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Someone Stole My Debit Card Information....

In summary, someone charged $1500 out of my checking account on to my debit card. My husband and I went to eat Sunday night and went to pay. Our debit card was declined. We knew there was plenty of money in there. So when we got in the truck we called the 1800 number and it said we had $12 in our account. Our card was canceled and we are now watching our account closely.
:mad: :mad: I am so pi$$ed off. Someone charged $1500 out of my checking account on to my debit card. My husband and I went to eat Sunday night and went to pay. Our debit card was declined. We knew there was plenty of money in there. So when we got in the truck we called the 1800 number and it said we had $12 in our account:mad:

We were both sick. At that point, we didn't know what was going on. So, Monday was a holiday all the banks were closed. We checked on everything first thing yesterday, and the lady at the bank said well you have $1600 worth of debits coming out of your account today so you will be overdrawn. We still knew we didn't buy that much this weekend. We went to Wal-Mart on Saturday and spent a little over $100 and to a restaurant on Saturday night at it was $40. That was all that should be coming out of that account. The lady from the bank proceeded to say, well there is a transaction for $621, $430 & $410. We about flipped. We knew they weren't ours. The bank couldn't tell us much. We had to wait until today for the transactions to go through to prove they weren't our charges. Well, sure enough, Las Vegas. My husband called me laughing this morning, did you take a trip to Vegas this weekend and not tell me about it. I was like, WHAT?? All three transactions came from LasVegas, one at A Pearl Factory, one at Coach, and one at Wal-Mart. Then we found another transaction in California for gas. The bank is taking care of all his, and our overdraft fees. But it just stinks. I feel so violated.
Needless to say, my debit card and his have been cancelled. The bank and we, are watching our account really closely. I just can't believe some people have the nerve to do something like this. Do people not have a conscience.

Sorry, I just had to vent. And I wanted to warn everyone to watch their accounts close.
Wow that really does stink!! I'm glad they are taking care of it for you:)
Holy cow! I have had this done to me before. Though it was only 14.99 I mean if it was 1500+ in charges I probably would have fainted!!!! I am SO very sorry that this had to happen to you. Though thank god the bank is taking care of all of it. Good luck with everything!
Yes, people like that have no conscience.
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Yes, people like that have no conscience.

...and even others steal...LOL! OK, sorry, bad joke on a serious matter...KG must be rubbing off on me...

I'm glad to hear the bank is caring for you...
The bank has no conscience, either. They just don't want to get sued.
was it your actual card that was stolen or did someone have access to your account information? I had this happen to me. Someone got ahold of my account info and went to town ordering online. Over 5,000 dollars worth...It was a royal PITA to clear that up. But eventually it did, although I am still writing letters to credit agencies telling them it wasnt us. Sorry to hear this happened to you...
Glad it all worked out..... I can't imagine that happening to me. They would'nt have as good a time shopping. Not as much money in my account..... LOL

Kitchen Guy whats with your new picture??????
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That is just scary and very unfortunate for you! Sorry to hear about that!
  • #10
I am so sorry that happened to you. I hope it gets straightened out quickly. Why is it that we always find out about something wrong with our bank accounts after 5 on Friday! Drives me crazy!
  • #11
I am so sorry that happened to you. This is also why I argue with Paypal all the time, they want my bank acct info so I can be verified & I told them where to go. I think I have about 30.00 left, then I cant use it anymore, unless I give them my info. Also when I joined PC & my recruiter said to get a debit card & I went with a PC credit card instead. I feel the less I have hooked up to my private accts the better.....:cool:
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Thanks ladies,

It is my regular debit/credit card for my checking account. They actually used my card number. I got a print out from the bank today. It shows the exact card number, mine not my husbands. It just makes me sick. How can someone be so sick??
  • #13
sslangley said:
Thanks ladies,

It is my regular debit/credit card for my checking account. They actually used my card number. I got a print out from the bank today. It shows the exact card number, mine not my husbands. It just makes me sick. How can someone be so sick??

Makes me sick the extent people will go.....
  • #14
This serves as a good reminder for all of us to shred anything with people's CC #'s on it... I get lazy but I really don't want to be responsible for someone getting one of my customer's numbers!
  • #15
sslangley said:
Thanks ladies,

It is my regular debit/credit card for my checking account. They actually used my card number. I got a print out from the bank today. It shows the exact card number, mine not my husbands. It just makes me sick. How can someone be so sick??

