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Successful Social Media Posts: How I Improved My Facebook Presence

In summary, Bethany shares some tips for using Facebook to improve her business. She shares that she now posts notes instead of recipes, and tries to engage her fans more. She would like to see more likes on her posts.
Can you share some of your successful posts?

I figured this deserved its own thread, so here we go. I think I started out abusing Facebook. I would mention every special, every open date I had, etc. I think it made people's eyes glaze over, and it wasn't very successful.

I would also make discussion topics, that were my recipes. I would then say something on my wall like "I just made a whole chicken in 30 minutes in my MICROWAVE! Recipe details here: www..." with a link to the discussion topic.

I had very little feedback when I was doing this. I felt like I was posting recipes for myself. And it was not fun to go back and look for recipes that I knew I posted there... so I realized it was even worse for my "fans" who might not even remember that I was the one that posted the recipe.

Now I post notes. I can post pictures in my notes, which is a HUGE help. People see a picture that looks good on their feed before they see a single word, and it draws them in. I can tag people in my notes, so if someone asks for a specific recipe, or how to use xyz, I post it for everyone, and tag them. Then their friends and family see it in their feed too :)

I am also trying to engage people. I post things and say "click like if you agree" or I ask questions like "If you had an extra $400 this month, what would you do with it?"

I don't claim to be the facebook queen yet or anything, I'm sure there is still room for improvement in my social aspect of my business, but so far, this is much more successful than the old way I looked at FB.

Overall, I think more interaction, more value (tips, recipes, a few anecdotes that I would share at a show, because people do business with people they like), and less asking for sales and bookings has meant that more people are seeing my posts, and more people are having a positive interaction with me. It's more PR than sales (although I am getting sales, too).
I use the "discussions" to post the monthly specials and recruiting specials. When the month is over, I delete that special.

I use "notes" to post recipes.

If I make a comment that is time sensitive, such as a the February DCB special on my wall, I remove them after the special is over. I try to keep it clean and not obnoxious. I only have 15 fans at this point and not a whole lot of feedback from them.

I also post the flyers in the photos so they have a visual reference for specials. Right now, I have a Going, Going, Gone... photo album, New products available March 1st album, and monthly specials albums. I delete the albums as they become obsolete.
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lt1jane said:
I only have 15 fans at this point and not a whole lot of feedback from them.

Can you tell me how to create a fan page? Also, what do I call it? "Bethany's Pampered Chef Fans"? Or should it be something w/o PC in the title? I've done the online training on CC with regard to FB but I don't seem to remember these particulars.
PC asks that for your page you identify yourself as an Independent Consultant. To create your page, go to your account. You'll see a place there to create a page. Just follow the instructions.
Yes, could you be more specific? Also, you [or anyone] know how to get your host to post her show as an event? A gal talked about this at Spring Launch
Create the event for her, invite her, and when she RSVPs, add her as a creator.
my page is "Jane's Pampered Chef Powerhouse" My photo of myself is the independent consultant logo. That follows the guidelines. I make it obvious by my avatar/icon that I am a consultant so all of my posts show that logo on my friend's wall. I wanted anyone who finds the group to be able to figure out what it was about, thus the reason I included Pampered Chef, but I purposely did not put PC first so that I am not confused with the official PC site.
  • #10
Mine is..... Barry Carlton your Pampered Chef Consultant Not quite as polished as Jane's but getting there. A work in progress I guess. Sure could use more "likes" though.
  • #11
I dont know how to add discussions on my personal profile but I have had ppl ask me to tag them in my notes
  • #12
I too would like "step-by-step" ideas or "plans in action" for my FB Biz Page.
  • #13
When I go to my FB fan page, there are several links on the left that I chose when I set up the page. They are: News Feed (no choice on that one) Insights (same, admin stuff for moderators), Events, Notes, Photos, Links, FBML, Discussions.

If you don't opt for some pages/tabs, they will not be on your page. I opted for Notes, Photos, Links, and Discussions. Discussions is sort of like a forum on a small scale. I can post ideas and news there instead of on my wall. I like to use it for the details of monthly specials and promotions instead of clogging my page. People who like my page get a notice that a new discussion or comment was added and they can choose to check it out if they like.

Most of my photos are scanned images of the monthly specials flyers. I want people to have access to them. i need to get my camera out more like Barry and post my own pictures too.

