomandibular Disorders

1. What is TMJ?

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that connects your jawbone to your skull. It allows for the movements needed for chewing, talking, and other jaw movements.

2. What are the symptoms of TMJ disorders?

The most common symptoms of TMJ disorders include pain or tenderness in the jaw joint, difficulty opening or closing the mouth, clicking or popping noises when opening the mouth, and headaches or ear pain.

3. What causes TMJ disorders?

The exact cause of TMJ disorders is unknown, but it is believed to be a combination of factors such as genetics, jaw injuries, arthritis, and teeth grinding or clenching. Stress and anxiety can also contribute to TMJ disorders.

4. Can TMJ disorders be treated?

Yes, TMJ disorders can be treated. The treatment options vary depending on the severity of the disorder, but they may include medication, physical therapy, splints or mouthguards, and in some cases, surgery.

5. How can Pampered Chef products help with TMJ disorders?

Pampered Chef offers a variety of kitchen tools and utensils that can help with preparing soft and easy-to-chew foods, which can be beneficial for those with TMJ disorders. The products can also help with minimizing jaw strain while cooking and eating.

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