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Ready for My First Real Demo?

In summary, a group of experienced direct sales consultants offer advice and well wishes to a first-time demo participant. They suggest practicing out loud, relaxing and enjoying the experience, and having a pre-show checklist. The participant's first demo went well, but they were nervous and forgot to mention important details about the products. Despite this, they had a high show total and received a booking for a future show. They are determined to do better and have another demo coming up soon.
I've done two catalog shows but tomorrow is my first real demo! I'm so excited and I think I'll do well. Wish me luck! Any last minute advice?
Relax! I was so nervous during my first show that I messed everything up. People still bought stuff so it didn't matter, but I wish I had calmed down a little more!
Relax, enjoy and have fun and your crowd will to! Practicing your recipe helps too!
Good luck and have fun!

Some people use index cards with an outline to guide them...

I usually just go over the recipe and look at what products I'm going to demo and make sure I know what to say about them.

Let us know how it goes!
Make sure you have a pre show checklist in place, so you don't forget to take anything with you. Have fun and good luck, let us know how it turns out!!
Relax, have fun, ENJOY!!!! :)

...hope it goes well!
Have fun and it'll turn out great! I also did a run-thru with my hubby the night before to get some help and suggestions. I also talked to myself the whole way to the show, practicing what to say!:p
Let us know how it goes!
amy07 said:
Have fun and it'll turn out great! I also did a run-thru with my hubby the night before to get some help and suggestions. I also talked to myself the whole way to the show, practicing what to say!:p
Let us know how it goes!

You must be doing well...you have a GREAT high show total!
  • #10
Relax and have fun. Let people know its your first demo if you find that you are really nervous.
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Great...thank so much!
  • #12
janetupnorth said:
You must be doing well...you have a GREAT high show total!

Thank you Janet! Actually I totally credit that high show total to my hostess! She knew I really wanted to have a $1000 show and she really worked on getting outside orders before and after her show. I shared an incentive my recruiter had given me with her.....a FREE dinner out. And she totally understood - no cooking, dishes, stopping to help a tot use the potty. LOL:D :D :D

BTW, did you sumit an order so you qualified? Or did HO let you add on?
  • #13
SilverCeladon said:
I've done two catalog shows but tomorrow is my first real demo! I'm so excited and I think I'll do well. Wish me luck! Any last minute advice?
Try to relax and have fun!
Practice "out loud", not just in your head! (Seriously, it helps you to retain and remember what you want to say even when you are nervous!)

Good luck!
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Well, it went okay-I totally thought I'd do just great but I nutted up and forgot to say tons about most items. I talked too fast and I wasn't fluid with my speech. So far the total is at $600 and I got one booking for April. I'm pretty sure she'll book because she wants the Trifle bowl at 60% off. I'm not closing until Friday because more orders are coming in. My next show is on the 30th and I hope I do so much better!
  • #15
Good job on your first one. We always forget to say stuff. But that is a great show total and with a booking also, fantastic 1st demo.

Related to Ready for My First Real Demo?

1. What should I bring to my first show?

For your first show, it's important to have a few key items on hand. Bring your Pampered Chef starter kit, including your product samples, catalogs, order forms, and host packets. You may also want to bring any additional tools or products that you plan to demonstrate during the show, as well as any necessary ingredients for your recipes.

2. How should I prepare for my first show?

Preparation is key for a successful first show. Take some time to review your host's guest list and familiarize yourself with their preferences and dietary restrictions. Practice your product demonstrations and familiarize yourself with the order process. Additionally, make sure to have all of your supplies and materials organized and ready to go before the show begins.

3. What are some tips for engaging with guests during the show?

Engaging with guests is an important part of a successful show. Make sure to introduce yourself and thank them for attending. Ask open-ended questions to get to know them and their needs, and be sure to listen actively. Demonstrate products and recipes with enthusiasm and encourage guests to participate. Lastly, make sure to follow up with guests after the show to thank them for attending and answer any questions they may have.

4. How should I handle objections or questions about the products?

It's normal for guests to have questions or concerns about the products. The key is to address them with confidence and knowledge. If a guest has an objection, listen to their concerns and address them with facts and personal experiences. If you don't know the answer to a question, don't be afraid to say so and offer to find out the information for them.

5. What are some best practices for taking orders and following up after the show?

Taking orders and following up after the show is crucial for building relationships and growing your business. During the show, make sure to have guests fill out their order forms completely and accurately. After the show, follow up with guests who did not place an order and offer to answer any questions or address any concerns they may have. Additionally, make sure to follow up with all guests after they have received their orders to thank them and ask for any feedback. This will help to build customer loyalty and potentially lead to future sales and host bookings.

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