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Pampered Chef Stealing Inventions?

In summary, the former host's in-laws are suing Pampered Chef for stealing her father-in-law's invention, a white Mix n Chop with only four arms instead of six.
Paige Dixon
Three years ago this summer I had a show for a very friendly host who loves our products. Before the show as we were setting up, she gave me a Chopster that her father-in-law invented. It is exactly like our new Mix n Chop except it is white and only 4 arms coming out instead of 6. She told me that they had presented it to Pampered Chef who was not interested. They sent him a letter stating that it was not a product they would sell. He was having alot of trouble marketing this tool. I've used his Chopster for almost 3 years and I've loved how great a tool it is!

Imagine my surprise when PC came out with the Mix n Chop!

Well, last night I had a show where this former host attended as a guest. She got there early and was very anxious to see the Mix n Chop. She told me that her in-laws are sueing Pampered Chef for stealing his invention.

Understandibly, her husband would not allow her to buy anything at the show.

Do you think they can pass this idea off as their own just by adding 2 more arms and coloring it black??!!
I read something somewhere about the PC product development team work 7-8 years ahead (like they are working on products now for 2014-2015) but can't remember where I read that. My director is on the product committee and gives ideas and input for at least 2-3 seasons ahead I think...

I really hope that PC had something similar before this guy ever even approached them...
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  • #3
I was given mine 3 years ago and it had been fully produced. He had hundreds of them already. I don't know how long ago he did a design or when he presented it to PC.

I remember her telling me that the first model was made of wood (like a wooden spoon) and he had upgraded it to the white nylon like I have.
gilliandanielle said:
I read something somewhere about the PC product development team work 7-8 years ahead (like they are working on products now for 2014-2015) but can't remember where I read that. My director is on the product committee and gives ideas and input for at least 2-3 seasons ahead I think...

I really hope that PC had something similar before this guy ever even approached them...

This is true - PC already knows today what prosucts they are working on for 4-5 years from now. My sister-director was on the PD Committee last year. They probably had theirs in the workds long before this guy presented his idea to them.
  • Thread starter
  • #5
I hope so, but I don't think so. She says they have a letter from PC saying that they wouldn't sell that kind of product. (she told me the exact wording, but I can't remember).
I don't doubt him, but I just wish/hope that this isn't true!
dannyzmom said:
This is true - PC already knows today what prosucts they are working on for 4-5 years from now. My sister-director was on the PD Committee last year. They probably had theirs in the workds long before this guy presented his idea to them.
And I am sure they are as careful about copyrights and they are at protecting theirs.

I also noticed that there are often products similar to ours that show up on store shelves right around the time ours do so I am sure it happens a lot.
Paige Dixon said:
I hope so, but I don't think so. She says they have a letter from PC saying that they wouldn't sell that kind of product. (she told me the exact wording, but I can't remember).
Well, it it's true, it's a good thing she kept the letter. Let us know what happens.
Did he have the invention patiented? Did he sell any of his to individuals? I have a friend with something just like what your talking about.
  • #10
Paige - I'm curious when you hear more about this - can't find a THING in the patent database...of course searching isn't the easiest...but interested to know how it turns out. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Yes, I understood that it is patented. I think he has sold very few. I was given one for free as was last night's host. I don't know how many were given away. I thought it was such a cool tool and I didn't understand why he had such trouble finding companies to market it for him.
  • Thread starter
  • #12
chefpayne said:
Did he have the invention patiented? Did he sell any of his to individuals? I have a friend with something just like what your talking about.

Which product did your friend have situation about?
  • Thread starter
  • #13
Just logged off to clean the bathroom and came up with a common sense thought:

Pampered Chef wouldn't have such an indisputed good reputation if they stole inventions. Yes, it sucks for this inventor, I sort of hope he'll be awarded something in the law suit if they find that to be appropriate. But I'm sure PC doesn't steal inventions or they wouldn't have had such an awesome reputation for so long.
  • #14
Paige Dixon said:
Just logged off to clean the bathroom and came up with a common sense thought:

Pampered Chef wouldn't have such an indisputed good reputation if they stole inventions. Yes, it sucks for this inventor, I sort of hope he'll be awarded something in the law suit if they find that to be appropriate. But I'm sure PC doesn't steal inventions or they wouldn't have had such an awesome reputation for so long.

