I just received this from my director, and given my current status, even though I'm not new, this is the formula I need on my wall! But I thought I'd share this for all those new consultants or consultants like me who may not have much going on the past few months and feel way behind:
Say you are a brand new consultant (or just a consultant who's way behind in points!) and you’d love to take your family to Disney next year…you just don’t think it’s possible.
What would happen if you worked on it every day between now and the end of the year?
52,000 points needed to earn level 2
(1,250) Sales already submitted
50,750 points remaining
(12,000) 6 recruits between now and end of year (1 per month between June & Nov)
38750 points remaining
(500) Promoting to Director (inevitable if they recruit 6 before the end of the year. Recruiting is contagious.)
38250 points remaining
34 Divide by # weeks left in the year
$1,125 sales needed per week
($200) 1 catalog show per week
$925 cooking show sales needed per week
2 Divide by 2 shows per week
$462.50 Show average needed to earn Disney
That means that by doing 4 catalog shows each month (1 per week), recruiting 6 people by the end of the year, promoting to Director and doing 2 shows a week no matter what, a brand new consultant can still earn the Disney trip!! J
Say you are a brand new consultant (or just a consultant who's way behind in points!) and you’d love to take your family to Disney next year…you just don’t think it’s possible.
What would happen if you worked on it every day between now and the end of the year?
52,000 points needed to earn level 2
(1,250) Sales already submitted
50,750 points remaining
(12,000) 6 recruits between now and end of year (1 per month between June & Nov)
38750 points remaining
(500) Promoting to Director (inevitable if they recruit 6 before the end of the year. Recruiting is contagious.)
38250 points remaining
34 Divide by # weeks left in the year
$1,125 sales needed per week
($200) 1 catalog show per week
$925 cooking show sales needed per week
2 Divide by 2 shows per week
$462.50 Show average needed to earn Disney
That means that by doing 4 catalog shows each month (1 per week), recruiting 6 people by the end of the year, promoting to Director and doing 2 shows a week no matter what, a brand new consultant can still earn the Disney trip!! J