So sorry to hear about this incident! It is horrible. I hope everyone here uses a shredder from time to time with their receipts that they don't keep.
I guess we have to watch all of our moves with our cards as much as possible.
  • #16
Any idea how they got it?
  • #17
gilliandanielle said:
This serves as a good reminder for all of us to shred anything with people's CC #'s on it... I get lazy but I really don't want to be responsible for someone getting one of my customer's numbers!

YES! I have a stack of old orders that I'm holding onto because they have card info on them..... I *will* buy a paper shredder so I can protect my customers!!!!

It's also a good idea to password protect your computer so that people can't access the information in PP or P3.....
  • #18
Ginger428 said:
Also when I joined PC & my recruiter said to get a debit card & I went with a PC credit card instead. I feel the less I have hooked up to my private accts the better.....:cool:

That's a another good reason to keep your business account seperate from your personal account.
  • #19
sslangley said:
Thanks ladies,

It is my regular debit/credit card for my checking account. They actually used my card number. I got a print out from the bank today. It shows the exact card number, mine not my husbands. It just makes me sick. How can someone be so sick??

Do you have any idea how they got your number??
  • #20
WowI just got hit too, on my Pampered Chef Credit Card....I only use it for supplies or gas, so I set up alerts to email me when it was charged over a certain amount, 100.00, so I got a couple of them and didn't think too much until I got a couple more and KNEW that I didnt' charge anything for like a MONTH.....so I got out my statements and sure enough, there they where from NC....a sporting goods store, ????Chase was VERY gracious, cancelled it right away, took out the charges, and made the comment "there is ALOT of this going on, we have a lot of customers that are having the same issues." In the background I could hear the other reps conversations and sure enough there seems to be a RASH of this going on. It is really tough because you can't trust going to TJ MAXX, where is where I think the access happened.

I am sooooo glad your bank helped you out and was as gracious.....

You had a happy ending.....thank goodness.

My suggestions to everyone is to PULL YOUR CREDIT REPORT once a YEAR....you folks should do this immediatley....you don't know HOW people get this info, but I know I have reported the Rubbish guys in our neighborhood to the police as I watched them pick through everyones bags, THAT is what took them so long doing their runs. They would open the rubbish bags, I witnessed them taking papers out of bags and putting them in their pockets.....it was AMAZING they weren't hiding it, they where bold and brazen, sitting in front of the house with the big ole truck for about 1/2 hour while they got what they wanted, then tossing the bags in the back....

It's scary isn't it? I don't like to mistrust people, but boy oh boy, it's hard not to......

Shred, Cut, Back up, Password protect....hmmmm times use to be so easy in the day......
  • #21
They actually did a story in UT where a company was running peoples cards with out thier knowledge I agree with eeryone else it is pretty scary anyone can get your account info at anytime
  • #22
My husband even shreds all the junk mail we get and its alot
  • #23
Well just like to tell everyone this story, i work at a clothing store and everytime someone used a cc we always checked there id to make sure it was them. Well this lady at one of our stores called our corporate office and complained b/c she said that by asking for her id that we were almost accusing her of stealing. So now we can only ask for the id if the card isn't signed. This stuff is happening to people b/c of stupid people like this lady.
  • Thread starter
  • #24
I have no idea how they got it. It's just sickening that someone would do this. I feel so violated.

Yes, thankfully it was a happy ending.

We still have one more charge we are waiting to be credited. It's the smallest of the 4 so that is good.

We haven't ran our credit report in a while, but I think we will now.
  • #25
Kelley Sells said:
....you don't know HOW people get this info, but I know I have reported the Rubbish guys in our neighborhood to the police as I watched them pick through everyones bags, THAT is what took them so long doing their runs. They would open the rubbish bags, I witnessed them taking papers out of bags and putting them in their pockets.....it was AMAZING they weren't hiding it, they where bold and brazen, sitting in front of the house with the big ole truck for about 1/2 hour while they got what they wanted, then tossing the bags in the back....

It's scary isn't it? I don't like to mistrust people, but boy oh boy, it's hard not to......

THat is crazy!!! I can't believe they would do that in broad daylight!

