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Should I Pay Full Price for the PC Starter Kit or Host a Show for Kit Credit?

buy the kit and be the host and consultant for your first show--make it a kick off show. You will make more than $40 in commission on that show (assuming the total sales are over $200) so it is well worth it!
Wanted to say thanks to "CindyCooks" for referring me to this forum. She told me there was no such thing as a "dumb" question, so here goes!:D
I'm scheduled to meet with my PC consultant at the end of the week. We're closing a fundraiser she did for our homeschool group; and discussing the possibility of me signing with PC.
Well, I've pretty much decided that I'm signing. So now I'm trying to decide if I should go ahead and order the starter kit at $155, OR host a show for the kit credit? Is there any advantage to going paying full price for the kit and starting sooner, that would outweigh the $20-40 kit credit, plus hostess gifts that I would earn? Does that make any sense, or am I totally overanalyzing?!

I did not host a show to get kit credit I bought the kit at full prce then did my own show as my 1st show. I did give away the hostess benefits but with me doing the show I did make the commision instead of my recruiter. I hope that makes sense.
Buy the kit and be the host and consultant for your first show--make it a kick off show.

You will make more than $40 in commission on that show (assuming the total sales are over $200) so it is well worth it!

I tell all my new consultants that it makes more financial sense to buy the kit outright. Even if you have to put it on a credit card, you will make the money back in 1-2 shows to pay for it.
Welcome JuliaI also bought the kit, I WAS going to have my Director do my show for me, but it got canceled due to snow and so I decided to do it myself and earn my own commission......your gonna LOVE the kit....and PC AND Chef Success....this place is AWESOME for help with ANYTHING and EVERYTHING....and you meet some really GREAT people here.....see tonight I learned how to get the animated smilies on here......Woo Hoo....always something NEW to learn.....

You may even want to learn and think about CONFERENCE.....I started last year in February and I went to conference, it was alot of FUN and I'm going again THIS year.....LOL.....

Welcome aboard....your new job is a PARTY......:D
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DebbieJ said:
Buy the kit and be the host and consultant for your first show--make it a kick off show.

You will make more than $40 in commission on that show (assuming the total sales are over $200) so it is well worth it!

I tell all my new consultants that it makes more financial sense to buy the kit outright. Even if you have to put it on a credit card, you will make the money back in 1-2 shows to pay for it.

That's exactly what I was thinking! If I'm host/consultant for my first show, it will more than make up for the $40 kit credit, if I just hosted the show.
As a customer, I already own a lot of the items that come in the starter kit, so should I use some of those things as door prizes?
It depends. I think a lot of the items in the kit are too pricey to use as door prizes, but it depends on how you want to do things. I find that it is nice to have doubles of things, because then you can leave one set packed up to take to shows and the other in your kitchen for daily use. You could use your free product value from your first show to buy door prize items if you want, or to pick up some products that you don't have to add to your kit.
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Kelley Sells said:
You may even want to learn and think about CONFERENCE.....I started last year in February .....

You made me think of another question:
Does it make any difference at all what time during the month you sign?
I bought my kit prior to my scheduled show. I STILL held the show since my recruiter was also my friend, and I didn't want to let her down as she is trying to build her business as well. So, as an incentive to my guests, I gave away my hostess benefits so she would have some sales and to encourage them to come since most had already booked shows with me. I also used it a s a training for me, in that I REALLY watched her do my show. I might have waited to get the kit credit, but I REALLY want the cruise, and since Feb was double points month I wanted to get a good head start, and if I waited I would've lost out on so much time.....Looking back, I don't regret my decision to pay full price for the kit, I've earned it all back!:D :D
Good luck in your new business, you're going to LOVE it!
With the new consultant program it doesn't matter what time of month, because it goes by 30 and 90 day periods, rather than by months. So basically, you can sign whenever you're ready. Although i suggest having bookings lined up first so you can take the most advantage of your first 30 days.
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chefbritt said:
....Although i suggest having bookings lined up first so you can take the most advantage of your first 30 days.

