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Protocol for Biz Genealogy Change

In summary, a director has relinquished their position and the PC genealogy of one of the directors' teams is changing. The director is reevaluating whether PC is right for her team and is looking to get support from their 3rd line director. The team is no longer officially in the 3rd line director's group, but the director is willing to send recognition stats each month. The director is torn because there are some great gals still on the team but they are afraid that if they bail from the meetings they will stop happening altogether. The director is looking to get support from their fellow veterans.
Gold Member
I know there are Cheffers who have dealt with this situation - and I need some advice.

My PC genealogy is changing. My director (D1) just relinquished, and I just found out during a phone conversation with my 3rd line director (D3) that my 2nd line director (D2) didn't have enough personal sales recently to keep D1's team.

D1 has been a good director, she's just reprioritizing her life, and PC doesn't really fit right now, except for an occasional show on the side. D2 has lost a lot of her team over the past several years, and (I think) is also to a point where she's reevaluating whether PC is right for her.

I know I can get some great support from D3, but she's not local to me (she's in MO, I'm in MI). I've got her phone number and email address for questions/training/goal setting/support. My team should start receiving her first-line communications soon.

What's the appropriate protocol in this situation? Do we continue to contact D2 about meetings and other things? (D2 has been pretty lax lately about returning calls or email.) Because my team and my sister consultants from D1's team are no longer officially in D2's group, I don't think we'll be included in her recognition any more. D3 said that she can send me recognition stats each month. Should we continue to attend D2's meetings or start holding our own? (D2's meetings never follow a logical plan; have become more of a social hour; and there are several of us 'orphans' who are willing and enthusiastic to hold our own meetings.)

I'm torn because there are some really great gals still on D2's team. But I'm afraid that if we (D1's team) bail from those meetings they'll stop happening altogether and those women will lose out. I don't want to overstep my bounds and invite them to other meetings, which will put D2's nose out of joint.

There are a lot of factors in play here, including the personalities of the parties involved. If you've been in this situation, what did you do? Has it caused a riff in the relationships that then made things awkward at Conference?

Sorry if this is a little disjointed. D2 is a member here, although she doesn't tend to read posts. But I don't want to embarrass her.

Well, I don't know if this can be helpful, but.....

YOU are a FD right? I held a informal get together a few months ago with some girls from our cluster who had been in the business for at least a year and continued to "perform" - we got together to help eachother in areas we felt our cluster meetings weren't helping us b/c they tended to be geared more towards the newbies. (and that is fine, no problem with that cause we were all newbies at one time!) It was helpful and supportfull at the same time -

Could you and a few veterans get together on another day then cluster to help eachother in areas you feel you need the help? Then still continue to go to the cluster meetings near you, because you can help others there as well (heck you help us all here all the time!!!)
I'd say start holding your own if you are comfortable with that. Talk to D2, if she is not ready or willing to step up to what you and your team need then ask D3 to find you hospitality in the area.
chefann said:
(D2's meetings never follow a logical plan; have become more of a social hour; and there are several of us 'orphans' who are willing and enthusiastic to hold our own meetings.)

I think you answered your own question....good luck!
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  • #5
I'm temporarily not an FD right now - a couple of my gals went inactive, but I'm talking to a couple prospects about signing. I have toyed with the idea recently of doing my own meetings anyway. But this situation accellerated that. :)The personality of D2 is a HUGE factor. I had sent D3 a note asking about materials for National Meeting Day because D2 has a prior commitment on that day and didn't have a problem with the group having a meeting without her - until I asked about getting the materials so that we'd actually have something to discuss. Then she got all icy about it. And with D1 not being a Director any more, she won't get the materials to pass on to me (I already offered to hold the meeting if there's any interest from the rest of D2's group). It was D2's abrupt change that makes me question whether D1's former group will even be welcome at her meetings any more (since, even as pathetic as our performance has been, we're still doing better than the rest of D2's group).
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  • #6
janetupnorth said:
I'd say start holding your own if you are comfortable with that. Talk to D2, if she is not ready or willing to step up to what you and your team need then ask D3 to find you hospitality in the area.

Getting hold of D2 is an issue. And so is hospitality. There aren't many other directors in the area (based on the leads I know someone else is getting). I'm perfectly willing to hold meetings myself, but I don't want to step on anyone's toes.
Deal directly with D3 and hold your own meetings. Ann, you have to work YOUR business and not worry about D2.
I think you need to do what's good for you & your team. Not meaning to sound harsh, but if D2 really wanted to make sure that she didn't lose out on director perks, she would have made it work for her.

Like Kate said,
Deal directly with D3 and hold your own meetings. Ann, you have to work YOUR business and not worry about D2.
If D2 does discontinue her meetings, you can always invite those who are missing out to your own.
I had some issues like this earlier this year. Another director in my area invited me to start coming to her meetings. I've been doing that for months now and it fits perfectly. Now that my director has reliquished, I really enjoy working with my new director. She's not out of state but she is about an hour away. We do a lot of phone calls and emails and I still go to the other director's meetings.
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Thanks, everyone. I spoke to someone else who was in a similar situation, and she pointed out that it's not about D2's feelings. Which I knew, I just needed to hear someone say it.D3 is going to be better to work with - and she's known about the situation here since Conference. So she knows that there are several of us who have been craving some structure and support.
  • #11
So happy it will work out for you Ann!
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I've contacted 2 of my sister consultants this morning - they're both shocked that we're rolling up to D3. The theory (that was introduced by the 3rd party I mentioned in post #10) is that D2 is so out of it she doesn't know that there are requirements to keep roll-up groups. She probably won't even know that we're not on her team anymore until she gets her October reports in November. At which point I expect the stuff to hit the fan - but it's her own fault! If you can't do $1250 personal sales as an AD, then you don't deserve to keep the groups that would otherwise roll up.

Related to Protocol for Biz Genealogy Change

1. What is the Protocol for Biz Genealogy Change?

The Protocol for Biz Genealogy Change is a set of guidelines and procedures established by Pampered Chef for updating and changing business genealogy information.

2. Why is it important to follow the Protocol for Biz Genealogy Change?

Following the Protocol for Biz Genealogy Change ensures that accurate and up-to-date information is maintained in our system, which is crucial for proper commission tracking and business operations.

3. How do I make changes to my business genealogy using the Protocol for Biz Genealogy Change?

To make changes, you will need to fill out a Change of Information form and submit it to our corporate office. This form can be found on the Pampered Chef website under the "Business Resources" section.

4. How long does it take for changes to be reflected in my business genealogy?

The processing time for changes to be reflected in your business genealogy can vary, but it typically takes 2-4 weeks. If you have not seen the changes after this time, please contact our customer service team for further assistance.

5. Are there any fees associated with using the Protocol for Biz Genealogy Change?

No, there are no fees for using the Protocol for Biz Genealogy Change. It is a free service provided by Pampered Chef to ensure accurate and up-to-date business information for our consultants.

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