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Optimizing Your Show Orders: Laptop vs Manual Calculations - Is it Worth It?

In summary, the consultant thinks that a laptop would be a great idea for her show because it would save time and be more accurate. She also thinks that it is a positive thing to show potential recruits that EASY PamperedPartner is easy to use and that it is not necessary to use a laptop.
Laptop at show - good idea or bad?I am a new consultant and have already done a couple of successful shows. However, i am finding that even though I love doing the shows and all that goes into a show - I hate when it comes time to add up orders and then figure out the hosts benefits and totals. In the few shows I have had, I have already had a couple of errors...one guest did all of her own math and I "trusted" it was correct. Once I got home and entered it into PP, I saw an error and she had overcharged herself by over $10 and was no longer at the $50 mark for the free cookbook. Another order I goofed on some addition and overcharged someone who wrote a check by about $1.50. There was another guest error who didn't include one of her items and carried her totals to the columns and I just worked off that to add the tax and shipping. So she didn't get an item she orginally wanted (and I have since added it to another order).

Anyhoo, I know I could have caught the guest errors by just double checking, but I assumed they had done it correctly - I have learned not to assume anything anymore! ;) But this is what I am thinking about doing for my show this week... I loaded PP onto my laptop and plan to key in each guest and their order as they bring me their order form. I will only type in their name and order - none of the other info. Then when all the guest orders are in, I can sit down with the host and have exact sales numbers and have all of her benefits right in front of me to plug in her order to.

Here is where I am wondering if this is a good idea or bad idea... First of all, will the guest feel like I am taking up too much time by using a computer to punch in the item numbers?
second - is it worth my time to enter all the info into PP when I would have to reenter it all on to my computer at home that I transfer my orders from online.
third - am I making too big of a deal out of a simple part of my business?

What do you think? Should I just do it as a test run at my show this week to see if it goes better? Has anyone else done this and if so, how does it go over?
When I got my laptop, I was hesitant to bring it to shows because I thought any possible recruit leads might be turned away in thinking that to be a consultant, you must have a laptop. However, I find that showing possible leads how EASY PamperedPartner is to use, and how easy it is to submit shows has actually been a positive thing, and I just let them know that I didn't use a laptop in the entire first year of my business, and that it is by far not a necessity.

I love having it at my shows. I set it up ahead of time, and when each person is called up to check out, I enter just their name and order, and then give them the total. I used to be the same as you, and make mistakes in error, or trust the host totals. Now, I don't have to worry--the computer does it for me, and it's accurate every time. I show the guest the total, then write the total on their order form--I don't even put the column totals in anymore, just the Product Amount B (unless they are past host, then I fill out Subtotal A, discount, and Product Amount B) Sales tax on adjacent line, then Grand total, and that's it.

I actually find this to be faster, since I'm not adding up each individual column. Plus, if they have a credit card, I can put the numbers right into the computer, and don't have to worry about the paper copy floating around anywhere. I re-affirm the numbers with the guest to make sure they are correct. I think they feel safer about that also.

This is just my opinion--give it a try, and I think you'll find it works out great!
I think a laptop is a GREAT idea. I've had the same problem....I get home and enter it into PP and realize a guest made a mistake, or maybe even me when I've calculated something. I think it would save so much time if I brought a laptop to shows. I know one consultant who does this (and I'm pretty sure there are some on here who have too) and swears by it. My next computer we purchase is going to be a laptop and I can't wait. RIght now there are some great deals out there because of back to school stuff. But if you already have it, TRY it! If you don't like it, you could always go back to the old way. Personally, I think it'll be faster and more accurate. And I think we'll look even more professional. Be sure to tell people, though, that you don't NEED a laptop to do this job. You just happened to have one. You don't want to scare away anyone interested in the oppty.

Good luck and let us know how it goes. :)
It's fabulous!I take my laptop to shows and it makes life so much easier. It does help to avoid errors and there are lots of other benefits too.

For instance, if it is a past host who's placing an order you already have all of her information in the computer so you can just look her up immediately. Or if someone comes to you and says that they want you to call them in 3 months to possibly have a show, then you can go into contact management at that moment and put in an action item for 3 months from now so that you don't forget. Same goes for product adjustments or customer care. You can put those into pampered partner right then and there.

And like you said - it gives the host correct benefits right then and there including who is booking a show.