I had my identity stolen a couple years ago. Someone took my information and opened up dept store credit cards and started charging away! Several thousand dollars worth...and THEN the only reason I found out is because they used my home address so I GOT THE BILLS!!! If they were able to change the address, i would have never known! It is SO scary...they had my name, address, SS#...the only thing wrong was my mother's maiden name! Never found out who it was, but I suspected someone at my employer's HR because they even put down my work adress and main phone number! Ended up putting a fraud alert through the credit bureaus so that I (and no one else pretending to be me!) could not get instant credit anymore. If I (or anyone else) tried to open up an account using my info, I would get a phone call first to verify that I did it. So a couple weeks after that incident, lo and behold, I got a call asking if I had tried to open another credit card. HA! Wasn't me! Oh and I called the store where they oopened the first account and grilled them (DON'T YOU CHECK ID BEFORE OPENING UP AN ACCOUNT? LIKE A DRIVER'S LICENSE??? They claimed they did, so who knows...)

Something similar happened to a friend of mine and it was even worse because the thief also opened up A MORTGAGE in her name!!! So besides a bunch of fraudulent credit cards, she had to fight a mortgage company as well!

Sorry this is so long! But I guess I'm just saying it happens and to protect your information!!!
  • #26
I'm sorry SSlangley! I'm so happy that your bank is taking care of it.

I noticed something like this about 5 months ago. I checked our statement online and it showed that we were overdrawn like $500! Well, it showed a transaction for $990 but it didn't say where until it officially went through. Well, I called and the bank researched it and refunded our money. Thank God!;) I was so stressed out and felt so violated but the kicker is that they some how got a hold of my dh's card number. We think that with these new camera phones, people can take a pic of you swiping your card if it's at a good angle. Truly sad. :(
  • Thread starter
  • #27
PampMomof3 said:
I'm sorry SSlangley! I'm so happy that your bank is taking care of it.

I noticed something like this about 5 months ago. I checked our statement online and it showed that we were overdrawn like $500! Well, it showed a transaction for $990 but it didn't say where until it officially went through. Well, I called and the bank researched it and refunded our money. Thank God!;) I was so stressed out and felt so violated but the kicker is that they some how got a hold of my dh's card number. We think that with these new camera phones, people can take a pic of you swiping your card if it's at a good angle. Truly sad. :(

Thank you.

Wow, I didn't think about a camera phone. That is very possible. It takes a very low person to violate people like this. Well someone got a nice set of pearls, a coach purse and $400 worth of stuff at Wal-Mart off of me. Plus a full tank of gas in California. It's just sickening that people do this.
  • #28
I agree 100%. The camera phone is the only thing that we can think of! It makes me still sick when I think about it. Oh, the $990 charge was from diamonds.com! Can you believe it?:eek:
  • #29
Tj Maxxthey are showing a report on the news here in MA that their BREACH of credit card info is larger than they thought....GOOD GOING....this is insane, since JUNE of '06 they knew about it but didn't say anything until AFTER the holidays, what so they could keep their sales up? I'm working now to get my CC debit GONE and going back to good ole cash.......not only that but then the CC companies, Capital One being a BIG offender, I have caught them at least 3 occasions, posting a payment one day late, therefore charging me the late charge fee, which I got waived, THEN giving them a reason to up my interest rate, and NO NOTICE about it, I noticed it 4 months AFTER they changed it, I just paid the bill, didn't look at the interest rates.....so lessons learned.

  • #30
That is horrible!!!
People are just cruel!
  • #31
I am dumb on this subject and can't figure out how (morally,ethically, or PHYSICALLY)people do this!!! How do companies take a cc # without seeing the actual card....like at the gas station??? I can see it happening online.....it stinks but I do know how it could happen.

I recently realized that a place I get videos from on base prints out the entire cc# on the receipt. I shread them now and watch my accounts closely.
  • #32

Sorry I am getting into this late in the game, but I think I may have some insight to offer. Prior to getting married and moving overseas, I used to work as a credit card fraud investigator for Visa.

Some banks will actually monitor your debit cards and call you when unusual transactions take place. In your situation, it looks like someone had your card information and created a counterfeit card. The gas station purchase at the beginning of the fraudulent transactions gives that away. Almost 90% of fraud will start at a automated gas pump!!! This is obviously not a result of anything you did. You are no where near California or Las Vegas.

