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Should You Get a Personal PC Website?

In summary, the website is a great way to keep customers updated on what's going on and to encourage your hosts to let out of town or out of state friends know of their show. It's also a great resource for your hosts.
I'm considering getting my personal PC website and I would love to hear everyones input on getting one! The pros and cons, ideas, suggestions...anything would be great. I'm kinda in limbo about this decision.
boy i tossed the idea around for a long time before i got mine!! i finally got it last month?? maybe jan?? anyways i havent had it long and i absolutely love it!! i havent got any orders yet....but i do believe that when my mom has her catalog show i will get orders then since she lives in Ga. its really easy and fun to set it up. mine doesnt have anything special since i am still working on it, but i would definately say go for it!!
I am a big fan of the website! I signed up for it before my first show and have gotten several orders on it.

First, what it isn't:

Since you can't advertise your website on web search engines, you won't be getting many orders from strangers. This is not going to start pulling in huge amounts of sales from people you don't know. In the 2 months I have had it, I haven't had a single order from someone not connected to a party.

What it is:

A great resource for my hosts. I give them the site address and ask them to share it with all their out of town guests. I tell them they can create email invitations to their parties. I let them know they can have folks view the catalog online. So far I have gotten about 8 or 9 orders online, all associated with parties, and all from people who wouldn't have been able to get to the party. I am pretty sure if I added it up, these orders have paid for my 6 months website charge. (And now that I know what a great resource it is, I'll renew for the full year, which is a better deal...)

I love the website.

Because of my website, I had $500 in orders from out of towners for a bridal shower before I even left my house. My hosts use it for e-vites, and catalog shows can be more like internet shows if the hosts want them to be. Worth every penny for me and I am only in SS3.
I love my website. It is a great way to keep your customers up to date on what's going on and any specials you are running. And it's a great way to encourage your hosts to let out of town or out of state friends know of their show.

About the advertising policy's I don't mind them because I think it evens out the playing field. I put my web address on everything including all my envelopes that I mail whether it's PC or not. When I sell things on E-bay (And don't worry I never sell PC items on e-bay) I put my web address on the box when I send the item. Who knows when one of those people might look at my website and like it or order something or become a recruit. I also add it in my signature on ALL e-mails including jokes I e-mail to people.
reesefamily5 said:
I love my website. It is a great way to keep your customers up to date on what's going on and any specials you are running. And it's a great way to encourage your hosts to let out of town or out of state friends know of their show.

About the advertising policy's I don't mind them because I think it evens out the playing field. I put my web address on everything including all my envelopes that I mail whether it's PC or not. I also add it in my signature on ALL e-mails including jokes I e-mail to people.

I'm with Tina! Its great for people who can't make the show, although with the new site setup some people don't realize that the "Purchase Products" button is a link. I have a show Wednesday that I got $100 in orders for on my site and a show from last night that had about $150 from my site. I also prefer the advertising policy. I think it should be more fair. If you want to increase traffic to your site, this is the advice I was given: When you make a recipe at the show tell the guests that they can go to your site to get the recipe. I have a yellow sheet of paper in my triangle display with my address on it (/annepratt). I also tell them to bookmark it and check back for news and updates. I probably work on my site once a week or so, just a few minutes to keep it fresh.

I also picked up the idea instead of stamping all of my receipts, have the customer fill in under "Your Consultant is" my name (and I'm who you make the check payable), phone number and website address. With them writing my name it makes those paying with checks more prepared then telling people 80 time who to make the check out to.
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Why WOULDN'T you, would be the question?:( ;)

Although you can't put it in Google, or Yahoo search engines, that really isn't the point of having it, it is for your hosts and their guests and once you qualify, for outside anytime orders.

The TRICK to it, as with any other website is to ADVERTISE it everywhere...you business cards, your catalogs, all your mailings, your signatures on your emails....eVERYTHING....Get one of those banners for your car windows, the stickers with your website on it:

I didn't have to think TWICE, I did the 6 month, just incase I didn't really like the business (imagine THAT?not liking this business...not a chance:eek: ) BUT, I am sooooo glad I got it, I have gotten outside orders for my parties of attendees that couldn't make the show, as i put it on the invites too.

Not to mention for the Hosts to do E-Invites....that is such a huge thing now with the women that throw parties, the jewelry parties and such.....and it soooo much easier to contact family outside their states..AND you can set up your contact lists, so anyone that the hosts put in, you can put in your contact list, send them emails, e-newsletters....the possibilities are ENDLESS....it is just AWESOME....

Go for it....It is easy to maintain, you can put specials up there, do your own events, so when you have events you can send people to your calendar to see what your up to.....

Woo Hoo...I LOVE it.....

Related to Should You Get a Personal PC Website?

What are the benefits of having a personal website for my Pampered Chef business?

Having a personal website allows you to showcase your products and services to a wider audience, increase your online presence, and easily connect with potential customers. It also provides a professional platform to share your personal story and passion for Pampered Chef products.

Do I need to have technical knowledge to create a personal website?

No, you do not need to have technical knowledge to create a personal website. Pampered Chef offers easy-to-use website building tools and templates that require no coding or design skills. You can have a professional-looking website up and running in just a few clicks.

Can I sell Pampered Chef products directly through my personal website?

Yes, you can sell Pampered Chef products directly through your personal website. You can add a shopping cart feature to your website and customers can purchase products from you online. This makes it convenient for customers to shop from the comfort of their own homes.

What types of content should I include on my personal website?

Your personal website should include information about your Pampered Chef business, such as your background, products, and services. You can also include customer testimonials, recipes, and how-to videos to engage and attract potential customers. It's also helpful to have a blog where you can share your expertise and tips related to Pampered Chef products.

How can I promote my personal website and drive traffic to it?

There are many ways to promote your personal website and drive traffic to it. You can share your website on social media, include the link in your email signature, and add it to your business cards. You can also collaborate with other Pampered Chef consultants and promote each other's websites. Additionally, regularly updating your website with new content and optimizing it for search engines can help increase its visibility and attract more visitors.

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