Someone asked about taking more time because you'd then have to input orders at home but here's the fix to that. Simply backup your pampered partner on your laptop to a disk. Then when you get home insert the disk into your home computer and do a "restore from backup". What this will do is transfer all of your information from your laptop to the home computer. Then vice versa..once you're ready to leave for a show, backup the home computer and restore to the laptop. Piece of cake. =)

The "restore from backup" option is in the same menu as the "backup" option is.

Another really cool thing that you can do if you take your laptop is...if you have WIFI (wireless internet) on your laptop and so does your host you can get onto the internet while you're at her house. This means if the show is ready to close that night - you can submit it from her house. Or if someone says they are a past host and doesn't have their number...you can go to Consultants Corner and look it up immediately.

Very cool stuff! =)
How cool! I want a laptop SO badly!

By the way.....did anyone notice that all who replied to this original question were named Rebecca, Becky and Becca???? Just thought I'd point that out...very strange!! :)
I love my laptop!!I got a laptop for Christmas last year and have taken it with me to my shows ever since! I love it! I used to come home from a show and have to get the orders into the computer before I went to bed. Now since I do it at the show, I get to bed about 45 minutes earlier! No more mistakes, either! And I tend to remember to ask them about booking, opportunity, etc., and I pay more attention to how close they are to getting a free product when that is the special. I think it is because I am not so preoccupied with doing the math correctly. This IS my computer, so after I have closed a show with a hostess (usually from home) I just print out all the receipts on PP paper and mail 'em out to her. I haven't bought the triplicate forms in over a year! I use a kitchen show order form (that I found somewhere) at the show, enter the info in the laptop when I am figuring their orders, let them take home the outside order form, and tell them that they will get their "official" receipt with their order from the hostess. No one has ever, ever complained. Trust me, they are worth the expense...plus it is a nice tax deduction!! :)
Good NameThat is too wierd about who responded to the post!

It's because we all have a great name - haha..

And have you ever noticed that Rebecca, Becca and Becky all take on such different personalities? I mean really...think about someone else you know named Becky or Rebecca and then try to flip it around...doesn't work does it?

I carry a laptop and decided to stop for a while to cut down on what I carry. Two shows and I had it back again. When I first started and didn't own a laptop I made a few mistakes in the math and again made a mistake without it! Now I tell the guests that "I'm calculator illiterate and the program that PC gives me does all the math - so no worries about tax and such! AND I paid for the laptop with my first few months commission". It's all true and they love it!
You Read my Mind :DMy Husband is a Mac guy to the bone, and PP does not work on Macs so I have been using my Uncles computer to submit my orders. Well we are moving this weekend so I will not be able to just pop over to my Uncle's place to submit my ordes. I went out today to get a laptop primarily to be able to use PP but I was wondering if anyone used theirs at thier shows. I too am as dum as dirt when it comes to math so I figured it would help speed up the check out process and I would not be so nervous that I am going to make mistakes.

I think it is settled then, my laptop is going with me from now on. :) :)

I do have one Question though for anyone who knows. Is there a way I can transfer the info I have on my Uncles laptop to my laptop so I have those shows and info?

Thanks for your input

  • #10
Backup to Disk!!!Back up your PP on your Uncle's laptop to a 3.5 floppy then when you upload PP onto YOUR laptop you just stick the disk into the drive and click on Utilities at the top of the PP screen. Then click Restore from Backup and all your info should be on your laptop exactly as it is on your Uncle's. :D
  • #11
I Want A Laptop!!I would love to get a laptop to take to shows. My director recommends NOT doing this since she feels that it could discourge potential recruits. I still want a laptop to take with me though. I believe that it would cut down on the time I spend adding and re-adding totals and get everyone through the "CHECKOUT" more quickly.
  • #12
I have been using my laptop at shows for about a year now. I love it! You can back up the info off your Uncles system to a memory stick ( or pen drive... portable memory) You will need to install the program on your laptop, then do a restore. The restore from back up function is in Pampered Partner, under utility. You just select the drive from which you want the data backed up. The pen drive is a good way to back up your data so you don't have to worry about a crash. I think you will really like having it at your shows, it cuts down on your time entering things after you get home.

hope this helps,
  • #13
ThankThanks Shana and DZMOM.

I was worried I would not be able to save the info I have on my U machine. I am relieved to know that it won't be an issue.

I can see how using a laptop at shows might be cause for concern as far as recruiting goes, however on the other hand I think it shows a level of professionalism and technological advancement that other companies might not have and it may even appeal to someone who is thinking of the business.
Ya just never know :p

Take care and thanks again.

