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Navigating the Unfamiliar Territory of a Pampered Chef/Mary Kay Party

In summary, the host's guest list came as a surprise to the host, and the guest is coming with her kit to do a PC/Mary Kay party. The host was surprised and didn't really know how to handle the situation. The host may want to consider incorporating the guest's kit into the show differently, or try and get the name and number of the Mary Kay lady so that they can work together.
A host of mine came over on Friday to deliver me her guest list...we are doing her show in 2 weeks and I've never met her. She was very nice, we exchanged pleasantries and then as she was leaving she states, "oh, by the way, I wanted to let you know in advance this is going to be a PC/Mary Kay party"...I was a bit taken aback and said "OH! OK!" (I think she saw that I was surprised) and she says "A guest who is coming does Mary Kay and she is bringing her kit so we can have kind of a spa night along w/ eating and having a good time"...Again, I was surprised and didn't really say anything except to thank her for letting me know and I was sure everyone was going to have a good time.

The more I think of it though, I am very annoyed. We have had this show on my calendar since JULY. I need this show because my Sept is not looking as good as I would like it to and I'd like some bookings for Oct. But, I don't know how to handle this. Should I let it go and hope for the best or should I run the show differently knowing that someone else is going to be peddling their stuff AFTER I am done? (and I am making sure she does her thing AFTERWARDS!) I just think coming as a GUEST, regardless of if you have a DS business, is so tacky, I would never do that! But I am glad that the host at least informed me of this. Is there any way I can incorporate this into MK? I know I have heard of some PC shows being "spa shows"...by using different fruits, vegetables, and tools to pamper yourself...should I bring that up?

What would you all do in this situation?
Something like this could take ALL NIGHT! Talk to your host about your concerns of the time frame.
Mention to the host that sales of both product lines will be lower, since people will be splitting their money. I'd also be concerned about the time, since good attendance at a MK party is far fewer people than what's considered good attendance at our shows. Does the host really want people at her house for hours and hours in order to get one on one attention with the MK lady?
I'd hope she uses your invites...so the guests will be surprised when she "pulls out her kit".Also, MK is a select market, you may still do well.Ask to go first and collect sales BEFORE they do the spa.
If she is insistent, tell her you will do your demo first and then while everyone is eating and shopping they can play with the makeup.
I would try and get the Mary Kay ladies name and number, maybe she isn't any happier than you and you guys could work together to make this work out.
cwinter474 said:
I would try and get the Mary Kay ladies name and number, maybe she isn't any happier than you and you guys could work together to make this work out.

On the contrary, it sounds like she was invited to the show and said that she'd bring her kit...I think she's mooching off the work done to get sales.
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  • #8
janetupnorth said:
On the contrary, it sounds like she was invited to the show and said that she'd bring her kit...I think she's mooching off the work done to get sales.

Yes, that is what she is doing, she is an invited guest.

I do think I am going to encourage outside orders beforehand, and I am going to tell her that her "guest" can do her demo after I do mine while I am packing up and waiting for orders, etc. I might even say that I have to run as soon as the show is over so I'm not hanging out there forever. (kinda true anyway, the shows on a sunday and I don't want to be there longer than I need to!)

And I am doing the invites myself, so no worries there!
Oh, I missed the part about her being a GUEST! I think it's rude. Maybe you need to get clarification on the part about "eating and having a good time". Is she expecting you to be the caterer or is she hoping that she'll have lot's of host benefits to enjoy? I'd call her back and ask her a few more details.
  • #10
I can't imagine doing this to a Mary Kay lady...
"um, don't mind me as I sit here and chop some veggies with my Pampered Chef food chopper".

Just rude. Obviously she needs sales if this is how she plans her parties. Is she just too lazy to get her own gig?
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  • #11
I know, like I said, I am just really at a loss for words.

I want to talk to the host, but I don't know exactly how to approach it. I am going to tell her about the host benefits being less due to splitting the guests sales. But, because she is a "guest", obviously the host is friends w/ MK lady and I don't want to seem pushy about the issue but I am thinking about my sales as well! I don't normally do "combined" shows, so I am really torn about this.

Should I just come out and TELL her that I prefer she not bring her stuff out until I am GONE? I thought about that too...I don't want my guests seeing her products as well, which are pricey, and saying, "oh, I can buy this $1 SB and then spend $50 on my facial treatment".

I mean, I feel like just saying to her that I don't mind she have the MK stuff there, but please make that separate and have her "party" for when I am gone, and I promise I won't take too long w/ my demo.
  • #12
chefsteph07 said:
I mean, I feel like just saying to her that I don't mind she have the MK stuff there, but please make that separate and have her "party" for when I am gone, and I promise I won't take too long w/ my demo.

This route sounds the best for you to take. Especially since it's a GUEST from the host's list...and not just two consultants coming into her home for different shows.

Perhaps if you go first, collect your orders and then clean up...it will give them more room to experiment and do skin care, and then they won't have to feel rushed...they can relax all they want after you are gone!

Very tacky IMHO
  • #13
I think with the typical MK Rep. making sure you do your show first would be a very good business decision. The last MK party I went to (not with my Rep) the Rep there was so over the top pushy it wasn't very enjoyable. Not sayin that all Reps are pushy or anything but this one sounds like she might be.
  • #14
janetupnorth said:
Ask to go first and collect sales BEFORE they do the spa.

This is EXACTLY what I would do!
  • #15
pamperedlinda said:
Oh, I missed the part about her being a GUEST! I think it's rude. Maybe you need to get clarification on the part about "eating and having a good time". Is she expecting you to be the caterer or is she hoping that she'll have lot's of host benefits to enjoy? I'd call her back and ask her a few more details.

I missed that part too! That IS RUDE!
  • #16
I think that that is a cool idea! Opens more doors that way. I am also an Avon Representative so everything I do with PC also includes Avon. My motto is that you have to look good when your cooking good food! You have an audience watching so the prettier the better!

I have so many who always order from each catalog! Keeps two businesses running at the same time. I also enjoy it because of the benefits I get. I buy all my make up and personal care through Avon and all my cooking ware through PC.

Its a win win situation! Have fun with that one, you should make out very well!!
  • #17
pamperedchef02 said:
I think that that is a cool idea! Opens more doors that way. I am also an Avon Representative so everything I do with PC also includes Avon. My motto is that you have to look good when your cooking good food! You have an audience watching so the prettier the better!

Please be careful when you offer 2 product lines. It's in the consultant agreement that we will not offer other items for sale personally at the same event that we're selling PC.

Clause 10 from the agreement: I will demonstrate or sell only Company products at Cooking Shows. I will not demonstrate or sell any other products, including any products made personally by me, as part of my Pampered Chef business, at any Cooking Show; or at a Company-sponsored event or meeting.
  • #18
If it were me, I would make the best of the situation and make it a spa night. There are several things you can do with PC to make it a spa night. Make a dish ahead of time for the guests to munch and then use your PC products to make things like all natural facial peels and skin scrubs, etc. Then you're not only showing off your stuff and getting sales, but it shows EXCEPTIONAL versatility for our company.

On the other hand, I do think it is incredibly rude to have a guest mooching off of your show for her own business. That's just not right! Best of luck to you with this particular show...
  • #19
ragschef said:
If it were me, I would make the best of the situation and make it a spa night. There are several things you can do with PC to make it a spa night. Make a dish ahead of time for the guests to munch and then use your PC products to make things like all natural facial peels and skin scrubs, etc. Then you're not only showing off your stuff and getting sales, but it shows EXCEPTIONAL versatility for our company.

On the other hand, I do think it is incredibly rude to have a guest mooching off of your show for her own business. That's just not right! Best of luck to you with this particular show...

Normally, I'd agree on a joint show, but in this case you are promoting and selling her stuff.

