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Praising Through Chaos: A Mother's Journey with a Sick Child

In summary, my daughter woke up sick this morning and spent the day cleaning up after her sick friend. Thankfully, she is feeling better now and is looking forward to a day off from school soon.
Gold Member
Well, I am supposed to be at work right now, but I am at home exhausted.

I was up all night last night with DD who was vomiting :yuck: every house practically on the hour.

She felt sick and crawled into bed by me only to PROJECTILE vomit over the entire bed. As I was frantically stripping sheets and clearing anything not hit, she headed to the bathroom.

By the time I got there, she has hit the hall, the bathroom door frame, lightswitch, counter, and DH's razor/trimer set on the sink, the entire sink, cabinets, floor, whole toilet and everything next to the toilet.

After that episode I had her sleep with an old bath towel so she could puke in that and carry it all to the bathroom. That worked MUCH better!!!!

Anyway, last episode was about 6:30 a.m. so I hope we are in the clear for her sake and mine.

I had my bathroom tub and sink full overnight soaking sheets, comforters, rugs, etc. (I had just happened to start the washer before bed so of course it was full already).

Now I am catching up on laundry...and hopefully later sleep!!!!

But, among all this chaos, as little girl realized she made a mess of everything said, "Mom, well the one good thing about this day is Jesus still rose from the dead...so I guess we can think about that still." Got to love her heart!

I am thankful to have a daughter that can see the good in a bad situation and strives to worship God daily. (She was so sweet an apologetic this a.m. as I was trying to get the laundry out of the tub and to the washer).

I am thankful that I could call into work and no one complained and hopeful that I can take a day off without a problem (my work is usually very nice about that!)

I am thankful that despite the circumstances, I get to spend time with my kids today.

...and I'm thankful that hopefully soon spring WILL come and this too shall pass...
awe i hope she is feeling better soon! poor girl!
speedy recovery to her and some rest for you.
get in some snuggle time with her if your not afraid she's contagious, maybe she had too many peeps and chocolate bunny ears
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  • #4
Teresa Lynn said:
speedy recovery to her and some rest for you.
get in some snuggle time with her if your not afraid she's contagious, maybe she had too many peeps and chocolate bunny ears

That's EXACTLY what we've been doing, snuggling!!!! :)

If she's contagious, I've already caught it...we've spend every moment together ALL weekend.

Nope, no peeps or chocolate bunnies...she did have chocolate ice cream last night so that was disgusting!

My DD likes to celebrate Easter for the "true meaning" (her choice!!!!) so we do eggs and treats on another day as just a fun spring activity. Last year, we bought plastic eggs on the after-Easter clearance when a whole pack is 10 cents. We used them for scavenger hunts throughout the spring in our yard and nearby woods. They have a BLAST doing that! Colorful eggs are fun to find anytime of year. We usually hid pennies in each egg though rather than candy so if they didn't find one, it wouldn't attract wild animals. :)
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  • #5
Oh, DS had the SAME THING on Thursday so I think it it the stomach flu of some sort not food-related. I THOUGHT his was food-related but now that DD has it, it is definitely something...
I hope she is well soon! That is so wonderful of how she is about Easter. That also say A LOT about her upbringing too, so, you get credit also!:angel:

I hope no one else gets it.

We deal constantly with colds but are lucky in the "throw up" area not to have that often. That OF COURSE does not include my months of previous morning sickness, though! :D
poor DD! poor you! DS had stomach flu about a month ago...getting rid of the nasties from both ends.

good thing about kids...when they recover, they are soooo happy and energetic!
when we moved into this neighborhood we began a tradition of hosting an Easter egg hunt on Good Friday for our new friends and hte friends we left in our other town. We would start at 11, have the egg hunts for each age group, the families would bring kites, picnics, bikes etc.Once our kids got older we quit hosting the last year we held it late afternoon, they brought potluck food and we had a buffet did the fun stuff (& little kids) before dark and the older kids thought we weren't having a hunt for them we told the parents to bring flashlights and we hunted in the dark.
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  • #9
Teresa Lynn said:
when we moved into this neighborhood we began a tradition of hosting an Easter egg hunt on Good Friday for our new friends and hte friends we left in our other town. We would start at 11, have the egg hunts for each age group, the families would bring kites, picnics, bikes etc.Once our kids got older we quit hosting the last year we held it late afternoon, they brought potluck food and we had a buffet did the fun stuff (& little kids) before dark and the older kids thought we weren't having a hunt for them we told the parents to bring flashlights and we hunted in the dark.
I'll have to remember that for when they get bigger.Also, the latest craze in the summer for summer staff activities is sending them on GPS hunts. Might just have to do an "Easter Egg GPS Hunt" someday...hmm...wheels churning...Oh, and I forgot our "funny" Easter story...DS (age 4) saw a person dressed up in a bunny suit at the "Y" and runs up and says, "Mom, that Easter bunny is not real! Now if I saw a white bunny with an Easter basket that isn't a person in a suit, then MAYBE I'll believe the Easter bunny is real." It was basically an "I'm too smart to be fooled with that moment". It was kind of cute and funny. I've never taught my kids this things DON'T exist, I just let them sort it all out on their own. They are taught the TRUE meaning of the Holiday, then they get to decide on the "fun stuff".
  • #10
janetupnorth said:
Well, I am supposed to be at work right now, but I am at home exhausted.

