I have two little girls one is 20 months and the other is 3. Today we puchased two toddler beds and new bedding, thinking that maybe, just maybe, we can get them to sleep and stay in their ownbeds!:cry: Do you think it is working? Of course not, no, that would be too easy! My children are so difficult at bedtime, its unreal! They will literally stay up as long as you let them... They have never been the type of children that just fall asleep in the car or just go to bed when its time... and if we are lucky enough that they fell asleep in the car, the second we try to move them :cry: they are wide awake and its as if they took a power nap:grumpy: it is so frustrating! I am an at home mom and look forward to my night time, it's my "me" time, when they are actually in bed but some nights they don't fall asleep until 10, 11, sometimes even midnight! I think we've tried just about everything... I know this is a completely useless vent but I am so exhausted, just needed to tell someone...:cry: Sorry, I am sure someone out there feels my pain!:cry: