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Stealing a Recruit? How to Handle a Host Wanting to Switch Consultants

In summary, the host contacted me because she is unhappy with the services of her current consultant. The consultant is known for being short with guests and being easily frustrated. The host does not want to sign with this consultant and is looking for a new one.
Silver Member
Okay, as I was walking my two month old for what seemed like FOREVER today I get a random phone call from a past host. She was a host of mine from last October. No real contact since then except for some emails regarding my newsletter. Apparently she met another PC consultant at a festival a few weeks ago and hosted a show for her. She was also very interested in the business and was going to sign up (had 4 bookings at the show which the consultant was willing to give her as a start-up). However, her experience with the consultant has not been very positive. She said that the consultant was very "short" with her guests and was easily frustrated with the amount of talking during her demo...even rolling her eyes at the some of the questions she was asked. Also, some of her guests were very unhappy with this consultant's service. Long story short, this host does not want to sign up under this consultant because she is afraid that she will not provide the guidance and support she needs. So, she called me to see if she can sign up under me. I would love to have her on my team of course but would like to approach this as "politically correct" as possible. How would you deal with this situation?
If she is unhappy with the other person, that is not your problem. It is not like you do not have a connection with this person. Go for it and congrats!
It's her choice of who she signs up with. I basically did the same thing when I signed up. The only consultant I knew wasn't a very good consultant so I found someone else.
It is her choice. She is unhappy and she contacted you. If you want her on your team, then go for it - she is going to sign with someone else so it might as well be you.
I wouldn't feel bad...she was your host first anyway, right??

AND she should NOT sign under someone she is uncomfortable with.
You are just fine signing her. Her friends can still host with her as well not the other consultant.
don't worry about it!!!
The bookings follow the Host not the Consultant! Go for it! This Consultant was way out of line!
You're fine. She sought you out. You didn't hunt her down and talk her out of signing with the other person.
  • #10
Agreed! I recently had someone who had been a consultant before, but had bad experience with her director (recruiter) and we really hit it off! She WOULD NOT have signed up under her prior director again, but DID want to sign up under me!

She approached you, and she was your host first. I say you're fine, enjoy!
  • #11
I had a similiar experience with a host. She had booked a show under a different consultant but when she found out that I was selling PC, she cancelled her show and booked one with me. At the time she booked with me I truly did not know about the other show/consultant and when I did find out, I felt bad about it. I even called my recruiter and asked her if I would get in trouble for taking the show.
The host did not like the way the consultant conducted the show she had attended (and booked from). The host is a picky eater and had asked the consultant if they could leave things like tomatoes, peppers, etc. out of the recipe and just use them as side items for people to add as they wanted and the consultant told her that they had to make the recipe exactly as it was written. I think they made one of the pizzas.
Anyway, there was nothing I could do about it, but take the show, which ended up being an $1100 show. I guess it pays to be nice, courteous and accomodating to all of your customers.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
thanks for the input everybody! I spoke with my director and as soon as I mentioned the consultant's name she immediately knew what the situation was. So, she said that we are looking out for the recruit and it should be no problem! she signed today! wahoo! what a great way to end the week :)

Related to Stealing a Recruit? How to Handle a Host Wanting to Switch Consultants

What is "Stealing a Recruit"?

"Stealing a Recruit" refers to the act of persuading a potential recruit who is already considering joining one organization to join a different organization instead. This is often done in the context of sports teams or college admissions.

Is "Stealing a Recruit" ethical?

The ethics of "Stealing a Recruit" are a matter of debate. Some argue that it is a natural part of competition and that it benefits the individual recruit by allowing them to make the best decision for themselves. Others argue that it is manipulative and undermines the integrity of the recruiting process.

What are the potential consequences of "Stealing a Recruit"?

The consequences of "Stealing a Recruit" can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the organizations involved. In some cases, it may result in legal action if the recruit has already signed a contract or committed to a specific institution. It can also damage relationships and reputations within the recruiting community.

How can "Stealing a Recruit" be prevented?

Some organizations may have policies or agreements in place to prevent "Stealing a Recruit," such as verbal commitments or non-compete agreements. However, ultimately it comes down to the integrity and sportsmanship of those involved in the recruiting process.

Is "Stealing a Recruit" illegal?

In most cases, "Stealing a Recruit" is not illegal. However, there have been instances where it has resulted in legal action, such as breach of contract or tortious interference. It is important to consult with legal counsel if there are concerns about the legality of "Stealing a Recruit" in a specific situation.

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