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Hi there!
I just started a subscription to a newsletter service that is sent to me in a pdf file. I am wondering how I copy and paste this into a newsletter templete on emailbrain? Emailbrain.com is a service that allows you to create newsletters and send them to 100's of customers as a single email so they don't end up as spam. It's super cheap and you just import your customer email list, set up the newsletter and send. You can also track who opened your email and who clicked on any links in your email. Okay, so, when I open my pdf file and copy it to the clipboard I then go over to my ebrain newletter builder page and the "paste" option is not available. I am so frustrated. I even tried to just save the pdf to my images library on my pc website so I could just direct people to my website and they could view it there but pc won't save the pdf either. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I sent in a help ticket to emailbrain and one to the newsletter author but thought if someone else was already doing this I could get my newsletter out faster.
I just started a subscription to a newsletter service that is sent to me in a pdf file. I am wondering how I copy and paste this into a newsletter templete on emailbrain? Emailbrain.com is a service that allows you to create newsletters and send them to 100's of customers as a single email so they don't end up as spam. It's super cheap and you just import your customer email list, set up the newsletter and send. You can also track who opened your email and who clicked on any links in your email. Okay, so, when I open my pdf file and copy it to the clipboard I then go over to my ebrain newletter builder page and the "paste" option is not available. I am so frustrated. I even tried to just save the pdf to my images library on my pc website so I could just direct people to my website and they could view it there but pc won't save the pdf either. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I sent in a help ticket to emailbrain and one to the newsletter author but thought if someone else was already doing this I could get my newsletter out faster.