This forum allows us to get great ideas from each other. There is no reason we can't check out each other's FB pages and get ideas that way too :)
  • #14
NooraK said:
Create the event for her, invite her, and when she RSVPs, add her as a creator.

I cannot find how to add her as the creator.
  • #15
Barry Carlton said:
I cannot find how to add her as the creator.
Okay I created an event for my next hosts show since she did not know how. I did in on my page and my PC page. She rsvp'ed. Now I cannot find how to make her the creator of the event. Found it:What is an admin? How can I add more admins to my event?
When you create an event, you are automatically listed as an admin. Ad...
When you create an event, you are automatically listed as an admin. Admins have the ability to invite more people to the event, appoint other admins and edit event content. Any admin can add more admins to an event by clicking the "See All" link at the top of the guest list on the event's page. Next to the name of every person who has RSVP'd, there is an option to "Make Admin."
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  • #16
magentablue I would like to know what your FB page is called
  • Thread starter
  • #17
/pampered.albert :) Sorry I didn't see this sooner, byrd!
  • #18
I'm a new consultant and my first show will be this coming Friday. I'm also a FB junky and plan to set up a fan page this week. FB will be a great way to market to my clients on a regular basis. I plan to post cooking tips and recipes so fans see value and actually read my posts. Also want to post pics from each show to make the site a bit more interactive.

I'm looking for a way to entice guests to "LIKE" my fan page and I'm thinking of offering a Season's Best to each fan. Do you think this will be worth the investment? Any other idea's you may have to grow my fan base are greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!
  • #19
Powdermnky said:
I'm a new consultant and my first show will be this coming Friday. I'm also a FB junky and plan to set up a fan page this week. FB will be a great way to market to my clients on a regular basis. I plan to post cooking tips and recipes so fans see value and actually read my posts. Also want to post pics from each show to make the site a bit more interactive.

I'm looking for a way to entice guests to "LIKE" my fan page and I'm thinking of offering a Season's Best to each fan. Do you think this will be worth the investment? Any other idea's you may have to grow my fan base are greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

I think that's a lot of money out of your pocket for very little return...
  • #20
Powdermnky said:
I'm a new consultant and my first show will be this coming Friday. I'm also a FB junky and plan to set up a fan page this week. FB will be a great way to market to my clients on a regular basis. I plan to post cooking tips and recipes so fans see value and actually read my posts. Also want to post pics from each show to make the site a bit more interactive.

I'm looking for a way to entice guests to "LIKE" my fan page and I'm thinking of offering a Season's Best to each fan. Do you think this will be worth the investment? Any other idea's you may have to grow my fan base are greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

I'd start with just recommending your business page to your regular FB friends first. Put it in your e-mail signature with every outgoing message you send. At your shows, mention your page. You could choose to hold promotional things, such as between such-and-such dates, all new fans will be entered into a prize drawing for xyz product (something inexpensive, perhaps a Rub or a Gift Certificate that is redeemable only through you).

Put recipes in your notes section that you do at shows, and direct your guests there so they can get the recipe later. (I put the DCB and bar pan recipes on my website, so that I'm not just steering everyone to my FB page, but there as well...since we pay for that site. ;) )

Related to Successful Social Media Posts: How I Improved My Facebook Presence

1. How did you improve your Facebook presence?

I improved my Facebook presence by consistently posting high-quality content, engaging with my audience, and utilizing various features such as hashtags, live videos, and Facebook groups.

2. What type of content should I post on social media for success?

The type of content you should post on social media for success depends on your target audience and your brand's message. It could include informative articles, visually appealing images or videos, behind-the-scenes content, user-generated content, and promotions or discounts.

3. How often should I post on social media?

The frequency of your social media posts depends on your audience and the platform you are using. Generally, it is recommended to post at least once a day on Facebook and Instagram, and multiple times a day on Twitter. However, it's important to find a balance and not overwhelm your audience with too many posts.

4. How important is engagement on social media?

Engagement on social media is crucial for building a successful presence. It shows that your audience is interested in your content and it also helps to increase your reach and visibility. Engaging with your audience through comments, likes, and shares can also help to build a strong relationship and foster loyalty.

5. What are some best practices for successful social media posts?

Some best practices for successful social media posts include using eye-catching visuals, using a consistent brand voice, posting at optimal times, utilizing hashtags and geotags, responding to comments and messages in a timely manner, and analyzing your data to see what content resonates best with your audience.

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