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Should You Attend Your Recruits' First Shows?

In summary, the conversation revolves around whether or not it is beneficial for a recruiter to attend their recruits' first show. Some participants believe it is helpful for support and guidance, while others prefer to let their recruits handle it on their own. They also discuss the logistics of scheduling and suggest having recruits attend a few shows beforehand if the recruiter is unable to attend their first show. Ultimately, it is up to the individual and their preference.
Gold Member
I am interested in how many of you attend your recruits first show? I have heard this mentioned on a couple training CD's, but I am trying to figure out the logistics of it. I had 2 recruits start the past couple months, and it seems that most of their shows were booked on days I also had shows. I have a couple of people who are thinking of starting in June, but I already have 10 shows booked from the 1st - 18th (we are gone the 20th-30th on vacation). Am I missing the boat by not being at that first show to support and encourage them?
I like attending the first show so I can help them with questions, allay their fears and nerves, and to help them get bookings and follow through and actually BOOK the dates. I find that they are much more successful with their businesses if I go to their first show, and are not playing "catch up" on a lot of things later. I do offer for anyone on my team to attend any of my shows as a training tool, as well, so that may be a good way to help if you can't attend their first show. But, most of my newbies WANT me at their first show for support, and schedule it around my schedule. Hope that helps!
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  • #3
But how do you fit it into your schedule? Do you tell them to book their first show on a date you have open?
My recruiter attended my first show, but my director did not. I wish she had, since I am my recruiter's first recruit, so she wasn't really sure of the support I needed. But at least she showed up and tried! (And, a funny side note, I made the elegant artichoke cups, and at first she declined eating one, as she did not like artichokes. I told her she was obligated to at least try one, since I was her recruit and this was my first ever recipe. Well, six artichoke cups later, she was cursing me for making her try them!! *Insert evil laugh here!*)
I do not attend my recruits' shows. If they ask me to I explain that I would not have wanted my recruiter to attend mine. It would have made me way too nervous. I also let them know that we will talk through the show and she will get to see a video of a show and can come to mine before she does her first show (or he). If a recruit still said they want me to be there I would go but to date none have requested that once they had their initial training sessions.

We go over the show and check out at several meetings (usually phone) prior to their show. The new DVD is really great for the checkout class! They know that they can even call me during the show if I am not also doing one that night.

I tell them to TELL the guests that it is their first show (or one of their first). I have never seen a group that didn't understand nervousness. In fact, three years into my business I had an almost 2 month break from doing shows one summer due to a death in the family. My first show back was with a good friend but I was still very nervous and after a few minutes I stopped and told the guests that I felt almost like it was my first show and explained briefly why and they were wonderful! The rest of the show went fine once that was in the open.
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My recruiter/director attended my first show. I liked having her there. I would make sure my future recruits know that this is an option for them. My director was very busy so we just picked a date that was open on her calendar and that was the date of my kick off show. If you cannot attend their first show because of scheduling, how about having them come to a couple with you, they may come up with some good questions that way.
We try to fit it in when I have an open date. So far, it has worked out, but if I ran into a point where it didn't, I'd have them attend one of my shows beforehand, unless they were completely comfortable on their own.
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  • #8
wadesgirl said:
My recruiter/director attended my first show. I liked having her there. I would make sure my future recruits know that this is an option for them. My director was very busy so we just picked a date that was open on her calendar and that was the date of my kick off show. If you cannot attend their first show because of scheduling, how about having them come to a couple with you, they may come up with some good questions that way.

I do have them come to at least one show with me before their first show - and use the show observation sheet.

I do check-out training in person - this is a time when I have them come to my house for one-on-one training. If they are going to be bringing their laptop to shows, I have them bring it with them.
I picked "when it fits my schedule" but really I leave it up to the recruit. I tell them that, depending on my schedule, I'd be happy to be there at their first show to answer questions and help them take orders. One of my current recruits took me up on it, one didn't. The main reason I offer to go is that my 2 latest recruits had little experience with PC. They had each been to one show. So I offered to go to help keep them on track, answer the "stump the consultant" questions that always seem to pop up, and to ask for bookings for them during checkout. (It's no skin off my back if those guests don't host, so I'm more likely to ask everyone than the new recruit is.)The interactive DVD is a GREAT resource to use for training, in case you're unavailable to go to a recruit's first show. And with gas prices where they are right now, I may offer that in lieu of attending first shows anyway, unless the show is really close to my house.
  • #10
ChefBeckyD said:
I do have them come to at least one show with me before their first show - and use the show observation sheet.

I do check-out training in person - this is a time when I have them come to my house for one-on-one training. If they are going to be bringing their laptop to shows, I have them bring it with them.
I was very "needy" when I signed up as a consultant. I went to three of my director's shows before my first show. It was really nice. The first one, she had me help with the recipe (she makes her's before the show) and help people at check out so I could get experience with PP (she brings her laptop to shows). The second one I observed again and she had me do the orders by hand to make sure I knew how to do them correctly since I wasn't bringing a laptop to my shows. The third one was because I still wasn't getting the beginning of my show correctly and wanted to go one last time. I think it was more beneficial to go to her shows but I liked having her at mine just in case.
  • #11
I marked that I never do, but I have on one and it has backfired. The reason I don't usually is that the new consultant needs to be the one in charge rather than looking at me to answer questions.

My director/recruiter refused to come to my first show for that reason and I think it was a valid one. While I did tell everyone I was new (and most of the guests knew more about the products than I did), I did feel I could have the opportunity to make the show my own rather than try to be a mini version of my recruiter.