  • Thread starter
  • #14
I played around with the laptop and my PC last night and tried to see if I could back up the "fake" info I entered on the laptop onto a disk and then upload it back to my PC and it wouldn't let me. PP wouldn't give me the option of selecting my disk drive - it just wanted me to use the hard drive that I had previously backed the data up on. I thought it just wasn't possible to do.

However, after reading what you have all posted today, I must have done something wrong. Do I have to backup the info on my PC to a disk and then it would allow me to upload from disk???

I would like to play around with it more tonight but my husband needs the laptop. Does anyone know if this is my problem?

By the way, thanks for all the great feedback to my original post! I am definately going to bring my laptop to my show this week and look forward to not feeling stressed over the $ part and figuring out the host benefits!
  • #15
I have used my labtop since day one because I'm so bad at math! I've had only positive comments about having the laptop, and it also saves me needing to worry about order forms. I use outside order forms, if anything other than the laptop. I know I'd mess up the orders, and it makes everything look so much simpler without the calculator and scribble marks! Easy to change orders, etc..I love it.
  • #16
I too have used my laptop from day one! I can't imagine doing it any other way! Often guests have commented how neat it is that I can bring my laptop to shows and take care of business so easily! I also think they feel more confident with the accuracy it provides.

I also have my screen saver set up as a slide show with pictures of my grandkids, nieces, nephews etc... the guests love that. I always catch them looking and smiling then seeking me out to explain who is who. :p

Lee Anne
  • #16
cheesehead said:
I played around with the laptop and my PC last night and tried to see if I could back up the "fake" info I entered on the laptop onto a disk and then upload it back to my PC and it wouldn't let me. PP wouldn't give me the option of selecting my disk drive - it just wanted me to use the hard drive that I had previously backed the data up on. I thought it just wasn't possible to do.

However, after reading what you have all posted today, I must have done something wrong. Do I have to backup the info on my PC to a disk and then it would allow me to upload from disk???

I would like to play around with it more tonight but my husband needs the laptop. Does anyone know if this is my problem?
Yes, you must backup to a disk not the hard drive. Backing up to the hard drive is NOT a good idea. If your computer were to crash then all your info would still be lost since you would lose the original AND the backup!! Back up to the disk and then Restore from Backup
  • #17
cheesehead said:
I played around with the laptop and my PC last night and tried to see if I could back up the "fake" info I entered on the laptop onto a disk and then upload it back to my PC and it wouldn't let me. PP wouldn't give me the option of selecting my disk drive - it just wanted me to use the hard drive that I had previously backed the data up on. I thought it just wasn't possible to do.

However, after reading what you have all posted today, I must have done something wrong. Do I have to backup the info on my PC to a disk and then it would allow me to upload from disk???

I would like to play around with it more tonight but my husband needs the laptop. Does anyone know if this is my problem?

Yes, you must backup to a disk not the hard drive. Backing up to the hard drive is NOT a good idea. If your computer were to crash then all your info would still be lost since you would lose the original AND the backup!! Back up to the disk and then Restore from Backup
  • Thread starter
  • #18
I have tried to back up to a disk - meaning a cd...not a floppy - but it will not allow me to. Is it an accurate assumption that I have to save to a floppy disk or zip file only?? That kind of stinks if that is the only option as the laptop doesn't have a floppy drive - only cd. And I don't have a zip file on either.

Oh well - worse case senario is that I just reenter the show info when I get back home. And that would be much easier off of the laptop than off all those darn order forms!
  • #19
CD BackupTo back up to CD make sure that the "other drive" button is clicked in the Destination area of the Backup box. Under the Choose Backup Destination side of the backup box click the d: drive in the drop down box on the bottom right hand side of the Backup box. This will be the CDROM drive. (It may say g: drive instead of d: drive.) Then click Backup.

Contact me via Y! Messenger and I can walk you through it if you have problems!!
  • #20
Neat!What a great idea! I am a new consultant - Sept 8th is my first show (I have 2 catalog shows going on right now!) and I have not even tried PP - just installed it and hoped we'd go over it some more in training. I am a serious "Mathphobe" and have been worried about keeping my numbers straight at a show. Since my first show is my own, I started it in PP and played with a few fictional guests (Jerry Garcia and Bob T. Builder) and it is SO EASY! I will totally bring my laptop to the shows!

My question is about receipts - someone said that they printed them out when they got home - but don't receipts come from the HO with the order box, regardless of which method you use to submit them?

I love the idea of using an outside order form, and then putting them right into PP - you can personalize that form however you need to!

