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To quit or not to quit doing PAmpered Chef? I talked to my husband this morning about it and he thinks it takes to much time traviling talking on the phone and looking for work. he also thinks that it makes people obligated to buy something. hius mom thanks about that too and says that with every thing esle to about DS companies. he said is it worth the extra money to keep looking for work and to him work finds him so he used that and he does not go to door to door looking for work so is it worth doing it. also used my sister in law. she use to sell it and had quit so he says why did she quit. and also he wants me to be a home body. after having my kids i lost soemthing that i did have before them. and he still does not get it. he also loves tinkering on motors and tractors working with dirt and what ever else he can do with motors and he keeps going but being a mom i lost somthing. I want to find it again but where? ALso he said do i have any one that buys something even from a party or oust side the show? i said no not really. and he thinks is it worth doing it than? What it comes down to is should i keep going with Pampered chef or quit? I feel as if i can keep going With it and need to prove to him i can do this and take care of the family. also the other day i was in sioux falls sd and was in a shop and the chek out lady saw my shirt and said do you sell pc and i said yes. ran and ot a catalog and a card for her and i got her name. she is interested in doing a show in the fall. i really think that for all the catalogs i gave out and cards this past year it will all of a sudden take off. we are adding a new kitchen and an office room and he said the is for me and the office room is for Pc. Any one What do you Think? do i keep going and prove it to him? thas it can be done? i love it :love:so much i just cant give in.