That's the plan! I want to take advantage of the 30 day bonus PC dollars!
  • #11
I think using the kit credit can be a good idea if you have no idea how to get bookings. Your recruiter should be experienced enough to get them for you at the show.
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Paige Dixon said:
I think using the kit credit can be a good idea if you have no idea how to get bookings. Your recruiter should be experienced enough to get them for you at the show.
Your director should be coaching you on how to get bookings. If a new consultant WANTS me to do her show I will, gladly. But I encourage them to do their own - the benefits are much better for the new consultant.

If she/he does the show they get the host benefits and the paycheck and the sales also count toward the 30 day bonus. If her intro show is $500 she's got one show and almost half way to the $1,250 bonus!

I do invite her to attend a show that I do or another consultant does so she can observe.

All that being said, at least half of my new consultants sign after hosting a show so this whole discussion is moot in that point.
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I've attended and hosted shows, plus I was the chairperson of a PC fundraiser just this past week. My friends actually talked me into signing, so I already have promised bookings. ;)
  • #14
julesh said:
I've attended and hosted shows, plus I was the chairperson of a PC fundraiser just this past week. My friends actually talked me into signing, so I already have promised bookings. ;)

That is great. Keep up the good work. May this business bring you much success while having fun.
  • #15
As a director, wanting to grow my team, I offer my consultants to sign and get the kit right away. I will do their kick off show with their assistance, and get the bookings from their guests for them. Also, I encourage them to chat about PC with their guests ahead of time, and offer the opportunity. Anyone who is interested in signing would then become one of my recruits first recruits.
I know that is a day out of my calendar, but of the last two recruits I offered this too... one walked away with $1500 in sales and 10 bookings, and the other had a $700 show with 7 bookings. They keep the sales, bookings and recruit leads, and I build my team wide and deep.

Edited to add... I have had people take the kit credit instead, in which case I still worked on securing their bookings with them. I have never left a recruit with less than 4 bookings to get them started. It is THEIR family and friends after all..
  • #16
pchefkristin said:
As a director, wanting to grow my team, I offer my consultants to sign and get the kit right away. I will do their kick off show with their assistance, and get the bookings from their guests for them. Also, I encourage them to chat about PC with their guests ahead of time, and offer the opportunity. Anyone who is interested in signing would then become one of my recruits first recruits.
I know that is a day out of my calendar, but of the last two recruits I offered this too... one walked away with $1500 in sales and 10 bookings, and the other had a $700 show with 7 bookings. They keep the sales, bookings and recruit leads, and I build my team wide and deep.

Edited to add... I have had people take the kit credit instead, in which case I still worked on securing their bookings with them. I have never left a recruit with less than 4 bookings to get them started. It is THEIR family and friends after all..

I also offer this, but no one has taken me up on it yet.

I also give all the bookings if they decide to host first. In fact, my host from last night is thinking about signing and she had FIVE bookings at her show! So she would start her business with a BANG!

Related to Should I Pay Full Price for the PC Starter Kit or Host a Show for Kit Credit?

1) What is the process for signing up to become a Pampered Chef consultant?

To sign up as a Pampered Chef consultant, you will need to create an account on our website and purchase a Starter Kit. The Starter Kit includes everything you need to get started, including products, business materials, and training resources.

2) How much does it cost to become a Pampered Chef consultant?

The cost to become a Pampered Chef consultant varies depending on which Starter Kit you choose. Our Starter Kits range from $109 to $259, and each kit includes over $450 worth of products and business supplies. You can also choose to add on additional products at a discounted price.

3) Do I have to meet sales quotas as a Pampered Chef consultant?

No, there are no required sales quotas for Pampered Chef consultants. You can work at your own pace and set your own goals. However, we do offer incentives and rewards for reaching certain sales milestones.

4) Can I host parties and events as a Pampered Chef consultant?

Yes, hosting parties and events is a great way to grow your business as a Pampered Chef consultant. You can host in-person or virtual parties to showcase our products and earn commission on sales made during the event.

5) What kind of support and training is provided for new Pampered Chef consultants?

As a new Pampered Chef consultant, you will have access to our training resources and support from your upline and the corporate team. We also offer ongoing training and support to help you continue to grow and develop your business.

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