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Prayer Request for a Friend in Need

abnormalities and had to have multiple surgeries throughout her childhood. Because of this and the fact that she was a twin, she had many doctors telling her she wouldn't make it past her 20's. She is now in her 30's and has been working as a nurse for the past 10 years. She just became pregnant and was told that she needs to stop working because she is a high-risk patient. She is now on bedrest and is only allowed to leave to go to the hospital for checkups. She is currently 26 weeks pregnant and her due date is in a few weeks. She has been really struggling and is not doing well at all. She is constantly in pain and has lost a lot of weight
Gold Member
I am heartbroken tonight for a friend of mine going through a terrible ordeal. She is early in her second trimester with her pregnancy and has had non-stop complications. She was put on bedrest early on because the pregnancy was high-risk to start with (her son is 2 and was born after four previous pregnancies resulted in miscarriage). Unfortunately she is the primary full-time worker in her home, and her husband has not been able to find much work with the economy in its current state, so she had to continue working full-time to keep them covered with health insurance.

Fast forward to now...today I got an email from her telling me that the most recent ultrasound shows a terrible defect with some of the baby's internal organs...with the current complications he only has a 5% survival rate and most likely will not survive to be full-term. For the record, it wasn't the lack of bedrest that caused the defect. Right now she is around 14 weeks. They are going to do an amnio on Monday to determine the severity level of the defect and see if he's in the 5% window that would allow for major corrective surgery...she told me she's holding out hope for that 5%. I think she knows the chances are slim and is just having so much trouble dealing with it...crying all the time, not able to sleep...and who can blame her.

Basically I would just like to ask for prayers for her, and her family, that they will have the strength to endure whatever happens next. I am hoping for the best for them but mentally preparing myself for the worst...sadly the baby will not live much longer if the defect is as progressed as the doctors believe. Thank you in advance for your prayers...I know that God does listen to prayers, even if the outcome isn't always what we wish it would be.
I will be praying for your friend. No miracle is impossible for the Lord!

Debbie :(
I'm praying for them. Remember to tell her many times the Dr.'s are wrong - they are only human. Plus like Debbie said no miracle is impossible for the Lord!
I'll be praying, too.
I'll say an extra prayers for this mother & her family..
I'm praying. Just remember that doctors don't know everything. There is a young couple at our church who were told that their baby could not survive. The doctor sent her home to wait for the baby to die and scheduled a D&C for 3 weeks later. The baby was born Jan 22, which was 14 weeks early. He's had some struggles, but he's getting stronger every day.
She is in my prayers...............and remember The LORD is in control..................
Sending prayers too.
Sending prayers and hoping they have FAITH to carry them thru the days to come
  • #10
Sending my prayers and thoughts.Hoping everything ends up alright
  • #11
More prayers coming!
  • Thread starter
  • #12
Update: The baby is due sometime in October! The amnio results weren't the greatest, but they went through several additional rounds of testing, and while they aren't out of the woods yet, the pregnancy has continued. I truly believe in miracles and I really believe this child is a miracle baby. I got an email from her last week saying that they are officially announcing to others that they are pregnant (she was scared to tell too many people because they didn't know if the baby would make it). And I spoke with her a couple of nights ago...turns out the defect is still a possibility. At least one of his kidney's is functioning normally...they won't know the status of the other until he is delivered. The road is still going to be an uphill battle, but with prayer warriors like you all on her side I know she'll pull through and have another happy, healthy son. Thank you so much for your continued prayers for her and her family...I know she is very grateful!!!
  • #13
I will pray for all of them.
  • #15
I'm praying too - my God protect them all.
  • #16
God, touch that child, heal completey to your honor and glory. Give strength and courage and perseverense to the family and just pour out your love and spirit... Jesus, hug them tightly for all of us. This fear, this unknown, tugs at the hearts of every woman and tears flow but prayers ascend more mightily. Bless them Jesus, touch and heal. Amen
  • #17
I second that Diane!!
  • #18
That's some better news...there is still plenty of time for God to heal and the baby to grow.I have a friend who is in her 30's now and her dad recently told of her ordeal. She was born with many of her organs OUTSIDE her body. Her stomach, intestines, and much more. She was delivered and immediately had corrective surgery to place them back in. She was told it was doubtful she'd ever have kids or survive childbirth. She almost died with #2, but has 2 beautiful little girls. God works miracles when we think it can't be done.
  • #19
janetupnorth said:
That's some better news...there is still plenty of time for God to heal and the baby to grow.

I have a friend who is in her 30's now and her dad recently told of her ordeal. She was born with many of her organs OUTSIDE her body. Her stomach, intestines, and much more. She was delivered and immediately had corrective surgery to place them back in. She was told it was doubtful she'd ever have kids or survive childbirth. She almost died with #2, but has 2 beautiful little girls. God works miracles when we think it can't be done.

Definition of a Miracle!
  • #20
Sending Prayers!!!!!

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What is a "Prayer Request for a Friend in Need"?

A "Prayer Request for a Friend in Need" is a way for individuals to ask for support and guidance for a friend who is going through a difficult time. It is a request for others to join in prayer and offer their thoughts and positive energy to help the friend in need.

How do I submit a "Prayer Request for a Friend in Need"?

To submit a "Prayer Request for a Friend in Need", you can reach out to your local Pampered Chef consultant or contact our customer service team. They will assist you in submitting your request and ensure that it is shared with our prayer network.

Who will see my "Prayer Request for a Friend in Need"?

Your "Prayer Request for a Friend in Need" will be shared with our prayer network, which consists of our consultants, customers, and employees. We value the privacy of our customers and will not share any personal details without your consent.

Can I submit a "Prayer Request for a Friend in Need" for myself?

Yes, you can submit a "Prayer Request for a Friend in Need" for yourself. We believe in the power of prayer and are here to support you during difficult times, whether it is for yourself or a loved one.

How long will my "Prayer Request for a Friend in Need" be shared?

We will share your "Prayer Request for a Friend in Need" with our prayer network for a minimum of two weeks. After that, we will continue to keep your friend in our thoughts and prayers, but we will no longer actively share the request with our network.

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