I also liked Lee Anne's idea about the slideshow screensaver - I thought I might make one up with PC images :) Especially since I am new, and only have the starter kit...

Thanks for such an AWESOME tip! I love this group!

  • #21

HO does not provide receipts; they are always provided by the consultant. Using the triplicate forms, you'll be able to give a receipt to each guest at the show. Starting Sept. 1, however, there will be a packing slip provided for each order so that the host can more easily sort the orders when they arrive at her home.

Hope this answers your question!

  • #22
What laptops ($ and brandnames) do you recommend for our business?Has anyone found a great deal on laptops? or Do you recommend a certain brand name? I plan on investing in one but have no idea where to start. I only want to use it for PP and going online....NO kids games ughhh! Any advise would be very helpful! Thanks!
  • #23
I think my husband went online to walmart.com I think and found a laptop for under $600. I'm so glad I have one to take to my shows. It makes checkout time much faster and more accurate for me. Plus I can see how much in benefits my host is getting right there.
  • #24
You can also check out www.ubid.com - we wanted to replace the digital camara we have now for a better one so we just bought a new digital camara that retails for $400 for only $150 from that website. Alot of manufacturers put refurbished products on there and you can buy them with a hefty discount. You can find a ton of laptops on there! Take your time and shop around. HTH!
  • #25
I could not do it without my laptop! I think the hosts like seeing their benefits right in front of them - they know there are prob no mistakes and are impressed with the technology! Also - I have alot of files handy that I pull up if needed or if someone has a question. The other night, a guest needed a replacement part, and I was able to pull up the document, find the number of the item and get it ready to send. And I do make a point of telling potential recruits that a laptop isnt necessary, I just choose to do it this way. I know that doing it by hand is simple too, I just have never been a math person, and this makes me feel more comfortable and is so fast!
  • #26
rhonda4554 said:
" I just print out all the receipts on PP paper"
:confused: Are you talking about the Sales Receipt that is blank on one side and has the guarantee verbiage on the other? I got a few in my starter kit but can't seem to locate them on my supply page. Any ideas?

I am very happy to hear that everyone uses their laptop. I am planning my first party on September 1st and was just refusing to do it without using my laptop. I am also considering taking my printer. I know its a bunch to carry but I thought it might be a nice touch to present the receipt right away. I have a wireless printer so it's an easy setup.
  • #27
They are called Pampered Partner receipts on the supply order form.

I LOVE my laptop! I've done a couple shows without it, and regretted it each time. Also, I used to take a printer, but it didn't seem like it liked beng transported around. I often had problems with it, and that seemed to hold things up. I'm much happier, and it's much easier for me, to just print the receipts at home and mail them to the host. When I gave the receipts out at the party, I then had to create another document so the host would know who ordered what.
  • #28
Love the Laptop butlearned the hard way to keep my eyes on it at all times! The 2nd or 3rd show I brought it to it was set up in the kitchen and I was doing the demo in the living room. When the host filled the pitcher of lemonade with ice and water she left it on the counter in the kitchen. As you have probably already guessed, the kids found the pitcher and got carried away with the plunger and spilled the entire pitcher into my brand new laptop. Thankfully, by the next day it was booting again and except for a few sticky keys it is working fine now.

Other than that, I cannot imagine doing shows without it. I put in the customer name order and payment info fillin everything else when I get home off of the order form.

I cannot believe that I did shows for 9 months without it!
  • #29
LaptopsI was wishing that I had a laptop after all of this conversation. But, I did want to share that I've heard other consultants who use their laptop as part of the display..posting anyone of our mouth-watering pictures from the website to encourage people to whatever (sign/book/etc) as their screensaver. Again, remind potentials that it is NOT necessary. Letting potentials know that we can afford the "extras" is a good thing in my opinion.
  • #30
Replacement PartsHey Cindy - just reading your post about the replacement parts order form. Just wanted to make sure you knew this...

You don't HAVE to use the paper order form.

Under non-commission orders (where you place supply orders) you can do replacement part order forms via pampered partner. You simply put in the customers address under "replacement shipping" and if they give you cash or a check put it on your pc debit card/credit card or use the customers personal credit card. I didn't realize this option was even on pampered partner for the longest time but it's great.

For instance, last night I had a man show (it was super fun by the way) and this guys wife had told him to buy a new slicer (and he demonstrated the motion that it makes so that I knew which one he was talking about, haha) and it was the egg slicer. She said the wire had broken and needed a new one. So he was pleasantly surprised when I informed him that he could just order the wire frame & not have to order an entire new egg slicer. So I just went under non-commission orders, did a replacement part order for the wire frame - put in his shipping address and charged it to my pc debit card because he gave me cash. Too easy!

