Thoughts? Highlights? Lowlights? Revelations???I had an AWESOME TIME! I was able to spend a ton of time with friends. I only had 1 consultant (my mom) go with me so I had to do ZERO babysitting like I have in the past and it was the best experiences I have had BY FAR!Lowlights: IMO... Go for No disappointed. The recap was fine but their *management* info lacked a bit in my opinion because it wasn't new info. The lion-shark-hippo-retriever info has been done over and over and they didn't even make an effort to repackage the concept in a unique way. The only thing that made it bearable was sitting with Carolyn and Becky (HI! )Highlights: Lydia Martin's workshop on promoting. Blew my socks off! Her system is so friggin' basic that it's scary! I can't wait to try it this week! I think the incentives they are offering are fabulous. The bags aren't really my style but seeing as though I am a gift wh***, I will take them! They are so darn easy to earn, there is no reason why we can't! Oh... and of course, Jean's shoes! Revelations: The ONE thing I think I got from the GFN couple was that selling is SERVICE. I liked that and it changed my attitude a bit on a lot of levels. Lydia Martin's workshop was not only a highlight but a HUGE revelation for me as well! She's going to post her notes on her website (.biz/lydiamartin) so you can check there this week for the info.So please share what you liked, didn't like, etc.!