I was up all night last night with DD who was vomiting :yuck: every house practically on the hour.

She felt sick and crawled into bed by me only to PROJECTILE vomit over the entire bed. As I was frantically stripping sheets and clearing anything not hit, she headed to the bathroom.

By the time I got there, she has hit the hall, the bathroom door frame, lightswitch, counter, and DH's razor/trimer set on the sink, the entire sink, cabinets, floor, whole toilet and everything next to the toilet.

After that episode I had her sleep with an old bath towel so she could puke in that and carry it all to the bathroom. That worked MUCH better!!!!

Anyway, last episode was about 6:30 a.m. so I hope we are in the clear for her sake and mine.

I had my bathroom tub and sink full overnight soaking sheets, comforters, rugs, etc. (I had just happened to start the washer before bed so of course it was full already).

Now I am catching up on laundry...and hopefully later sleep!!!!

But, among all this chaos, as little girl realized she made a mess of everything said, "Mom, well the one good thing about this day is Jesus still rose from the dead...so I guess we can think about that still." Got to love her heart!

I am thankful to have a daughter that can see the good in a bad situation and strives to worship God daily. (She was so sweet an apologetic this a.m. as I was trying to get the laundry out of the tub and to the washer).

I am thankful that I could call into work and no one complained and hopeful that I can take a day off without a problem (my work is usually very nice about that!)

I am thankful that despite the circumstances, I get to spend time with my kids today.

...and I'm thankful that hopefully soon spring WILL come and this too shall pass...

Janet, I hope Sammie is feeling better this morning. I also hope you will be able to get some much needed sleep this afternoon.

Sounds like it was a long night- not fun for anyone!

And, isn't it great to have a job that doesn't make you feel terrible for calling in to care for your child, or yourself? It is rare and you are blessed to work for people that are understanding like that! It helps take the pressure off so you can rest and get better, or help your child get better and wash a few loads of laundry! :)

Take care, and prayers for strength for you, and healing for Sammie
  • #11
Oh no! I hope she feels better soon and that nobody else catches it!
  • #12
Ahhhhhhhh, hope she's better soon...and you get some rest!
  • #13
Bless your heart. I know it's so hard when the kids are sick. My DS was sick on Easter and we missed Easter service for the 1st time ever. I hope your DD is feeling much better this afternoon and maybe yall won't catch it too. Take care.
  • #14
Janet... I pray for your DD's speedy recovery and total healing! How awesome to know that God Loves you when you are that young, Jessica, my DD, is the same way. You just have to love their tender loving faith filled hearts!
One thing I thought was funny on this thread... it's only women and mostly Mom's that are replying! I think the guys read the first few lines and ran away.... fast! Making this face :yuck: :yuck: as they clicked out of here as quick as their fingers could move! LOL!:D :p
Just keep confessing your health, you DON'T have get this too! Jesus says so! But I know you know this!:angel: :angel:
  • #15
I hope everyone is feeling better now Janet. What a way to get you to change the sheets!
  • #16
oh... I was thinking kind of the same thing... hoping that it was time to change the sheets and not that you had just done it on Saturday! I sure hope she is gaining her strength back and you as well!
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Well, I just had a 1 hour nap - now I know why I NEVER nap, I'd never get up! I feel more tired now then normally! (Probably because it doesn't begin to make up for the sleep I lost last night). DS is now complaining of being "sick". I'm hoping it was just hunger since he didn't eat much earlier and I made him nap a little too. DD was burning up before her nap but there is nothing to do for a virus but fluids and rest. She is a little better now. I'm not thinking she is well enough for school in the a.m. but I can't miss another day of work so I'm hoping my sitter will play mom tomorrow. :( We'll see. DS was better the next day so I'm hoping she gets better fast! I already called to let church know I won't be at AWANA tomorrow since even if better they don't need to be there and get sicker.Thanks for all the well wishes. I told DD people are praying she gets better and she smiled and gave me a hug - she hates being sick (don't we all!).
  • #18
Janet, hopefully she will feel better. I was watching my 4yo cousin on Friday night and was projectile vomited on as well (so was 1/2 my basement floor - thankfully we were down there, versus upstairs with my new furnature!). It was just that one episode Friday night, then a quiet, not feeling great Saturday, with more vomiting on Saturday night. Thankfully she woke up Sunday feel like her normal self. Both Dad and step-mom had the stomach flu in the last week, so hopefully kids are just not getting as sick from it as adults (it put me in the ER in January!). My thoughts are with you and your family, as it is never fun for anyone when one person is sick!
  • #19
Praisin' & prayin'.

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