There are actually criminals that will program computers to run batches of cards based on sequential card numbers. Heck, some restaurants have waitstaff that will copy the magnetic stripe of your card while they take the card to run your purchase. It's a simple 1 second swipe through a machine similar to the real deal. The information is uploaded and batches of cards are produced in bulk for the next guy in the fraud ring to use. Obviously, there are low-level slugs like Kelley witnessed digging through the trash as well.

There is no reason not to for the thief, banks don't prosecute. You don't have the option to prosecute. If someone were to prosecute, it would only result in a slap on the wrist. The bank writes it off as a cost of doing business.

Be vigilant in your shredding, credit report checking, and limit the use of your PIN in public. Other than that, there isn't alot you can do to avoid this scenario.

Hope this information helps everyone!
  • #33
fraud :(
sslangley said:
:mad: :mad: I am so pi$$ed off. Someone charged $1500 out of my checking account on to my debit card. My husband and I went to eat Sunday night and went to pay. Our debit card was declined. We knew there was plenty of money in there. So when we got in the truck we called the 1800 number and it said we had $12 in our account:mad:

We were both sick. At that point, we didn't know what was going on. So, Monday was a holiday all the banks were closed. We checked on everything first thing yesterday, and the lady at the bank said well you have $1600 worth of debits coming out of your account today so you will be overdrawn. We still knew we didn't buy that much this weekend. We went to Wal-Mart on Saturday and spent a little over $100 and to a restaurant on Saturday night at it was $40. That was all that should be coming out of that account. The lady from the bank proceeded to say, well there is a transaction for $621, $430 & $410. We about flipped. We knew they weren't ours. The bank couldn't tell us much. We had to wait until today for the transactions to go through to prove they weren't our charges. Well, sure enough, Las Vegas. My husband called me laughing this morning, did you take a trip to Vegas this weekend and not tell me about it. I was like, WHAT?? All three transactions came from LasVegas, one at A Pearl Factory, one at Coach, and one at Wal-Mart. Then we found another transaction in California for gas. The bank is taking care of all his, and our overdraft fees. But it just stinks. I feel so violated.
Needless to say, my debit card and his have been cancelled. The bank and we, are watching our account really closely. I just can't believe some people have the nerve to do something like this. Do people not have a conscience.

Sorry, I just had to vent. And I wanted to warn everyone to watch their accounts close.

Both my paypal acct which I thought had been closed last yr by PP (since somehow I had two buyer credit accts and could only have 1) was used by an unauthorized user and yesterday my credit union credit card company called both from the Fraud division and my Cu in OH about someone attempting to charge $ 551.00 to Western Union. I knew I didn't as my limit is a little over to begin with and they caught it and closed that card immediately!!! MY CU suggested calling the police but we have no idea who's doing this :(

Luckily mine were both taken care of immediately,the pay pal acct was tied to my pampered chef acct so I had to close that acct and wouldn't you know i had the Merrill PC checks all 300 of them or so?? Way too expensive to replace those, but at least the bank worked with me and removed overdrawn fees and what not and PP removed or marked all charges as fraudenlant and my CU took care of my problem there too. Nothing bad marked on my end, however I was told I should contact the three credit agencies to make them aware of it.



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  • #34
seriously considering as well...
Ginger428 said:
I am so sorry that happened to you. This is also why I argue with Paypal all the time, they want my bank acct info so I can be verified & I told them where to go. I think I have about 30.00 left, then I cant use it anymore, unless I give them my info. Also when I joined PC & my recruiter said to get a debit card & I went with a PC credit card instead. I feel the less I have hooked up to my private accts the better.....:cool:

now that I"ve been frauded against, I'm not as willing to give out my info either, I liked some of my cards in the past where I could use virtual no's. only bad thing could only be used once and didn't work for airline tickets.

I was verified and everything on PP and when I went to sign on the other day is when I put my cu credit info in and then all of a sudden someone attempted to charge 551.00 to Western Union, it was caught imediately both by fraud dept and my CU in OH.

Good Luck to everyone this is happening too.