I would agree with you Paige, that's why I'm curious how the "whole story" turns out. When I worked at Master Lock, we'd get "ideas" from people all the time and if we already had a patent on an idea, but it wasn't to market yet, they'd get a "I'm sorry" we cannot use your idea letter, rather than a "sorry, it's already patented and we're brining it to market on X day..." You can't reveal ALL your secrets as a company or you wouldn't get where you are today.
  • #15
janetupnorth said:
I would agree with you Paige, that's why I'm curious how the "whole story" turns out. When I worked at Master Lock, we'd get "ideas" from people all the time and if we already had a patent on an idea, but it wasn't to market yet, they'd get a "I'm sorry" we cannot use your idea letter, rather than a "sorry, it's already patented and we're brining it to market on X day..." You can't reveal ALL your secrets as a company or you wouldn't get where you are today.

That makes more sense than that PC just "stole" an invention from someone. Doris is a hero of mine in the Ethics dept., and I just can't imagine that she would allow such unethical behavior.
  • #16
I remember whatching Oprah a few years ago where she had invited women entreprenuers and inventors onto her show. I believe there was a contest on her show as well, for best idea. There was a lady there with the very same product, (can't recall what she named it though) and I think she won as the best idea as well! She was even on QVC right after the appearance on Oprah. So I was suprised when PC came out with it as well. I thought maybe they bought the copyright/patent from her.
  • #17
Paige, I meant that she has a chopper like you described and got it at
Wal-Mart or somewhere like that. Sorry for the confusion.
  • #18
I don't know that a product like that can be patented. The reason I say that is if that were the case only 1 company could sell a food chopper, only on company could sell cookware, only one company could sell a spoon. Right????
  • #19
A lot of our items had patent but when they the patent runs out, other companies are allowed to make similar ones. Why do you think all of a sudden all the kitchen stores now carry our all purpose measuring cup.
  • #20

Does this look like one of our new products? ;)
  • #21
...and if the person Paige met thinks he "invented" the mix 'n chop - take a look at this...


...bet that was before his invention...
  • #22
...and I saw a "janets..." was bidding on it - too funny - NOT ME!
  • #23
Wow! That looks exactly like ours! I also saw a floral silicone pan like ours at Williams and Sanoma last year.
  • #24
Hmm I may not use that chopper on my executive cookware...
  • #25
There are no truly new ideas -- just new and improved ones! But, there are exceptions to every rule -- one of my clients "invented" bottled ice tea in the 60s and no one would buy it! Today bottled ice tea is a standard. It's all about timing sometimes.
  • #26
MandyK said:
There are no truly new ideas -- just new and improved ones! But, there are exceptions to every rule -- one of my clients "invented" bottled ice tea in the 60s and no one would buy it! Today bottled ice tea is a standard. It's all about timing sometimes.

Hmm...we could argue about "inventing" vs. "repackaging"....naw....not worth it. :)

Times change...

Change is inevitable...growth is optional...
  • #27
that's why I put it in "quote" :)
  • #28
janetupnorth said:
...and if the person Paige met thinks he "invented" the mix 'n chop - take a look at this...


...bet that was before his invention...

Gosh--those are disgusting--I wouldn't want my food to touch them! They are great for someone who wants to "display" things like that though. No, I'm not bidding or buying them. I want more PC stuff for my kitchen!
  • #29
My favorite so far...

  • #30
janetupnorth said:
My favorite so far...


I guess whoever came up with that can sue this guy Paige knows;) :D Wow I think I'm going to have to bid on that:eek:
  • #31
janetupnorth said:
My favorite so far...

Now that's a food chopper! or a weapon.
  • #32
They look more like weapons to me! My have the times changed!
  • #33
rennea said:
I guess whoever came up with that can sue this guy Paige knows;) :D Wow I think I'm going to have to bid on that:eek:

There are about 4 out there...search on E-bay for Food Chopper and after you wade through the 50 million PC ones being sold, you find a few of these...
  • #34
I agree! Doris is so kind, I don't see that kind of underhanded thing being allowed in her company!

At my show yesterday...I maybe a threak killer here...but I was talking about the Forged cutlery...taking the German steel block down to China...'cause the chinamen work cheap...etc...and one of the guests said...'you mean the china children'...everyone laughed...but I said...'Oh I know the owner of the company wouldn't have that!" And she said she was just kidding... But her comment made me uncomfortable...purely in the aspect of ...'do people really think that we use "sweatshops" and "child labor"...??? I certainly hope people don't think like that!

I think it is SO cool when we suggest something and they actually come out with it!! I suggested a Strainer...and now I finally have a GOOD one that I can sell!! I think several have suggested the Salad Chopper too...and the Salad Spinner! I really didn't think PC would come out with something like that Spinner since there are already several on the market...but they know how to make things BETTER than what's on the market!

