I just submitted an order for $275!!! I wanted a few things from the Outlet (mainly the parchment paper as DH has gotten into the Artisan Bread in 5 Mins a Day thing and DH's cousin is getting married in March, so I ordered a couple things for them too). So I sent out an email to my customers. It was Joy's Tasty Tidbits Outlet email. I just mentioned that I was going to order and if anyone wanted anything to let me know and we could order together to save on shipping. The stipulation was that they HAD to come pick it up at my house or arrange for delivery in a way that was convenient for me. Example, one woman who ordered goes to church with someone who lives in my neighborhood, so they'll do a hand off. I had 6 people contact me and the order was $275! I just made $75. Woohoo!Something to consider for our double points coming up....