  • #35
Kelley Sells said:
I just got hit too, on my Pampered Chef Credit Card....I only use it for supplies or gas, so I set up alerts to email me when it was charged over a certain amount, 100.00, so I got a couple of them and didn't think too much until I got a couple more and KNEW that I didnt' charge anything for like a MONTH.....so I got out my statements and sure enough, there they where from NC....a sporting goods store, ????Chase was VERY gracious, cancelled it right away, took out the charges, and made the comment "there is ALOT of this going on, we have a lot of customers that are having the same issues." In the background I could hear the other reps conversations and sure enough there seems to be a RASH of this going on. It is really tough because you can't trust going to TJ MAXX, where is where I think the access happened.

I am sooooo glad your bank helped you out and was as gracious.....

You had a happy ending.....thank goodness.

My suggestions to everyone is to PULL YOUR CREDIT REPORT once a YEAR....you folks should do this immediatley....you don't know HOW people get this info, but I know I have reported the Rubbish guys in our neighborhood to the police as I watched them pick through everyones bags, THAT is what took them so long doing their runs. They would open the rubbish bags, I witnessed them taking papers out of bags and putting them in their pockets.....it was AMAZING they weren't hiding it, they where bold and brazen, sitting in front of the house with the big ole truck for about 1/2 hour while they got what they wanted, then tossing the bags in the back....

It's scary isn't it? I don't like to mistrust people, but boy oh boy, it's hard not to......

Shred, Cut, Back up, Password protect....hmmmm times use to be so easy in the day......

Recently Dillard's called a co-worker of mine at the hospital and asked about her acct. someone from Dillard's apparently wrote all kinds of acct no's down and went to town. luckily they cancelled her card, but Dillard's and my OH CU said up there TJ Maxx was another huge fraud hit.

Don't forget not to let checking acct slips get out either, I used to hand out my deposit slips to people with my phone/add on them but forgot sure they could deposit, but who knows they or someone else may try to use bank acct no online or something :(
  • Thread starter
  • #36
stephanieboyd said:

Sorry I am getting into this late in the game, but I think I may have some insight to offer. Prior to getting married and moving overseas, I used to work as a credit card fraud investigator for Visa.

Some banks will actually monitor your debit cards and call you when unusual transactions take place. In your situation, it looks like someone had your card information and created a counterfeit card. The gas station purchase at the beginning of the fraudulent transactions gives that away. Almost 90% of fraud will start at a automated gas pump!!! This is obviously not a result of anything you did. You are no where near California or Las Vegas.

There are actually criminals that will program computers to run batches of cards based on sequential card numbers. Heck, some restaurants have waitstaff that will copy the magnetic stripe of your card while they take the card to run your purchase. It's a simple 1 second swipe through a machine similar to the real deal. The information is uploaded and batches of cards are produced in bulk for the next guy in the fraud ring to use. Obviously, there are low-level slugs like Kelley witnessed digging through the trash as well.

There is no reason not to for the thief, banks don't prosecute. You don't have the option to prosecute. If someone were to prosecute, it would only result in a slap on the wrist. The bank writes it off as a cost of doing business.

Be vigilant in your shredding, credit report checking, and limit the use of your PIN in public. Other than that, there isn't alot you can do to avoid this scenario.

Hope this information helps everyone!

Thanks for your insight!!

I had no idea there were any such card readers out there.

I live in a pretty small down. I have heard of dozens of cases of this happening. I emailed my aunt in Georgia. She has a friend that lives here, it happened to her too. It's just pathetic that people can be so sick. :(

There has been much speculation that this all is coming from a mexican restaurant here in town. We eat there often, everyone that I have heard this happening too, eat there from time to time. Now the same owner has opening another restaurant in town. It just worries me that this may be true.

We use our debit cards for everything. I never carry cash. Both our pay checks come direct deposit. We hardly ever go to the bank. My husband didn't want to get new cards made. But he went ahead and did it anyways. I think we have decided to only use them when we can swipe them ourselves, ie, gas station, etc. Any place I have to give my card to someone else to swipe, I will be paying with cash or check.

The people at our bank were very helpful. They did tell us it is happening to alot of people right now. They suggested we get online banking so we can view our transactions.

I just checked online this morning. Our money is back in the account. It isn't showing a negative balance anymore. Thank goodness.

I freaked out yesterday. I remembered putting my daughter birthday party deposit on my debit card. We already had one mixup with her party and had to change the day. I didn't want it to happen again. So I called yesterday when I realized it and gave them my credit card number instead of my debit. I explained to the lady at Chuck E Cheese what happened. She was really helpful in getting all of that changed.