I do offer to have them come and observe one of my shows or any other cluster-mates shows...heck I still go to shows to observe. You can always learn something.
  • #12
If they really want me there, I will go. (I give them my open dates.)
  • #13
Another Director and I were just discussing this last night (we both happened to have had consultants who had their first shows yesterday). We each leave it up to the new consultant whether they would like us there.

On the other hand, I did my first show on my own and so have over half of the consultants on my team. I just did a quick glance at their stats, and, interestingly enough, those that took the plunge 'solo' have (generally speaking) higher show averages. Not sure that's relevant, but it is intriguing.

The director I talked with yesterday said when she's asked to attend a kick-off, she does the talking and the new consultant does all the tool work. She and her recruits have had great success with this approach.

So, I am still undecided on this topic. I do think the new consultant at least attending a show before hers is a great idea.
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  • #14
legacypc46 said:
Another Director and I were just discussing this last night (we both happened to have had consultants who had their first shows yesterday). We each leave it up to the new consultant whether they would like us there.

On the other hand, I did my first show on my own and so have over half of the consultants on my team. I just did a quick glance at their stats, and, interestingly enough, those that took the plunge 'solo' have (generally speaking) higher show averages. Not sure that's relevant, but it is intriguing.

The director I talked with yesterday said when she's asked to attend a kick-off, she does the talking and the new consultant does all the tool work. She and her recruits have had great success with this approach.

So, I am still undecided on this topic. I do think the new consultant at least attending a show before hers is a great idea.

Thanks for that feedback! I'm undecided too. I love the idea of helping with checkout, and asking for bookings - but I am most definitely a self-starter, and have a fair amount of self-confidence, and would have never dreamed of having my recruiter or director at my first show - so it was intriguing to me when I heard of this on the training CD's.

Maybe because of this, I'm also not the best hand-holder in the world.:rolleyes: I provide a good amount of training and support before the first show - and then it's like I want to push them out of the nest and and say "Fly, little birdies, fly!".... (Oh - I do train and support after the show too, but I am speaking just to that first show right now.)
  • #15
I knew there was a reason I liked you, Becky. I'm the same way. My recruiter actually moved out of state a couple weeks after I signed, and the rest of my cluster is about 45 minutes away (only about 20 miles, but with Detroit traffic...). Anyhoo, I had to get started on my own. I offer assistance to my team, but secretly wish that they'd start out on their own.
  • #16
Add me to that club. I signed up on my own, scheduled 7 shows on my own, and managed to do okay. I talked every week with me director (who's fabulous by the way) but didn't meet her until I went to Leadership a little over a year later. (I did end up with a great HD who gave me some great in-person mentorship as well.)

Still, because it's their business and not mine, if a new consultant wants me at their first show, I'll try to be there. I count on them to know what will help them.
  • #17
My director let me hold my first show at her house. I had messaged HO directly that I was interested in PC and hadn't actually been to a show in like 6 years so I needed some guidance. That first show at my directors house, she did most of the talking. It was great for me since I really had no idea what I was doing. That was all the help I needed though. Had I recently been to a show, I think I would have done fine on my own. Whenever I start recruiting people, I think I would probably invite them to one of my upcoming shows so they can see how I do things. Then send them off. If they really wanted me at their show, I would try to go but they gotta get out there sometime, it is THEIR business!
  • #18
I went to one of my ADs shows while I was waiting on my kit and took tons of notes. I signed after I went to my first show and wasn't paying attention to how the show was conducted so I needed some help. If I had a recruit I would offer to be at the show to help with setup/checkout stuff but I would not do the talking - it is their business they have to start sometime. I didn't have my recruiter or director at my first show and it probably would have made me more nervous.
  • #19
I asked my new recruit what she preferred. She wants me there and I am open, so I am going. However, I did not want anyone at mine. It would have just made me much more nervous. I am sure my recruiter was very pleased with that since we live an hour apart! ;)
  • #20
All of my recruits were hosts of mine, so they had already watched a live show. When it came time for them to do their own I left it to them as to whether they wanted me there or not. I been to one so far and she did very well! :)
  • #21
I leave it up to my recruit. I offer and if I have the date open I will go. But like Ann and a few others, I think they need to start the business on their own.

Related to Should You Attend Your Recruits' First Shows?

1. What should I expect when attending a recruit's first show?

Attending a recruit's first show can vary depending on the specific event and the recruit's talent. Generally, you can expect a showcase of their skills, whether it be through a performance, exhibition, or presentation. It is also common for there to be a mix of family, friends, and potential agents or coaches in attendance.

2. How can I support a recruit during their first show?

One of the best ways to support a recruit during their first show is to attend and show your enthusiasm and encouragement. You can also share the event on social media or invite others to attend. Additionally, consider offering words of encouragement and support before and after the show.

3. Are there any specific etiquette guidelines for attending a recruit's first show?

Yes, it is important to be respectful and attentive during the performance. Avoid distractions such as talking or using your phone. It is also recommended to dress appropriately and follow any event-specific rules or guidelines.

4. Can I bring gifts or flowers for the recruit?

While it is a kind gesture, it is not necessary to bring gifts or flowers for the recruit. Instead, consider showing your support through words of encouragement or attending future shows or events.

5. How can I make the most out of attending a recruit's first show?

To make the most out of attending a recruit's first show, be sure to show up on time and stay until the end of the event. This shows your support and allows you to fully experience the recruit's talents. You can also network with other attendees and potentially offer any connections or opportunities for the recruit.

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