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Should We Set a Weekly Director Meeting in the Chat Room?

, When you had your induction, which ever way the doctor did it? Did your family's and friends give you a hard time? When you had your induction, which way the doctor did it didn't really matter to anyone else. Some people may think it's invasive, but it's not really that bad. Your husband and you are adults and can make the decision that is best for you and your baby. Your family is allowed to give their opinion, but ultimately you are in charge.
Gold Member
How about setting up a director meeting in the chat room?We are currently so few and all have different schedules. I know Kate and I have missed each other by seconds a few times in the chat room.

What do you all think about setting up a time each week for a director's meeting? We could just chat or we could choose a subject each time that is pressing for someone.

Let's get some ideas of a good time or two and then go from there!
bethcooks4u said:
We are currently so few and all have different schedules. I know Kate and I have missed each other by seconds a few times in the chat room.

What do you all think about setting up a time each week for a director's meeting? We could just chat or we could choose a subject each time that is pressing for someone.

Let's get some ideas of a good time or two and then go from there!

Yes we can do that. As the community grows the chat should be used more often.
How about Wednesday mornings at 8am Pacific, 9am Mountain, 10am Central, 11am Eastern?
  • Thread starter
  • #4
cmdtrgd said:
How about Wednesday mornings at 8am Pacific, 9am Mountain, 10am Central, 11am Eastern?

That time would work for me! Anyone else??
cmdtrgd said:
How about Wednesday mornings at 8am Pacific, 9am Mountain, 10am Central, 11am Eastern?

If that works I can send out an email.
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Let's try it and see what we get!
That'd work for me! Great idea Beth!!
Count me in please!

I won't be there this week, but I will next week! Teen Performing Arts Camp...woohoo!
  • #11
I can't make it this week but would love to be in on future ones! I'll put it on my calendar if someone wil email me a confirmation with the day/time we all agree on.
  • #12
When you had your induction, which ever way the doctor did it? Did your family's and friends give you a hard time?
A few people keep commenting to me the baby will come when it's ready, and i kind of feel like people are trying to make me feel bad about it. I am going to get induced no matter what anyone says to me, i just wish people would stop commenting to me like that because it does make me feel bad.

  • #13
If that is what the doctor said needs to be done what does it matter to anyone else?? Sometimes there are reasons that there needs to be an induction... I wouldn't let anyone make you feel bad it's not their business to be stickin there nose in.
  • #14
I was induced because I didn't have very much amniotic fluid. Had to do it.Never thought much about it.
  • #15
I had to do it because of pre-eclampsia so there was really no choice.
  • #16
I was scheduled to be induced ona Thursday and went into labor on Sunday night. No one said a word about it. I personally, did not want to be induced, I wanted Luke to come on God's timing but my doctor did not want me to be over due. Around here it is pretty common to be induced on your date if you have not gone into labor.
  • #17
I was induced a week late because I had gestational diabetes and they thought DD might get too big - she was fine - 6 lbs. 10 oz.

I was induced by breaking my water and then a strong dose of pitocin. After that I would never have pitocin again...it was horrible for me - strong doubled contractions, lots of pain.

But after having another and waiting until he arrived, I realized I just have horribly long and painful labors anyway.

As for the family, ignore them. It is your families decision with the advice of your doctor. You and your husband are adults are free to choose what is right for your health and your baby's health not any nosey family members. I really hate when family members try to tell you how to live, raise your kids, etc. Some truly mean well, but others are "my way is right and everyone else is wrong".

From what you described as your induction method, it is pretty good and not invasive. Do what is best for you and baby, ignore the rest and hopefully you will enjoy a healthy new one soon!
  • #18
Oh, the little guy in the pic on the left...yeah he came in his own time and was 9 lbs. 6 oz! He was about a week late too.
  • #19
I have not been pregnant, but I have said "s/he will come when ready, etc." as trying to calm the mother. I didn't mean to make her feel bad about being induced or that she was a bad mother or whatever. Now I see how it can be taken that way. I also know there are some people who DO mean to be mean!
  • #20
cmdtrgd said:
I have not been pregnant, but I have said "s/he will come when ready, etc." as trying to calm the mother. I didn't mean to make her feel bad about being induced or that she was a bad mother or whatever. Now I see how it can be taken that way. I also know there are some people who DO mean to be mean!

