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Prayer Request for HD & Help for HD's Friend

In summary, Diane's husband went on an Emmaus Walk and she is experiencing attacks from Satan. She asks for prayers for herself and for the man she met at the fair.
Gold Member
Please pray for a man I met while doing a booth at the county fair last week. Just use HD as his name. He is very intellectual and wants to do good for other people but just can't grasp needing Jesus.. he believes he creates his own joy and happiness... it's a long story but he NEEDS Jesus and can be a tremendous mouthpiece for Him if the Holy Spirit will just continue to keep him searching!

AND... please pray for me. My dh went on his Emmaeus Walk this past weekend and it was wonderful for him. Pray for me, because he can't tell me anything since I am going on the 16th and they don't want any information to spoil the experince for me. Telling me much of anything would be like opening a gift that I shouldn't have yet. I understand that completely but satan is attacking me with warfare of defeat and discouragement that I have not experienced for years. The notion of not sharing everything with my dh when we've never had a secret between us if very hard and the enemy is happily using it against me in mighty ways. I hate satan so.

So if you could pray for legions of heavenly hosts to come and fight off htiis oppresion I would be so greatful! I've cried nearly all day and am just pained by these attacks. I'm trying to keep my armor in place but this is so hard. It's going to be fine and I know that but the enemy knows how to needle most where he knows it hurts and I just need your warrior prayers to help fight him off! Thanks in advance... just asking for your help has begun to scare him off I think... I love you all!
Diane I pray God gives you the strength you need to feel to fight off satan's attacks. Remember you already have all you need. Each time you feel like satan is pulling at you start reading the Word or Praying to ward him off.

I will also pray the Holy Spirit will surround HD and fill him with love.
Diane - some words for you:"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." - John 14:27"In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." - Romans 8:37

"Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." - Jeremiah 33:3
"My flesh and MY HEART may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." - Psalm 73:26"I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me." - Micah 7:7
Diane...I pray that the Lord speaks to this man and draws him to a relationship with Him!

Prayers for you too! Satan can use even the simplist things to frustrate and make us doubt/fear!! I pray that God gives you peace and a heart that wants to wait to go experience that all on your own. Remember, after it's all said and done, THEN you and DH can chat all you want!!

{{{HUGS}}} to you!
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  • #5
Thanks y'all! I love you so much!
Praying here in TN for you too. I hope to experience and Emmaus Walk one of these days. Several people in my church are very active in leading them.

Tell satan (notice it is a little s) to let you alone! Say it out loud! He cannot read our thoughts so we have to tell him. He has to let you alone when you say that...but he comes back of course! You are doing something that will make you spriritually stronger and those kinds of things scare satan the most!

quiverfull7 said:
Please pray for a man I met while doing a booth at the county fair last week. Just use HD as his name. He is very intellectual and wants to do good for other people but just can't grasp needing Jesus.. he believes he creates his own joy and happiness... it's a long story but he NEEDS Jesus and can be a tremendous mouthpiece for Him if the Holy Spirit will just continue to keep him searching!

AND... please pray for me. My dh went on his Emmaeus Walk this past weekend and it was wonderful for him. Pray for me, because he can't tell me anything since I am going on the 16th and they don't want any information to spoil the experince for me. Telling me much of anything would be like opening a gift that I shouldn't have yet. I understand that completely but satan is attacking me with warfare of defeat and discouragement that I have not experienced for years. The notion of not sharing everything with my dh when we've never had a secret between us if very hard and the enemy is happily using it against me in mighty ways. I hate satan so.

So if you could pray for legions of heavenly hosts to come and fight off htiis oppresion I would be so greatful! I've cried nearly all day and am just pained by these attacks. I'm trying to keep my armor in place but this is so hard. It's going to be fine and I know that but the enemy knows how to needle most where he knows it hurts and I just need your warrior prayers to help fight him off! Thanks in advance... just asking for your help has begun to scare him off I think... I love you all!

Tell Satan to take his skinny little butt and jump in the nearest Lake of Fire because IT IS WRITTEN that he will be CAST into the LAKE of FIRE and Jesus has overcome the grave and you have angels and Jesus at your ready so that you can overcome the attacks and lies that Satan is throwing at you... Don't think of it as your husband is keeping a secret from you, think of it as your husband bought you something really super cool....and it's just NOT quite time for you to open it yet!

If you look at it that way, you won't feel as if he is keeping stuff from you and you can tell Satan to stuff it, because you know the truth and his lies mean nothing to you!

AMEN! :)
Sending prayers your way.
Praying for both situations ... and Kacey stole the words right out of my mouth ... he doesn't tell you what he got you for Christmas or your birthday or anniversary, does he? It's like a present he can't wait for you to open!

As for the man who thinks he can get by without Jesus ... I am praying he doesn't have to hit the bottom to see that he cannot get the love he needs without the source of love! But whatever it takes, Lord, do it!
  • #10
I'll keep the man in prayer. I'll also keep you in prayer. Your Walk will be intensely personal. Do your best to not set any expectations other than time apart to concentrate on your relationship with Jesus.
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  • #11
Once again... thanks to you all. Today has brought attacks from another area but I KNOW that your prayers are holding me up before the throne of God and I praise Him for each of you! This will pass and my walk will be my own experience with Jesus and I'm looking forward to it. Thanks!

Related to Prayer Request for HD & Help for HD's Friend

1. What is "HD" in the prayer request?

"HD" stands for Huntington's disease, a genetic disorder that causes the progressive breakdown of nerve cells in the brain, leading to physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms.

2. Who is HD's friend and why do they need help?

HD's friend is someone who has been affected by Huntington's disease, either as a patient or a caregiver. They may need help with medical expenses, emotional support, or practical assistance in dealing with the challenges of the disease.

3. How can I help HD's friend?

You can help HD's friend by offering your support and prayers, volunteering your time or resources, or making a donation to a reputable organization that supports those affected by Huntington's disease.

4. Is there a specific prayer or way to support HD's friend?

While there is no specific prayer or way to support HD's friend, you can offer your thoughts, prayers, and positive energy for their well-being and strength in dealing with the challenges of Huntington's disease.

5. Are there any resources available for those affected by Huntington's disease?

Yes, there are many resources available for those affected by Huntington's disease, including support groups, online communities, and organizations that provide information and assistance. You can also reach out to your local healthcare provider for more information and resources.

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