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i have a new recruit - she was actually supposed to host a children's cooking class for another mom i was in contact with which fell through.turns out she is a tupperware consultant and i had her set up an online show as i had a few friends who wanted to order. next thing i know she sends me an email about joining but not sure she can do the 6 shows. i emailed her back that we can try the best we can - and she signed up through my website! i told her she could host a show to off-set the cost - but she signed up anyways! i don't think she has any plans of becoming active - but i have no idea!!! what should i do? i'm not looking to grow my biz right now - and i am so clueless - when i got my 25 catalogs for a new recruit yesterday - i didn't even remember that you get them!!! what a nice surprise!!!