You probably already knew this but just thought I'd shrare! :)
  • #31
Just a thoughI got mine from Best buy, it was a good deal but what I really appreciate is their product replacement plan. You pay extra for this but it is worth it. I bought a gameboy for my nephew and it broke after about 1 year, they mailed me a gift card for the entire amount. So I was able to get him the latest version.

I figure that if I am lugging my laptop around (as it is designed for ;) ), I am still at a higher risk of something happening to it, also apparently the most common problem are power surges, which whipe out the mother board, with this plan they will replace the computer outright.
They also have a no interest 12 month option so you can get it and pay it off as you earn your commission. Most CC's have card insurance that covers loss or theft, so if you buy it with the CC and you loose it or it gets stolen, you are covered.

Moral of my story is....yes I have a point :p , although I might of been able to get a cheaper option elsewhere, I like the piece of mind. Just something else for you to consider if you are going to buy one.

  • #32
Bringing a Laptop to ShowsYes, I use a laptop at my shows. Having paying a $27 difference at the very first two shows (combined) because I fat-fingered the calculator, I decided I'd let my laptop do it the "dummy-proof" way.
1) I can confirm the number of line-items with the number I see on the receipt, ensuring that I keyed everything.
2) I don't have to go home and do duplicate work by entering it when I get home.
3) I can use it as a recruiting tool by usually saying something like "Most consultants start by simply bringing a calculator and manually tallying your order. After just a couple of months working Pampered Chef part-time, you can afford to buy your own laptop and use at your shows."

Also, ALWAYS bring a calculator in case of computer glitch, dead battery crisis, anything. Having a backup is better than not being caught offguard with technical difficulties.

AND, my laptop fits neatly in the Show-to-Go!
  • #33
Show to GoRita, you have yours already? You go, girl! Is it as wonderful as I'm hoping? Is there room for SA pieces?

Congrats again,
  • #34
WooHoo!Rita - you so girl! I just received the new TTA tote, it is so much nicer than the original!
  • #35
I got one!Okay...I couldn't resist. Was so excited about the buzz on here...had to get one so that I don't have to fight the silly adding machine at shows anymore. For those of you still looking...STAPLES is having an unadvertised sale on Compaqs....really powerful notebook for $500. Worth looking into if you are interested in using it for the PP software, etc...

Have a great day,
  • #36
Which one did you get? There are so many different models and memory, etc. I get so overwhelmed when I start browsing the ads for laptops because there are so many choices! Thanks for sharing that Staples is having a sale on them. We have a friend who is SO knowledgable about computers keeping his eyes open for us because I want one! If I have another big commission check (August's should be about $625.....woo hoo!!!), which I'm expecting I will, that will be the next purchase I hope. :D
  • #37
Target has the cutest little laptop bags - I could not resist. All colors, dotted, striped....just thought I'd let you know!!!
  • #38
Staples saleBecky,
I got the M2105US. I also got a wireless router (also on sale for 1/2 price) so that I can go wireless...and work downstairs while watching my son play. I love technology! :D

Have a great day,
  • #39
I honestly find that using my LT at my parties, I have more time to talk to those who are interested in the business. I put all the sales in and zap ready to sit and talk about them joining my team. Its awsome. I could not close my show without my LT.
  • #40
AFter having NO time to research laptops because I've been so busy, I've recently had a little time to devote to it and I'm finally getting ready to buy one. I'm so excited! It's a gift from my hubby for my birthday and Christmas. We're going to do the wireless thing too and I can't wait! That's just so cool. My next show isn't until mid-January, so I hope it's up and running by then. Do those of you who use one at shows enter all the guests info right then and there too? Like addresses and stuff? I wonder if that would take too much time? But then that sort of defeats the purpose of using one at shows because then you'd have to go home and enter that stuff anyway. :)
  • #41
I don't think I could ever go back to figuring up everyone's totals on a calculater. I love having the laptop. Becky, I personally don't put everyone's info in until after my show when I'm home or the next day. That way I can look at their survey slips more closely and take the time to type in all the info. I can't imagine having the time to do it at my shows. It would take time away from my customers anyways. I guess you have to find what works best for you. I would rather have the time to talk to the guests and see if their interested in doing their own show rather than sit their and put in their addresses and all. ;)
  • #42
I love having the laptop with me at shows. It's easy and fast. I only put their name and first digit of last name at show. I put address, phone, credit card info all at home. I would have never thought of it, except my director showed me how much easier it was. I only use a calculator if I am at a fair or open house with no room. :D
  • #43
Thanks for all the replies to my original questions. I now have a few more:

