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Stay Updated on Leadership News and Join Our Email List | [email protected]

In summary, Katie wants to go to Leadership this year but is unsure if she will. She is still in contact with the three chefs she recruited and is excited to hear any news from Leadership.
cookn' katie
I am still planning on getting one more consultant before leadership so I can go, but if not, will everyone be posting there info on here again or are we doing a email list. My director said she would call me with news as it comes in. I just want to make sure that I am part of the list! Katie
[email protected]
Don't give up just yet on that recruit! Get on the phone and I'll see you there!
I'm sure people will be posting. I've got 3 cheffers in my phone who I'll be calling from Cincinnati - and I'll tell them to make sure they post info. It may not be 100% complete, but it'll be high points at least.
I would love to have the info also. If you are emailing my email is [email protected] I know that we are not suppose to post things here until after leadership is completely over...just like NC, except we don't have to wait 2 weeks...LOL
Please add me to your list of information from Leadership. I wanted to go this year but things are a little hectic. My email address is: [email protected]
I don't think the no posting thing is such a big deal from Leadership - because there aren't "waves" - so all of the announcements are only made once. My director has always called me from Leadership to tell me all of the new stuff - but she isn't going this year. Thankfully, I have a wonderful friend named Ann who is!:love:

And I will post/email any news I get from her!
Yippeee!!! I can't wait! I'm not going (I only have 1 unqualified recruit, who actually just went inactive) so I'm very excited to get the info!
  • #12
Add me to the Me too list also, my director is one who doesn't share info until out meeting and we're not having one as we've got regionals at the end of the month, so I won't find out until then "officially" ;) Thanks to people here I'll know sooner!!

[email protected]
  • #13
chefann said:
I've got 3 cheffers in my phone
Wow! How did you get them in there?Sorry about that! Just my twisted humor! My children would be rolling their eyes at me about now!!!
  • #14

I knew there was a reason I liked you. :D Actually, I'm surprised it's taken this long for that type of comment from someone.
  • #17
add me as well please [email protected] thank you guys i am very excited to find out the new items and new info what is great my birthday is at the end of this month and the products we earned in nov. will be here before my birthday so it is a nice present to me LOL :)
  • #19
Add me too if you can. [email protected] Thank you!! Hope you all have a great time. :thumbup:
  • #22
  • #23
NEWS----I am here-----
  • #24
Haven't seen anything from Deb or Greg saying we can't post info - so as soon as I hear from Ann, I'll post what I know! (If someone doesn't beat me to it)

Look for the following Thread Title: LEADERSHIP NEWS AND INFORMATION
  • #25
Last year some people were so gracious enough to post the new products on here right after they were annouced. Hopefully that will happen again. No one from my cluster is going this year so I am really going to have to rely on this site.
  • #27
ChefBeckyD said:
Haven't seen anything from Deb or Greg saying we can't post info - so as soon as I hear from Ann, I'll post what I know! (If someone doesn't beat me to it)

Look for the following Thread Title: LEADERSHIP NEWS AND INFORMATION

Thank You Sooooooooooo Much Becky!!!:D
  • #30
Hey everyone!Colleen, Alison and I made it into town OK. Colleen and I are nerdin' it up in the hotel lobby, watching all the consultants come off the shuttle buses.
  • #32
chefann said:
Hey everyone!

Colleen, Alison and I made it into town OK. Colleen and I are nerdin' it up in the hotel lobby, watching all the consultants come off the shuttle buses.

I think ya'll need to do a group photo & post it on here for us so we can see you all! Have fun & be safe!!
  • #33
chefann said:
Hey everyone!

Colleen, Alison and I made it into town OK. Colleen and I are nerdin' it up in the hotel lobby, watching all the consultants come off the shuttle buses.

Glad ya'll got there safely! How 'bout some pictures???!!!
  • #34
There's one in the announcements thread. :)
  • #35
Glad to hear you made it safe!! ;)
  • #36
Glad you are all there and having a good time!! Have a great drink for us!!

Oh and someone make sure Ann gets her picture taken too (besides the group picture)!!!!
  • #37
I think Leadership is a little different than National Conference. National Conference we have 3 waves so they wanted to wait until the last day of the last wave before anyone said anything. Leadership is only one wave so I don't see a problem with announcing things now!
  • #38
I can't wait to hear the new products!! Right now I feel like a little kid Christmas Eve!! LOL:D
  • #41
the list is already posted on here. on another thread.
  • #42
Me toooooooI was going to go to leadership but have a new granddaughter that requires me being home at this time,,, please add me [email protected]

Related to Stay Updated on Leadership News and Join Our Email List | [email protected]

1. What is the best way to stay updated on leadership news?

The best way to stay updated on leadership news is to join our email list. This ensures that you will receive timely updates and information directly to your inbox.

2. How can I join the email list?

To join our email list, simply email [email protected] with your contact information and request to be added to the list. You can also ask your director to add you to the list.

3. Will everyone be posting their information on a public platform?

No, we will not be posting everyone's information on a public platform. The email list is the most efficient and secure way to share updates and information with our consultants.

4. What if I am unable to attend leadership and do not have another consultant to go with?

If you are unable to attend leadership and do not have another consultant to go with, you can still join the email list to receive updates and information. Additionally, you can reach out to your director for any important updates.

5. How can I ensure that I am included in the email list?

To ensure that you are included in the email list, make sure to email [email protected] with your contact information and request to be added. You can also ask your director to add you to the list.

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