We did contact our local police, they said they would write up a report. My father in law has some friends in the FBI, he called them. They won't touch anything under $10,000. We have a local television channel that has what they call the troubleshooter. They go around and investigate things. I am going to call or email them today. At least get the story out, so more people are aware of what is happening.

Thanks for all your support ladies.

I just wanted to share my story so everyone will be aware and watch there accounts closely.
  • #37
Stolen debit card informationI need to let you guys know some information a friend who is a cop sent me.
Y es they do use the phones with cameras in them to take a picture of your card.
The next thing they do is when you go to say a place to eat and when you go to pay with your card and they take it back to the registar and then give your card back you put it in your wallet. When you get your bill see charges that wasn't yours so you call the credit card company and they tell you to pull out your credit card and check it and what you have found out that the credit card is not yours but someones elses . They switched cards on you.
He told us to never let your card out of your site.
The next scam is that when you go to a gym and you lock your stuff in the locker they can get in it and switch out credit cards and you don't realize it till your bill comes out.
Hope this makes sense as this is a not feeling so good day.:(
  • #38
You need to also be aware of the "courtesy checks" that credit card companies send out that are tied to your account. A local reporter had some stoled from his mailbox while he was on vacation and they used them to charge several thousand dollars to his account. He did finally get it straightened out, but it took about half a dozen calls to get the credit card company to stop sending courtesy checks.

Shred the checks, shred the pre approved card applications, shred everything.
  • #39
I feel your pain. My husband's bank account information was stolen and we found out on Valentine's day. Our charges were made to some telecommunications company in India. We are still trying to straighten everything out.
We also put fraud alerts on his accounts at the credit bureaus, just in case they have more information than his debit card number.
  • #40
The comment about fraud at the gas pump reader reminded me...as many of you know, I have several cars. One Saturday morning, I was on my way home from errands and I stopped at my favorite gas station to fill my tank. I got home, and The Kat Lady remarked she had a MK class to do and was low - so being the nice DH that I am, I took the Katillac and filled it. It seemed like such a good idea, I took the Model A to the gas station and the pump refused to accept my card.Too many fills at one station, too close together, triggers the fraud alert.BTW - I never, ever use plastic at a restaurant. If I can't see my card, it doesn't get used.
  • #41
I'm with KG on that one. I don't let me card out of my sight. If I have to use it at a restaurant, I go up to the register and watch the cashier run it through. I'm a waitress, and while this has never happened at my family's restaurant, there was another restaurant here in NH where hundreds of thousands of charges were made on people's cards because a member of the waitstaff was swiping the cards into a reader when he went to ring them up. You can never be to careful.
  • #42
chefbritt said:
I'm with KG on that one. I don't let me card out of my sight. If I have to use it at a restaurant, I go up to the register and watch the cashier run it through. I'm a waitress, and while this has never happened at my family's restaurant, there was another restaurant here in NH where hundreds of thousands of charges were made on people's cards because a member of the waitstaff was swiping the cards into a reader when he went to ring them up. You can never be to careful.

I never thought of a server taking my card # when they ran it. Thanks for the tip, I won't them them take it again. I will either pay with cash or the old fashion way, with a check.
  • #43
Plus, a lot of wait staff have to claim 100% of their tip on their taxes when you charge it, and some don't get the tip until their next check...I always pay with cash....check & tip!
  • #44
We're supposed to claim all of our tips, but I don't know of many waitresses that do, although you're right, you have to claim more with credit card tips because they can be tracked if you got audited, whereas nobody can prove what you got in cash tips. It also takes several days for the cards to process and the restaurant to receive the money, so you're right, often times they have to wait a week to get those tips.
  • #45
chefbritt said:
We're supposed to claim all of our tips, but I don't know of many waitresses that do, although you're right, you have to claim more with credit card tips because they can be tracked if you got audited, whereas nobody can prove what you got in cash tips. It also takes several days for the cards to process and the restaurant to receive the money, so you're right, often times they have to wait a week to get those tips.

At the restaurant in NY that I worked at, we didn't have to claim all of our cash tips. Only a certain percentage....and that was the law! Although if it is your FT job, you are hurting yourself because if you ever need to collect unemployment or disability, you have less of an income to prove!
  • #46
I think you are handling it much better than I would! That is just AWFUL!!!
  • #47
Keep that in mind when you open your shop. ;)
  • #48
How awfulIt happened to a friend of mine. She went to an ATM to get some money and I guess forgot her card in the machine. The lady who came right after her, kept the card, she remembers that ladie's face.
She ran up charges, gas, Walmart, etc.... They never asked her for ID.

