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Should I Host a Show for an Inconsiderate Former Colleague?

If you like the products, IF you think she'd be a good consultant (not turn off your friends) and WHEN the timing works for you, have a show with her. When she calls, if you are not going to have a party, tell her why just like our guests do when they decline. (not a good time, all my friends are parties out, etc)
Silver Member
A girl I used to work with hosted a show with me last year. This year, she decided to start up with a new company here in the city. She emailed me and said "oh I just started selling, so you have to have a party with me."

I'm all for supporting her in her new business, however...I don't like the way she approached me about this, and she's not a good friend of mine - or even a great customer - she orders from other consultants all the time! I've just moved and hosted my own PC show and a bunch of others...I'm not really interested in hosting a show with her.

She's going to call me this weekend and follow up...what do you think I should do? Should I suck it up and do the party and be a good fellow-DS-consultant? Should I say "not right now"?? I'm torn.
No, I would not "suck it up and do the party". Just reply to her e-mail and tell her either that you will let her know if you ever want to do a show or tell her you don't have DS shows. Whatever your reason, just tell her "no".
JAE said:
No, I would not "suck it up and do the party". Just reply to her e-mail and tell her either that you will let her know if you ever want to do a show or tell her you don't have DS shows. Whatever your reason, just tell her "no".

Ditto! (what she said)
Yes, be firm. We don't like other people to not respond to us or jerk us around. If you want to someday help her, that is fine, but make it on your terms. Say you appreciate her hosting a show but know she also buys from other PC consultants. Say it wouldn't be fair to the other consultants YOU buy from to host for her and not them.I personally do not like the "I'll do a show for you if you do one for me."
Don't feel that you MUST do a show for her! From experience, we all know that if someone doesnt' really want to do a show...it's not gonna be a good one anyway.

I would tell her that you aren't interested right now, but if you ever change your mind, now you know who to call if you want to have a (whatever co. she's with) party.
KellyTheChef said:
Don't feel that you MUST do a show for her! From experience, we all know that if someone doesnt' really want to do a show...it's not gonna be a good one anyway.

I would tell her that you aren't interested right now, but if you ever change your mind, now you know who to call if you want to have a (whatever co. she's with) party.

Good wording Kelly, that is what I was looking to say (2nd paragraph).
You don't have to do anything other than see yourself as an ordinary citizen....

IF you like the products, IF you think she'd be a good consultant (not turn off your friends) and WHEN the timing works for you, have a show with her. When she calls, if you are not going to have a party, tell her why just like our guests do when they decline. (not a good time, all my friends are parties out, etc)

Good luck!
A good friend of mine who sells for another DS company, and is HUGE with her business, told me when I started PC that she made it a rule from the beginning to never "trade" parties/shows. (Not that I had asked her to have a show, she was just sharing advice). She said that she tells anyone who asks or offers that she does shows almost every night of the week and the rest of her time is for family. If she wants to have a show, she will, but she will not book a show with anyone who is going to be conditional.

I would share that same advice with her, offering the advice in the spirit of her doing the same thing with her business. You could tell her that your schedule is full right now and you would love to support her by having a show in the future when you are available (if that's really what you feel like doing). If you are interested in the products, you could also tell her that you would be happy to place an order. And if you don't want to ever have a show, you're not losing a good customer anyway...
She already got rewarded for hosting your PC show with free stuff. You don't owe her anything. It's completely different if you like what she is selling and would like to earn some product for free... then I would say go for it!
  • #10
Kathy's_Kitchen said:
A good friend of mine who sells for another DS company, and is HUGE with her business, told me when I started PC that she made it a rule from the beginning to never "trade" parties/shows. (Not that I had asked her to have a show, she was just sharing advice). She said that she tells anyone who asks or offers that she does shows almost every night of the week and the rest of her time is for family. If she wants to have a show, she will, but she will not book a show with anyone who is going to be conditional.

I would share that same advice with her, offering the advice in the spirit of her doing the same thing with her business. You could tell her that your schedule is full right now and you would love to support her by having a show in the future when you are available (if that's really what you feel like doing). If you are interested in the products, you could also tell her that you would be happy to place an order. And if you don't want to ever have a show, you're not losing a good customer anyway...

wow what a great way to put it!!!
  • #11
Yes, I thought so too when she shared that with me. And, yes, I've used it a couple of times with friends/acquaintances...no one has ever gotten mad or stopped being my friend...yet... :D
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Thanks guys. I know I don't HAVE to...I just always have this feeling that I want to help people get started because I know how hard it is.

I will NEVER trade shows again. I used to trade shows on the condition that the PC show was held at least 2 weeks BEFORE the other show...well, a Passion Party consultant totally screwed me over with that. She postponed her show and then cancelled saying she'd do a book show and then never did the book show and won't return my calls. Never again!
  • #13
Did you end up having her Passion Party even though she cancelled on you?
  • #14
I just sent this out to a friend who asked me the same thing. I also had a good friend lie to me and had me do a show for her and never did the show for me. Not even a catalog show. Fool me once...

"That is great that you are starting your own business. I am so happy for you, but unfortunately at this time I really can't host a show for you. I wish you lots of success and we should definitely get together for lunch or dinner and discuss our success stories and horror stories."

Debbie :D
  • #15
I would add (if you are interested in the product) that you would be happy to attend her grand opening show and support her that way.
  • #16
I agree with all the above...however I DO have 1 lady that just started her candle biz & we decided to do a show together (she's my host, I'm hers) in September...one of the reasons I chose to do it is because she hosts a show for me EVERY month & has since I started in Nov. So, I want to help her out as much as she's helped me.

BUT if she had tried to "guilt" me into it, the answer would've been NO.
  • #17
Winnipegk said:
A girl I used to work with hosted a show with me last year. This year, she decided to start up with a new company here in the city. She emailed me and said "oh I just started selling, so you have to have a party with me."
I'm all for supporting her in her new business, however...I don't like the way she approached me about this, and she's not a good friend of mine - or even a great customer - she orders from other consultants all the time! I've just moved and hosted my own PC show and a bunch of others...I'm not really interested in hosting a show with her.

She's going to call me this weekend and follow up...what do you think I should do? Should I suck it up and do the party and be a good fellow-DS-consultant? Should I say "not right now"?? I'm torn.

My daddy always says "I don't HAVE to do anything but pay taxes!!":rolleyes:
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  • #18
chefsteph07 said:
Did you end up having her Passion Party even though she cancelled on you?

Unfortunately, yes. She postponed her show, and told me she'd reschedule...and then she cancelled the day of her rescheduled show!

Related to Should I Host a Show for an Inconsiderate Former Colleague?

1. How do I schedule a show with you?

To schedule a show with me, simply contact me through my Pampered Chef website or social media page. We will work together to find a date and time that works for both of us.

2. Do I need to invite a certain number of people to my show?

There is no minimum or maximum number of guests required for a Pampered Chef show. Whether you have 5 guests or 50, I will provide a fun and interactive cooking experience for everyone.

3. What kind of products will be featured at the show?

At your show, I will showcase a variety of Pampered Chef products, including kitchen tools, cookware, and pantry items. I will also demonstrate how to use these products to make delicious recipes.

4. Is there a cost to host a show?

No, there is no cost to host a Pampered Chef show. As a host, you will earn free and discounted products based on the sales from your show. It's a great way to get your favorite Pampered Chef items at a discounted price.

5. Can I customize the menu and recipes for my show?

Absolutely! I want your show to be a personalized and enjoyable experience for you and your guests. We can work together to choose recipes that fit your preferences and dietary restrictions.

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