Ok...back to the Mix 'N Chop... That definitely stinks for the guy...especially since he contacted PC about it...but I agree..they must have had something in the works before hand.
...there, does that make me NOT a Thread killer??? LOL
  • #35
ChefNic said:
I agree! Doris is so kind, I don't see that kind of underhanded thing being allowed in her company!

At my show yesterday...I maybe a threak killer here...but I was talking about the Forged cutlery...taking the German steel block down to China...'cause the chinamen work cheap...etc...and one of the guests said...'you mean the china children'...everyone laughed...but I said...'Oh I know the owner of the company wouldn't have that!" And she said she was just kidding... But her comment made me uncomfortable...purely in the aspect of ...'do people really think that we use "sweatshops" and "child labor"...??? I certainly hope people don't think like that!

I think it is SO cool when we suggest something and they actually come out with it!! I suggested a Strainer...and now I finally have a GOOD one that I can sell!! I think several have suggested the Salad Chopper too...and the Salad Spinner! I really didn't think PC would come out with something like that Spinner since there are already several on the market...but they know how to make things BETTER than what's on the market!

Ok...back to the Mix 'N Chop... That definitely stinks for the guy...especially since he contacted PC about it...but I agree..they must have had something in the works before hand.
...there, does that make me NOT a Thread killer??? LOL

I would doubt that PC has "sweatshops", I'm sure someone has checked out the quality. When I worked on Master Lock's plant in Mexico, some of our shackles were moving from being made in Milwaukee to being made in China - we couldn't compete with ourselves. I know a team of 5 went over and checked everything out and made sure the companies were reputable. I personally visited a few plating facilities in Mexico to check on them too...

Any reputable company, and I believe PC is, will check on that...PC makes great efforts to sell QUALITY and I don't think they'd pick any old manufacturer.
  • #36
janetupnorth said:

Does this look like one of our new products? ;)
But ours locks ...it looks like they have a red thing on the top that may lock but it is sorta different...it is $19 too...hmmmmm
  • #37
We have to remember that not all of our products are sold as Exclusive to Pampered Chef. If they aren't exclusive, we buy them from companies that sell under several different names. For example the Mix n masher can be found at one of our local grocery stores in PA as a guacamole maker. It is exactly like ours except it is green. To beat a patent all you have to do is change one thing on the product and it is "new" That is why so many different versions of Tupperware's "Quick Shake" are available.
  • #38
When I was in 6th grade I was going to invent a grill- (the George Foreman's had just come out) that had removable plates and you can change them to have a griddle or a waffle maker or a sandwich maker. I told my mom about it and she told me it was a great idea and that we should send it in to George Foreman's company. I never did, but about 10 years later the new improved version with interchangable plates came out. I could have been a millionaire!!

Live and learn!!
  • #39
I imagine the letter the gentleman received is a fairly simple form letter. We don't manufacture anything. We're just distributors. If he sues anyone, it will need to be the manufacturer.
  • #40
gilliandanielle said:
When I was in 6th grade I was going to invent a grill- (the George Foreman's had just come out) that had removable plates and you can change them to have a griddle or a waffle maker or a sandwich maker. I told my mom about it and she told me it was a great idea and that we should send it in to George Foreman's company. I never did, but about 10 years later the new improved version with interchangable plates came out. I could have been a millionaire!!

Live and learn!!

My grandma had one like that when I was little and it was allready like 15years old! one side of the plates was flat and the other was waffled. It made great grilled cheese sandwiched. Was kinda like a panini press
  • #41
We had an item very similar to the mix and chop by a tupperware knockoff company (came with a set of bowls but I can't remember the brand name) -- It was similar to our mix and chop but had about 5 blades and they were straight not curved, but the concept was similar. I remember using it on ground beef when I first started cooking -- it was about 1978 or 1979 when I used it and we'd had it a few years before then. I think it was originally supposed to be as a pastrey blender, but we thought it worked better on ground beef. I did eventually lose it's sharp edges since we were using it in a hot pan.
  • #42
janetupnorth said:
My favorite so far...

That thing looks kinda scary!!!:eek:
  • #43
Williams Sonoma has the toss and chop (our salad chopper) I think in our trendy green. It's going to happen.
  • #44
I've seen our exact Meat Tenderizer at William Sonoma...for like $28 !!!!
Our scoops are there too...more expensive there too!

