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Need to Go Back to Work Due to Pay Cut and Increased Health Insurance Costs?

In summary, the conversation revolved around a woman's distress over her husband's employer announcing a 5% pay cut and a significant increase in health insurance costs. This has led her to consider going back to work after being a stay-at-home mom for four years. She mentions looking into evening shifts or waiting tables to accommodate her children's schedules. She also shares her dream of building a business with Pampered Chef, but has not been able to secure a consistent show schedule. Others in the conversation offer words of encouragement and remind her to trust in God's plan and provision.
Gold Member
My DH called on his morning break, like he does everyday, but this time he had some bad news. After a 5% pay cut was announced 2 weeks ago, his employer has announced that our health insurance is going to increase by $110 per week!!!!

We are already struggling to make ends meet, so this means that I may need to go back to work, (I have 10 yrs exp. in the accounting field) after being a stay at home mom for the past 4 years. I will have to take my 3yr old DD out of her 3 day a week part-time preschool, and put her into daycare. My son who is in Kindergarten will have to do after school care. Worst of all, I will have to commit to someone else's schedule. UGH! There is a number of Call Centers (Citigroup, etc. in my area, so I may look into whether or not there are evening shifts, so that may allow me to be with the kids during the day. I have also thought about waiting tables, but not sure if that will be enough.

My dream has been to be able to stay at home with the kids, and turn Pampered Chef into a life-long business, but I have not been able to get a consistent show schedule yet. I would get on that phone right now, but my head is spinning, and my eyes are filling up with tears. :cry::cry::cry:
I will say a prayer for you. If staying at home is God's will for you then He will equip you to be able to do so.

I understand the $ issues. Since I have gone to three days a week working our finances are strapped. But I know this is God's plan for me and although I worry about it He always provided and will continue to do so.
That is so frusterating to hear. I dont know what I would do if I had to go back to work. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
I feel for you...and encourage you to trust in what Jennifer wrote. I have been though many hard financial times and G-d has always provided, including opening my eyes to Pampered Chef. You're already on the right track by thinking of alternatives to day work.

Take a deep breath and regroup when DH comes home and the kids are in bed.
I know when we decided to stay home so that I could homeschool and raise our kids the way we wanted, it didn't make sense on paper but God provided.

God has always been faithful. From the anonymous checks and gift cards that came in the mail, to the rebate check for $250 we found one night that we never cashed, to always paying our bills and having food in the house.

And I am not giving myself or my hubby credit for anything. Our faith was small but our God is AWESOME and owner of everything!
Ahhh the miraculous stories I could tell of God's love and faithfulness, they could fill many books! He is so good and as Jennifer said, if it's the Lord's will then he will open the door for you and your family to make it! We will pray for you and for your situation. Pray and seek the Lord's will for your family. Wish we could give you a big hug right now. It's no fun to be sad but remember that joy comes in the morning! God's mercies are new everyday!

Debbie :chef:
jrstephens said:
I will say a prayer for you. If staying at home is God's will for you then He will equip you to be able to do so.

I understand the $ issues. Since I have gone to three days a week working our finances are strapped. But I know this is God's plan for me and although I worry about it He always provided and will continue to do so.

DebbieSAChef said:
I know when we decided to stay home so that I could homeschool and raise our kids the way we wanted, it didn't make sense on paper but God provided.

God has always been faithful. From the anonymous checks and gift cards that came in the mail, to the rebate check for $250 we found one night that we never cashed, to always paying our bills and having food in the house.

And I am not giving myself or my hubby credit for anything. Our faith was small but our God is AWESOME and owner of everything!
Ahhh the miraculous stories I could tell of God's love and faithfulness, they could fill many books! He is so good and as Jennifer said, if it's the Lord's will then he will open the door for you and your family to make it! We will pray for you and for your situation. Pray and seek the Lord's will for your family. Wish we could give you a big hug right now. It's no fun to be sad but remember that joy comes in the morning! God's mercies are new everyday!

Debbie :chef:

Ditto to what both of these fine women said!!! Prayers are coming your way!
I also understand the money issues and how you feel. I am a stay at home mom and it surely has not been easy, but well worth the cut backs we have had to make. I am trying all I can to be successful with my Pampered Chef business. I know it's possible because others have done it. I imagine that the longer I am in the business the more successful it will be. Continue working on your PC business and PM if you would like some ideas to help you boost your business.

Also, just an idea of something else that you can do from home is babysit other children in your home. I used to do this and made really good money at it. You can make extra money and still be with your own children.

I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason even if sometimes we don't always know or understand what that reason is. I also believe in fate, so you never know...maybe something good will come of this.

Your in my thoughts and prayers.
So sorry to hear, your in my prayers.
That's got to be hard and scary. You'll be in my prayers.
  • #10
You are in my prayers. Stay strong.
  • #11
Brenda, I am so sorry to hear this. We just went through this last month and I work full time now. Have you considered seeing how much it would be to insure you and your family with PC? They offer several different plans. Maybe that could help your situation. I'll be praying for you and your family.

I know that you're in the triad area, but how far are you from High Point? There's a place on Main St there called Senn Dunn Imsurance. They're a firm that shops for the best rates for you. That may be another option. They did my insurance while I was a SAHM.

Hope anything here helps, but most of all we'll be praying for you.

Related to Need to Go Back to Work Due to Pay Cut and Increased Health Insurance Costs?

1. What is "Please Pray for Me"?

"Please Pray for Me" is a campaign initiated by Pampered Chef to spread positivity, kindness, and support through the power of prayer.

2. How can I participate in "Please Pray for Me"?

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3. Who can I submit a prayer request for through "Please Pray for Me"?

You can submit a prayer request for anyone who needs support and positivity in their life. This can include yourself, a loved one, a friend, or even a stranger. We believe in the power of collective prayer and its ability to bring comfort and strength to those in need.

4. How does "Please Pray for Me" work?

Once you submit a prayer request, our prayer team at Pampered Chef will pray for you or the person you have requested prayers for. We also encourage our social media community to join in and offer their prayers and support as well. Our goal is to create a network of love and positivity through the act of praying for one another.

5. Is there a cost to participate in "Please Pray for Me"?

No, there is no cost to participate in "Please Pray for Me". It is a free service provided by Pampered Chef to spread kindness and support through prayer.

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