So glad I decided to goI don't know why I let today's host do another show. She was a repeat host and last time her show was very small and started way late (cultural thing) and just didn't seem to be worth my time. I told my DH that if she didn't have at least 5 people coming, I wasn't going to do it. It was a little further than I like to drive and we have a full weekend already. The host told me she had 10 guests, so I went with it. Well of course today we started about an hour after the show time and she had just four guests and only one of them ordered. However, she did have some outside orders so sales are just under $200. BUT two of the outside orders want to book and one guest present booked. AND her daughter filled out a consultant agreement! She needs to get her $$$ together and then she will get started!!!So next time you don't want to go do a show, think of me. You never know where your next show or recruit will come from. BTW, since it was a small group we did it totally interactive ala Jennifer Soto and it went really well.