Yes, I may have said that to other moms before too...but I think you can tell when the person is sympathetic to your urge to have a kid or if they are judgemental...it usually seems pretty evident in their tone or follow-up conversations.
  • #21
janetupnorth said:
Yes, I may have said that to other moms before too...but I think you can tell when the person is sympathetic to your urge to have a kid or if they are judgemental...it usually seems pretty evident in their tone or follow-up conversations.

All of you have made me feel better about it, I would love to just give birth with out them helping it along, but what ever the doctor tells me I am fine with. You can really tell if some one is truley trying to calm you down or they are just trying to be jugemental about it like it was said above. If I try to talk to my mom about (who is not the judgemental person) she always turns it around to talking about her self and it never makes me feel any better. So thanks you everyone for your comments and helping me see different sides to what people are thinking when they say things, and most of all calming me down a little.

  • #22
My family did not give me a hard time when I was induced with #1 I was about 1 1/2 wks late but I was induced with all 3 of my kids. The 2nd one was I was scared of delivery due to somethings that happened with #1 and #3 as because I had to travel 3 1/2 hrs to deliver her.
  • #23
I was induced 3 weeks early because my blood pressure got too high (140/100). I can tell you that if it weren't for heath reasons I would not do it again. I was induced with Pitocin (sp?) and it made the contractions VERY HARD.....on top of that my epidural did not work :eek:. In the end I wound-up having a c-section.

Only you and your doctor can decide what's best for you. But if it isn't truly necessary (and after knowing how much it hurt like a SOB!!!!) I would personally wait for baby to decide when to come. Best of luck to you.
  • #24
With my youngest DD, I wound up being induced AFTER I went into labor and my labor stopped. I got to 8 centimeters dilated and everything just stopped. My bag had not broken so they waited a few hours and then broke my bag. They waited an hour and still nothing had happened so they gave me pitocin. HOLY CRAP!! After 2 back to back contractions, I asked for an epidural. They gave it...and it didn't work because she was facing the wrong way putting SO much pressure on my back. Eventually she came out..sunny side up and all 9 lbs and 9 ozs of her.

That was my only birth with pit. It sucked.
  • #25
I was induced with all 3 of mine
the oldest I had gestational diabetes and he had stopped moving, he was due the end of April and she saw me the day after Easter (April 4) & induced me the following morning. My family had been here from Iowa, just arrived home and my mom left 2 hours later with my mother in law. 14 hours one way.
2nd I was induced because he was 2 weeks over due
3rd.... don't remember why. I think it was because it was a Thursday and the Dr. was out of her office on Thursday afternoons and she scheduled them then.
  • #26
erinyourpclady said:
..............because she was facing the wrong way putting SO much pressure on my back. ........
That was probabaly part of my problem too. DS was head down, but face up. He just couldn't make the 'turn' and come out from that position. So, after 12 hours, Dr. decided that he just wasn't gonna come out either and he finally decided to do the c-section.....I don't know what they used in the O.R. for pain relief, but once I got in there I finally had some relief.

..........That was my only birth with pit. It sucked.
I totally agree!

Related to Should We Set a Weekly Director Meeting in the Chat Room?

What is induction cooking and how does it work?

Induction cooking uses electromagnetism to heat the cookware directly, rather than using a heating element or flame. It works by creating a magnetic field between the cooktop and the pan, which generates heat to cook the food.

Do I need special cookware for induction cooking?

Yes, you will need cookware that is made specifically for induction cooking. This includes pots and pans with a magnetic bottom, such as cast iron, stainless steel, or certain types of aluminum.

Can I use my regular cookware on an induction cooktop?

No, regular cookware that is not specifically designed for induction cooking will not work on an induction cooktop. It must have a magnetic bottom to be compatible.

Is induction cooking faster than traditional cooking methods?

Yes, induction cooking is generally faster than traditional methods because it heats the cookware directly and there is less heat loss. However, the exact speed will depend on the specific cooktop and cookware being used.

Are there any safety concerns with induction cooking?

Induction cooking is generally considered to be safe, but there are a few potential safety concerns to keep in mind. The cooktop and cookware can get very hot, so it's important to use caution and handle them carefully. Also, since the heat is generated in the cookware, the cooktop itself stays relatively cool, reducing the risk of burns. Additionally, some people with pacemakers or other implanted medical devices may need to avoid using induction cooktops due to the magnetic fields they emit.

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