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Recruiting Out of the Country...

In summary, my friend is trying to start a home-based business but is having some difficulty because her zip code is not working with the system. She is trying to sign up but is having trouble because her state is not listed correctly. She is trying to change it to NY or NJ but is having trouble doing so. She has been successful in selling so far, but if anyone wants to order they need to get it direct shipped to them.
Christ Follower
Gold Member
I need some help! I will call HO tomorrow to see what is up but thought I would ask here too.

I have a friend/past host that wants to sign up. She is in the military and is stationed in England. Although she lives off base, her mailing address is APO and all her shows would be done ON base and catalog shows with family here in the States.

She tried to sign up through my website but the system is NOT liking her zip code.

Does anyone know what can be done? She can still sign up right? Thanks in advance for anyone there that knows!
It's probably not her zip code but the fact that she puts AE in for the state. She will probably have to put in NY as her state. We lived on an overseas military post and as long as you have an APO address she is fine but.....she can only sell to people who have APO addresses. Shouldn't be a problem. Have her try putting NY or NJ as the state.
I agree, it's probably AE that's the issue. If she logs the city as "APO, AE" (or "FPO, AE"), the state as "NY" and then her appropriate zip, it should take.

Please relay to her that she needs to research the rules & regulations for her military base and host country.

Here in Japan:
  • We are required to obtain a license by the base to have a home based business.
  • We are restricted from selling to the locals (because we are not paying import taxes or income tax to the host country).
  • We are prohibited from accepting mail for other's in our mailbox, therefore "ship to host" is NOT an option.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Thanks for the info. ladies. I will let her know. Should she put the state that she is originally from? Or NY or NJ? Hopefully this all works out.
Not sure what the problem would be. I signed up at an APO and had no problems. I also just had a recruit sign up from an APO and she had no issues.
The APO AE should work. If it doesn't, she can try APO NY (this used to be the old designation...many systems still recognize it).

Also, she can do parties off-base, as long as the host and buying guests have APO mailing addresses.
We are prohibited from accepting mail for other's in our mailbox, therefore "ship to host" is NOT an option.
I believe this rule applies to all APO holders.

  • Thread starter
  • #7
Okay so the APO addy also says "box 368" after it. Is that why it's not going though? Or is the box thing different for military? I will try calling the company again now that I have her full address. She said she tried it again and it didn't go through.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
UGH! It's STILL not working!:cry:
My address when I lived in Germany was printed like this:

CMR (this stood for Command Mail Room I believe) 415 Box 4516
APO AE 09411

09411 was the zip code and if you put that in as a city search using zip code on the USPS website it used to say NY for the state

So when she lists her address she should put the CMR 415 Box 4516 as her street address (because everything will be shipped USPS not FedEx) and then APO AE as her city and try NY as her state followed by the zip code.

Hope that helps. I signed a recruit while I was living in Germany and she signed a recruit herself recently and no one had a problem.

As for the shipping to military not being able to ship everything to the hostess - I always listed that as a hostess benefit specifically for overseas military hosts - they loved it.
  • Thread starter
  • #10
Okay so I spoke with Tech Support today (Career Solutions couldn't help any further).

We entered the regular part of the address on the first line.

Then APO for City and APO/FPO EAST at the State.

It worked! AE was NO WHERE on there! I messaged my soon-to-be consultant about it working that way but haven't heard back from her to see if she signed up yet. She is wanting to do it before tomorrow to get that extra 30 days bonus period.
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Okay so everyone buying from her has to get it direct shipped then? Am I understanding that correctly?
  • #12
Christ Follower said:
Okay so everyone buying from her has to get it direct shipped then? Am I understanding that correctly?

Yes, everyone pays direct shipping and it goes straight to their address. It is a bonus for the hostess and it is really good because, being military, some of her orders are probably going to be stateside orders for friends and family. Once you have moved with the military one time you have friends everywhere - my close friends from when I lived in Germany are now in Michigan, Minnesota, Georgia, Colorado, Washington, and Virginia. Just imagine if I could have recruited all of them?!?!?!

Related to Recruiting Out of the Country...

1. How do I find qualified candidates from other countries?

One way to find qualified candidates from other countries is to work with international recruitment agencies or job boards. You can also utilize social media and professional networking sites to connect with potential candidates.

2. What are the legal requirements for recruiting out of the country?

The legal requirements for recruiting out of the country will vary depending on the country you are recruiting from and the country you are recruiting for. It is important to research and comply with all necessary immigration and labor laws.

3. How can I ensure cultural compatibility when recruiting out of the country?

To ensure cultural compatibility when recruiting out of the country, it is important to educate yourself on the culture and customs of the country you are recruiting from. You can also incorporate cultural sensitivity and diversity training into your hiring process.

4. What are the potential challenges of recruiting out of the country?

Some potential challenges of recruiting out of the country include language barriers, time zone differences, and differences in work culture and expectations. It can also be more complex and time-consuming to navigate legal and logistical requirements.

5. How do I handle the logistics of hiring someone from another country?

The logistics of hiring someone from another country may include obtaining necessary visas and work permits, arranging for relocation and housing, and coordinating travel. It is important to have a clear understanding and plan in place for these logistics before making a job offer to a candidate.

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