It is definitely worth us going to WS and checking out products that they have that are similar to ours... makes me feel more confident in selling our products...not that I'm NOT confident...But I love sharing with guests that "that product is $xx MORE at other stores!
  • #45
ChefNic said:
I've seen our exact Meat Tenderizer at William Sonoma...for like $28 !!!!
Our scoops are there too...more expensive there too!

It is definitely worth us going to WS and checking out products that they have that are similar to ours... makes me feel more confident in selling our products...not that I'm NOT confident...But I love sharing with guests that "that product is $xx MORE at other stores!

I do that too, that's part of my comparing Apples to Apple to Oranges (Wal-Mart) speach... usually makes them go "AH!" and they feel more confidenty buying.

Its hard to make specidific itmes exclusive when they're such good sellers all around. Its like OneStepAhead (kids/baby items) - I had an idea for a collaspible/travel changing table. Talked to an inventor's helper, but because it was SO much to get things rolling ($10K) we didn't go further with the idea, but now it's been produced... so I guess I'm not the only one with the great idea. It's amazing how many people have similar ideas...
  • #46
ChefNic said:
But ours locks ...it looks like they have a red thing on the top that may lock but it is sorta different...it is $19 too...hmmmmm
Ours also has the santuko grooves on each blade, making chopping smoother.
It's not an exclusive product, which means that they are able to be found elsewhere.
  • #47
Bumping for someone who was looking for this thread.
  • #48
Thank you Kate!!!
After reading Paige's description again I am convinced it is the same family.
  • #49
Teresa - Paige said her husband wouldn't let her purchase anything at her show - didn't she purchase a lot at yours?
  • #50
Over $400
I know the reason some of the newbies didn't buy much was because of her criticism. Her daughter who kept trying to be the voice of reason spent just under $100
<h2>1. What is the Chopster and how is it related to Pampered Chef's Mix n Chop?</h2><p>The Chopster is a kitchen tool with four arms used for chopping and mixing ingredients. It is similar to Pampered Chef's Mix n Chop, which has six arms and is colored black. Both tools serve the same purpose in the kitchen.</p><h2>2. Did Pampered Chef steal the invention of the Chopster?</h2><p>It is unclear if Pampered Chef stole the idea for the Mix n Chop from the inventor of the Chopster. The inventor claims that he presented his product to Pampered Chef but they were not interested. However, Pampered Chef may have independently developed their own version of the tool.</p><h2>3. Why did Pampered Chef reject the Chopster?</h2><p>Pampered Chef has not publicly commented on why they rejected the Chopster. It is possible that they did not see potential in the product or did not feel it aligned with their brand. However, without a statement from Pampered Chef, the reason for their rejection is unknown.</p><h2>4. Is the inventor of the Chopster suing Pampered Chef?</h2><p>According to the former host at the show, her in-laws are suing Pampered Chef for stealing their invention. However, without further information, it is unclear if this is true or if the lawsuit will be successful.</p><h2>5. Can Pampered Chef claim the Mix n Chop as their own invention even though it is similar to the Chopster?</h2><p>It is possible that Pampered Chef may have made enough modifications to the original Chopster to claim the Mix n Chop as their own invention. However, it is ultimately up to the courts to determine if there was any patent infringement or if the Mix n Chop is too similar to the Chopster. </p>

Related to Pampered Chef Stealing Inventions?

1. What is the Chopster and how is it related to Pampered Chef's Mix n Chop?

The Chopster is a kitchen tool with four arms used for chopping and mixing ingredients. It is similar to Pampered Chef's Mix n Chop, which has six arms and is colored black. Both tools serve the same purpose in the kitchen.

2. Did Pampered Chef steal the invention of the Chopster?

It is unclear if Pampered Chef stole the idea for the Mix n Chop from the inventor of the Chopster. The inventor claims that he presented his product to Pampered Chef but they were not interested. However, Pampered Chef may have independently developed their own version of the tool.

3. Why did Pampered Chef reject the Chopster?

Pampered Chef has not publicly commented on why they rejected the Chopster. It is possible that they did not see potential in the product or did not feel it aligned with their brand. However, without a statement from Pampered Chef, the reason for their rejection is unknown.

4. Is the inventor of the Chopster suing Pampered Chef?

According to the former host at the show, her in-laws are suing Pampered Chef for stealing their invention. However, without further information, it is unclear if this is true or if the lawsuit will be successful.

5. Can Pampered Chef claim the Mix n Chop as their own invention even though it is similar to the Chopster?

It is possible that Pampered Chef may have made enough modifications to the original Chopster to claim the Mix n Chop as their own invention. However, it is ultimately up to the courts to determine if there was any patent infringement or if the Mix n Chop is too similar to the Chopster.

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