* Wireless technology. Don't know much about this but what do you do to protect all the those credit card numbers on your machines? Do you have some sort of firewall?
* I'm new at this so this might be obvious. Right now, I enter a name into the contact area then go back to the show button and choose the show and then do Add Order. It seems rather inefficent. Can you enter a contact name when you're in the Show screen so that you're not going back and forth?
*Does your battery hold up throughout a show or does it run low? (Obviously, I've never really had a laptop and don't know how long the batteries last.)
* Do you have a mouse? That seems to be my slow thing with laptops is moving the thumbpad.

  • #44
beepampered said:
Thanks for all the replies to my original questions. I now have a few more:

* Wireless technology. Don't know much about this but what do you do to protect all the those credit card numbers on your machines? Do you have some sort of firewall?
* I'm new at this so this might be obvious. Right now, I enter a name into the contact area then go back to the show button and choose the show and then do Add Order. It seems rather inefficent. Can you enter a contact name when you're in the Show screen so that you're not going back and forth?
*Does your battery hold up throughout a show or does it run low? (Obviously, I've never really had a laptop and don't know how long the batteries last.)
* Do you have a mouse? That seems to be my slow thing with laptops is moving the thumbpad.


I can only answer a few...I don't turn mine on until they are sitting down writing in there order in the order form. That way it's not on during the 3 or 4 hours I'm there. I don't have a mouse yet, but plan on buying one soon. Just cause I'm tired of the thumbpad as you called it. lol

You should have protection on your computer if it connects to the internet. Mine is McAfee and it's great.

If you are just using the laptop to make math easy at the shows, and you don't have internet on it, then you don't have to worry about it being hacked into.

Hope this helps!
  • #45
beepampered said:
Thanks for all the replies to my original questions. I now have a few more:

* I'm new at this so this might be obvious. Right now, I enter a name into the contact area then go back to the show button and choose the show and then do Add Order. It seems rather inefficent. Can you enter a contact name when you're in the Show screen so that you're not going back and forth?
*Does your battery hold up throughout a show or does it run low? (Obviously, I've never really had a laptop and don't know how long the batteries last.)
* Do you have a mouse? That seems to be my slow thing with laptops is moving the thumbpad.



I do not have a mouse, you will eventually get used to the mousepad.

You can enter a customer directly in the show with all of their address,etc. There is a box at the bottom of this screen regarding contact management. Check this box, and PP will update your contact information and set a general activity (about 2 months) to follow-up with the customer.

I hope this helps.
  • #46
I know this is quite an expense, but dh was thinking of getting one, and now I'm thinking about how I could enter orders at the shows and save time at home. Anyone do this?
  • #47
Sorry! Didn't see the 5 page thread about them below! Now I eally want one! :)
  • #48
Fun Accessory For Your LaptopHi all! I'm new to this group. My DH bought me my laptop when I got promoted 2 years ago and I LOVE it. I don't have a mouse for it, but I did purchase a number keypad that plugs right into the USB port. It saves a ton of time when I am keying in item numbers and quantities and cc numbers. It costs about 15.00 and is a GODSENT. so anyone using a laptop check it out. Every customer who comes up to my table to place orders comments on it.. I should get commission on the sale of these..LOL
Just my 2 cents.. :)
  • #49
I bought one too!I actually took advantage of an after Thanskgiving Sale through Dell, and bought it as an early x-mas present to myself. I am so excited to use it at my shows. I am one of those people who really can't relax after I do a show until it is in PP, so this is going to be awesome to have everything in there already, and less of a chance of errors. My only concern is scaring off potential recruits. I really want to build a team this year and hope this doesn't hurt that.

~IKC 3yrs.
  • #50
scaring off new recruitsHi Sherri! I understand how you feel, but I have to tell you it has actually increased my recruiting in a way. When people ask me if they have to have a lap top to do shows I tell them my experience of how it took me 6 years to finally get my lap top. That it was my husbands gift to me when I became a director and that for those 6 years I did everything by hand. It was my "trophy" for working so hard..They think it's wonderful that I am so successful after 8 years with a truly wonderful company. I have recruited more since I got it than I ever did..So use that computer as a tool. I show them that my Pampered chef business helped me get that lap top I never could have been able to afford otherwise. ;)
Just a fun way to look at it..

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