I'd stick to just PC and do my normal routine.

If she cranks her stuff out later as a guest, it will reflect poorly on her. ESPECIALLY when the invites were for a PC party...

Somehow I don't think guests like to come to a PC party and have MK sprung on them...kind of like going to a fight and having a hockey game break out. :rolleyes:
  • #20
Is your host calling everyone and telling all her guests that it's spa night as well? Hopefully, when guests get your invitations, they will come and not expect the Mary Kay stuff and then think that other guest was really rude.
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  • #21
babywings76 said:
Is your host calling everyone and telling all her guests that it's spa night as well? Hopefully, when guests get your invitations, they will come and not expect the Mary Kay stuff and then think that other guest was really rude.

I'm not sure on that one..I'm going to try to call her tonight to let her know that I want this person to do her little thing after I have left. Then I will find out if everyone knows about it.
  • #22
How did it go? Did you talk with your host?
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  • #23
No, I haven't yet, but I am going to try to tonight..she is a nurse who works crazy 60 hr weeks...her show is next weekend so I gotta get with her soon!
  • #24
To be honest, I like Pampered Chef a lot more than I like Mary Kay, and that's even before I started selling PC.
  • #25
Wow. I seriously love Mary Kay stuff and have a sister who sells it. It is funny how it can be so different from one consultant to another! Sis would never think of bustin' out the kit at a PC party. She would suggest a seperate night! I would too! Let us know how it goes. People are crazy!
  • Thread starter
  • #26
Re: PC and Mary Kay?- UPDATEI just wanted to give an update on this...

I had the show on Sunday...the MK lady (guest) was there before me, had a table in the living room where you walk in all set up w/ her display...she was setting out products and such...I didn't say much to her, I just took my stuff into the kitchen, which was off the living room and started my prep and set up. When I was done, I asked her if she was doing any kind of spa treatments, etc. She said "oh no, this is it, nothing like that"...and I kind of laughed, relieved, and I said "well, ok, because if you were going to do a demo or anything I was going to talk to you about my going first since there's bake time to the recipe I'm doing" (fajita pizza) So I was all happy, etc.

Guests started arriving, and the MK lady started bringing out folding chairs into the living room...um..ok, I'm set up off the living room in the kitchen...everyone starts sitting around the living room and looking at her MK books. Meanwhile, I have everything ready...pizza crust on stone, oven preheated, etc. MK lady comes in and asks me if I"ve "started cooking" yet...I tell her no, I am waiting to do my demo...after I tell her this she starts HANDING OUT CATALOGS/order forms and does a 15-20 min speil on MK! I thought from what she said she was going to just have the display and nothing else, and I told her I wanted to go first! I was seriously ticked. So, after everyone gets done looking at the MK crap and PLACING ORDERS, MK lady says to me "ok, I"m done"...I didn't say a word, but my PAST HOST who was there (this show was a booking) was MAD. SHE said she didn't know anything about this and apologized up one side of me and down the other. She also had to wrangle everyone into the kitchen for my demo, which went off fine. But the show STARTED at 2pm and I didn't leave till 5:30. Forutnately, my sales didn't really suffer, she's around $400 right now, and I sold a few DCB's, so I know that helped. THANK GOD. But, I wonder how much more it would have been if those guests would not have had the MK thing first.

I made a promise to myself that if something like this comes up again (which this is the first time in 5 yrs) that I will NOT do something like this again. BTW, the MK lady bought about $15 from me, she must have known I was mad.
  • #27
Oh my! So were the guests confused with the MK thing, being that they were invited to a PC party? I'm glad you were able to get the sales. It's too bad you had to be there so long and deal with that situation! So, did you get any bookings? :)
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  • #28
I really don't know if the guests were confused, they all came in and started looking at the Mk stuff since it was already there.
My past host rebooked for Nov. Other than that, I don't think I got anyhing, but I love my past host so I'm happy to do something again for her!
  • #29
KellyTheChef said:
This route sounds the best for you to take. Especially since it's a GUEST from the host's list...and not just two consultants coming into her home for different shows.

