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Sellathon Booking Accountability

more to come) and July. And to hit $3000 in June and would love to hit in July, but that would be an extra bonus for me!!Working toward an incentive...and shooting for $3000 in June and $1500 in July.
Thought we should start a thread to keep each other accountable!

I am shooting for the $6000 mark!! I WANT IT ALL!!! :)

Which level do you want?? How are you going to achieve it???

So far I have:
1 Wedding Registry
6 Cooking Shows
2 Catalog Shows

3 Cooking Shows
WOW>>> I am IMPRESSED! I've nearly filled May and am just beginning to think on June... what an inspiriation! Thanks! I'm not even sure what to say... I'd LOVE it all as well... we'll see!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
I teach 1st grade, so May is a CRAZY month for me!! So, when people wanted to book, I leaned toward June! Then I did a booking blitz last week, and I got 9 bookings (April-July)!
I set a goal for myself that I would have at least $2,000 in sales every month and earn at least level 1 (preferably level 2) of every incentive. So, I'm shooting for $3,000 in sales for June and for July.

So far I have 1 live show and 1 catalog show scheduled for June. I'm hoping to get several June bookings at my next few shows.
How do you do a booking blitz? I hate getting on the phone but I know I need to...what kinds of things to you say or offer during one of these?
  • Thread starter
  • #6
Check out this thread! This is where I got my inspiration!! I literally sat down, and rewrote my list of 100!! There are many other thread with dialogue to use!! I was sooo excited!! I set aside 2 hours one night and just stayed on the phone!! The result... 9 bookings!!

Also, make sure to mention that you are working toward an incentive....and tell the $$ value of how much you are shooting for! You will get a WOW, and they may go the extra step to help you! You may also find a recruit lead that way.... ;)PS: I am shooting for $3,000 both months, but would be happy with one of the two... and of course I WILL get the gifts for 2 shows each month...and the extra goody since I am going to Conference too!
pamperedchef_OK_LA_MS said:
Check out this thread! This is where I got my inspiration!! I literally sat down, and rewrote my list of 100!! There are many other thread with dialogue to use!! I was sooo excited!! I set aside 2 hours one night and just stayed on the phone!! The result... 9 bookings!!


I'm so glad this worked for you ~ it DOES if you WORK it!!! Deb Jennings, Kristi Tarducci and I are doing this again until Friday (?) ~ anyone else want to join in? Yep 3 days ~ CREATE THE URGENCY ladies! DO IT!!!

Who's in for the Booking Blitz ? ? ?Earn those products ~ get those bookings ~ fill your calendar? Deb Jennings, Kristi Tarducci and I are doing this...

Starting NOW ending Friday 4/27 ~ Ready, Set, Go make those calls! Post your results here!

If you need to know what we're talking about, check this out:

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  • #9
WooHoo!!! I am in!! I will keep calling!!

All it takes is picking up the phone!! You can get comfy and work in your PJ's!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  • #10
jenniferknapp said:
Also, make sure to mention that you are working toward an incentive....and tell the $$ value of how much you are shooting for! You will get a WOW, and they may go the extra step to help you! You may also find a recruit lead that way.... ;)

PS: I am shooting for $3,000 both months, but would be happy with one of the two... and of course I WILL get the gifts for 2 shows each month...and the extra goody since I am going to Conference too!

Oh, yeah, I'll be getting the conference goody, too!
  • #11
I have two shows so far for June!! I'm hoping my mom will do one and of course, I'll have an open house. So, I guess that's 3 for sure then!!!! I'm shooting for the $3000 mark also although I'll be happy with $1500 too!
  • #12
I want the two shows in June (I already have two for June booked and more to come) and July. And to hit $3000 in June and would love to hit in July, but that would be an extra bonus for me!!

I have always hit Level One and would be so excite to hit Level Two!

I am going to do a Host Competition in June and offer the BBQ Jumbo Turner for FREE to the host with the most sales at June shows. I am working on a flyer to get out soon and to have at my May shows.
  • Thread starter
  • #13
jrstephens said:
I want the two shows in June (I already have two for June booked and more to come) and July. And to hit $3000 in June and would love to hit in July, but that would be an extra bonus for me!!

I have always hit Level One and would be so excite to hit Level Two!

I am going to do a Host Competition in June and offer the BBQ Jumbo Turner for FREE to the host with the most sales at June shows. I am working on a flyer to get out soon and to have at my May shows.

That is a CUTE idea!!!
  • #14
I'm in. This time I'm serious...since I want all that free stuff.

Okay. So far before the booking blitz, I have 3 June cooking shows and 2 catty shows, and 1 July cooking show. But more to come.

I'm going to conference so I get more stuff. Yippee!!!
  • #16
  • #17
I am shooting for the 6,000 also!!!!! June I have 3 kitchen shows, and getting on the phone tommorow! Need 9 more kitchen shows and want 4 catalog shows!! July I have 2 kitchens shows so far!
I know I can do it!!I will let you all know!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO
PLUS: what an awesome paycheck before conference!! LOL!!
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Related to Sellathon Booking Accountability

What is Sellathon Booking Accountability?

Sellathon Booking Accountability is a program designed by Pampered Chef to help consultants track and increase their sales and bookings.

How does Sellathon Booking Accountability work?

Consultants can log into their Sellathon Booking Accountability account and input their sales and booking information. The program will then provide a personalized action plan to help the consultant reach their sales and booking goals.

What are the benefits of using Sellathon Booking Accountability?

By using Sellathon Booking Accountability, consultants can easily track their progress and see where they need to focus their efforts in order to reach their goals. It also provides helpful tips and suggestions to increase sales and bookings.

Can I access Sellathon Booking Accountability on my mobile device?

Yes, Sellathon Booking Accountability is accessible on both desktop and mobile devices, making it convenient for consultants to use on the go.

Is Sellathon Booking Accountability only for new consultants?

No, Sellathon Booking Accountability is beneficial for both new and experienced consultants. It can help new consultants get started on the right track and provide new strategies for experienced consultants to increase their sales and bookings.

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