It's so sad. I would have run after her since she was right in front of me, I know it would have been her card and asked to see her ID to verify and give her the card back.
Or I would have taken it inside to the bank teller. It's so sad that honesty is not a cherished virtue anymore.
I really get ticked when the cashier at my grocery store, department stores, etc don't ask for my ID when I pay with my check/credit card. I know it's because some nuts complain and that makes the cashiers a little apprehensive to ask me, because they don't want me to complain and make a scene.

I have actually gotten after someone for that. An older woman complained about how she has been shopping there for like 20 years and they shouldn't have to ask for her ID.
I said "Ma'am if someone steals your check book or your credit card, which has happened to many people I know, you will be glad that they ask for ID because they won't be able to steal from you. They will be caught or have to leave to go somewhere else."
She said that she never thought of that and apologized to the young girl. I told the girl that it's part of her job and I wouldn't want her to be responsible for someone coming in with a stolen check or card and being able to use it without ID. The company will check into it.
I hope it all gets straightened out for you. It's horrible and yes I would feel violated too!!

Debbie :D
  • #49
One of the other things I hate about shopping now-a-days is the card readers where you never even give your card to the cashier for them to verify the signature. I could use my DH's card, sign my name (or his) and they'd never know the difference! A thief could do that as well.
  • #50
DebbieSAChef said:
<snip for brevity> I have actually gotten after someone for that. An older woman complained about how she has been shopping there for like 20 years and they shouldn't have to ask for her ID.
I said "Ma'am if someone steals your check book or your credit card, which has happened to many people I know, you will be glad that they ask for ID because they won't be able to steal from you. They will be caught or have to leave to go somewhere else."
When it's for that reason, I'm pleased to be asked for my ID.

What gets me irked is having to show an ID to prove that I'm not 20, trying to pass for 21, when I buy alcohol. I assure the clerk that I am not 20 years old, in fact, it's been a couple of decades since I was 20.

One clerk told me I had to be 21 to buy alcohol. I left the store, explaining that I'm not 21. She didn't get it.
<h2>1. How do I know if someone has stolen my debit card information?</h2><p>You may notice unauthorized charges on your bank statement or receive notifications from your bank about suspicious activity on your account.</p><h2>2. What should I do if I suspect my debit card information has been stolen?</h2><p>Immediately contact your bank or credit card company to report the unauthorized charges. They will be able to cancel your current card and issue you a new one.</p><h2>3. What should I do if my debit card is declined at a store or restaurant?</h2><p>If your card is declined and you believe there is enough money in your account, contact your bank or credit card company to check for any unauthorized charges or suspicious activity.</p><h2>4. How can I protect myself from debit card fraud?</h2><p>Make sure to regularly check your bank statements and monitor your account activity. Also, be cautious when using your card online and only make purchases from secure and trusted websites.</p><h2>5. What should I do if my debit card information has been stolen and unauthorized charges have been made?</h2><p>Contact your bank or credit card company immediately to report the fraudulent charges. They will be able to cancel your current card, issue you a new one, and help you dispute the unauthorized charges.</p>

Related to Someone Stole My Debit Card Information....

1. How do I know if someone has stolen my debit card information?

You may notice unauthorized charges on your bank statement or receive notifications from your bank about suspicious activity on your account.

2. What should I do if I suspect my debit card information has been stolen?

Immediately contact your bank or credit card company to report the unauthorized charges. They will be able to cancel your current card and issue you a new one.

3. What should I do if my debit card is declined at a store or restaurant?

If your card is declined and you believe there is enough money in your account, contact your bank or credit card company to check for any unauthorized charges or suspicious activity.

4. How can I protect myself from debit card fraud?

Make sure to regularly check your bank statements and monitor your account activity. Also, be cautious when using your card online and only make purchases from secure and trusted websites.

5. What should I do if my debit card information has been stolen and unauthorized charges have been made?

Contact your bank or credit card company immediately to report the fraudulent charges. They will be able to cancel your current card, issue you a new one, and help you dispute the unauthorized charges.

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