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Director Should I Have a Lending Policy for My Direct Sales Team?

In summary, the expert thinks that they are too generous with their products and resources, and they are creating an environment where some consultants are blatantly trying to take advantage of them. They are going to change their lending policy to only lend products to consultants who are in their first 30 days, and after that, they should have PC dollars to pay for what they need. And seasoned consultants need to start taking control over what recipes they offer.
I think that I am overly generous to my team. I often will let them borrow products/supplies from me. Now, I realize that I have created an environment that some are blatantly trying to take advantage of. As in, they don't bother to try to earn the products or buy the sample packages because they know that they can borrow from me.

So, in an attempt to take control & make them take responsibility for their own business I'm going to revamp my lending policy: I'll only lend products to Consultants who are in their first 30 days. After that, they should have PC dollars to pay for what they need. AND seasoned consultants need to start taking control over what recipes they offer. And for supplies, I will no longer let them "borrow" them and give them back to me with their next supply order - they will have to pay me when they get them.

What is your policy on lending to your team?
NO LENDING WHATSOEVER!I made this mistake and learned from it!!!!!I thought I was inspiring them by telling them I earned the items free... not so much. When I started having to pull teeth to get the items back, one consultant actually said to me, "What's the big deal? It's not like you PAID for it!"At a conference I learned from an ED that she NEVER lends products. Everyone can earn them. Everyone... either through the sell-a-thon or using the PC$ they earn in their 1st 30 days. And if they don't do that, they can get them 50% off as samples.At one point, I did do the *leave me a check for the amount of the item* (full price) and if I didn't get it back by a certain date, I would deposit the check and get myself a new one. That backfired because I would deposit the check and then they would bring it back to me all pissy.Good luck!
I let team members borrow products as long as I don't need them for a show and they return them clean within 24-48 hours. (I'm currently not near most of my cluster, but that was how I did it when I was nearby.)

I've never been asked to borrow supplies...but I do place catalog orders in sets of 100 and let them buy from me at that rate.
We have a little supply store at team training where they can buy some supplies. It's very, very limited...like, 2 packs of catalogs, opp brochures, etc...it's really only meant for emergencies.

As for lending...I've done it but I don't do it very often. We have a full kit we've put together that consultants can use for display but they sign a form saying if they don't return some or all of it, they will be charged the full cost of the missing / broken item(s).
I have let consultants borrow things but am now no longer owner of an APCS and stand because of it. I lost track of it (actually I'm quite sure I know who has it but have nothing in writing - she's no longer on the team either).

Now if I loan something it's written down and expected back by a reasonable date.

I do sell catalogs and other supplies if I have them and someone needs them at cost. I end up eating some tax and of course the shipping but it's a service for my team in my mind.
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Thanks for all the responses. Here's why I'm getting annoyed:
1 Consultant has had one of my trifle bowls for almost a month
1 has owed me door prizes/catalogs for 2 months
1 has an Open House for this weekend and asked to borrow some of the new products. I explained that I have a show for the same day and that if she let me know what she needed I'd see what I could do. Her list? ALL the bamboo, pineapple wedger, steamer, sauces, mixes, collapsible bowls, garlic slicer, peeler, sheet pans, etc. Uh hello? Why don't I just load all my spring products up and bring them over to you....:grumpy:

It's good to hear what you guys do. I know realize that I should've set boundaries a LONG time ago. I really like the idea of paying a deposit (check for value). I'm sure I'd get my products back a lot sooner too! I will explain my new procedure next week at my meeting.
I know my NED charges a deposit if you borrow something from her.My team hasn't borrowed much from me. they are all spread out, so it's just not convenient.I did borrow things from my director in the past and she never required anything of me. I always returned it, though.

Related to Should I Have a Lending Policy for My Direct Sales Team?

What is Pampered Chef's lending policy?

Pampered Chef does not have a formal lending policy. However, we do offer a flexible payment plan option for our consultants to purchase products and supplies for their business.

Can I borrow products from Pampered Chef to use for a demonstration?

No, we do not offer a borrowing or rental program for our products. We recommend purchasing the products you wish to demonstrate and using them as a part of your consultant kit.

Can I lend my Pampered Chef products to someone else?

Yes, you are welcome to lend your products to others for personal use. However, we do not recommend lending them for business purposes or demonstrations without the consent of your consultant.

Do I need to be a consultant to access the flexible payment plan?

Yes, the flexible payment plan is only available to active consultants who are purchasing products and supplies for their business. If you are interested in becoming a consultant, please reach out to your local consultant or visit our website for more information.

What are the terms and conditions of the flexible payment plan?

The flexible payment plan allows you to make payments on your consultant account in installments. Payments are due on the 15th of each month and must be paid in full by the end of the consultant year. Please note, a late fee may be applied for missed or late payments.

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