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OK. so here's how it goes. I am a new consultant-this is my 1st month with PC. I am trading shows with a Southern Living consultant. (I do a PC one for her and she does a SL one for me). Anyway, I cooked for her on Monday night and she is doing her show tonight at my house. I was using her show as a major launch to get my business going. I was basically giving away the sun, moon, AND stars to get bookings from the show. Needless to say, NO BOOKINGS!! She spent most of the time before and after my demo talking up SL. UGH!!! So, here's my thing.....I NEED bookings. NOW!! I am trying to figure out if I should just go nuts with some of my super cool PC stuff for the snacks tonight and hope that someone asks about it. But, I don't want to be tacky....even though she was. Any fabulous ideas?? I have seen so many fabulous ideas from y'all. This is the BEST site!!