Perhaps if you go first, collect your orders and then clean up...it will give them more room to experiment and do skin care, and then they won't have to feel rushed...they can relax all they want after you are gone!

Very tacky IMHO

I think that's a good idea. I go to so many other parties and would never think of bringing up PC. Now do I have my PC tote bag and catalogs with me, sure, but never take them out. I actually went to a Tastefully Simple show and was listening to the demonstrator give all sorts of false information about non-stick cookware and bit my tongue almost off not to correct her! Funny thing was that when she was gone out of the room to get soemthing everyone was looking at me and I said, "I'm not saying anything. Not my party!"
  • #30
OMG!!!!!!! UN-FREAKIN' BELIEVABLE!! :eek: :eek: How unprofessional is THAT?? I would have been quite ticked too! Glad your sales were okay, but like you said, I wonder how much better they would have been without her there!!

Don't worry, she'll get her day....what goes around, comes around!
  • #31
Wow, Steph--sorry to hear about this. I'm glad your sales didn't suffer too much!!!
  • #32
Re: PC and Mary Kay?- UPDATE
chefsteph07 said:
I just wanted to give an update on this...

I had the show on Sunday...the MK lady (guest) was there before me, had a table in the living room where you walk in all set up w/ her display...she was setting out products and such...I didn't say much to her, I just took my stuff into the kitchen, which was off the living room and started my prep and set up. When I was done, I asked her if she was doing any kind of spa treatments, etc. She said "oh no, this is it, nothing like that"...and I kind of laughed, relieved, and I said "well, ok, because if you were going to do a demo or anything I was going to talk to you about my going first since there's bake time to the recipe I'm doing" (fajita pizza) So I was all happy, etc.

Guests started arriving, and the MK lady started bringing out folding chairs into the living room...um..ok, I'm set up off the living room in the kitchen...everyone starts sitting around the living room and looking at her MK books. Meanwhile, I have everything ready...pizza crust on stone, oven preheated, etc. MK lady comes in and asks me if I"ve "started cooking" yet...I tell her no, I am waiting to do my demo...after I tell her this she starts HANDING OUT CATALOGS/order forms and does a 15-20 min speil on MK! I thought from what she said she was going to just have the display and nothing else, and I told her I wanted to go first! I was seriously ticked. So, after everyone gets done looking at the MK crap and PLACING ORDERS, MK lady says to me "ok, I"m done"...I didn't say a word, but my PAST HOST who was there (this show was a booking) was MAD. SHE said she didn't know anything about this and apologized up one side of me and down the other. She also had to wrangle everyone into the kitchen for my demo, which went off fine. But the show STARTED at 2pm and I didn't leave till 5:30. Forutnately, my sales didn't really suffer, she's around $400 right now, and I sold a few DCB's, so I know that helped. THANK GOD. But, I wonder how much more it would have been if those guests would not have had the MK thing first.

I made a promise to myself that if something like this comes up again (which this is the first time in 5 yrs) that I will NOT do something like this again. BTW, the MK lady bought about $15 from me, she must have known I was mad.

That is just insane! And SO tacky. Her order should have been the biggest one since she was so rude!
  • Thread starter
  • #33
I"m surprised she ordered anything at all to be honest, but she was the last one to get me her order form after I had packed everything up, including my calculator!

I mean, could you imagine one of your friends inviting you to a DS party and you just say to them, "hey, do you mind if I bring all my stuff and do a quick presentation to get orders since the other DS lady did all the work getting your guests there and paying for the postage for the invites?"

Maybe I'll do that next time and see how that goes over.
  • #34
The sad thing is...if you would have said "sorry, but I would rather not do it under these circumstances" she would have found another consultant in a heartbeat that just needed a booking and would have done it.
  • #35
I have had this situation happen to me MORE than ONCE. So here is what I have learned:

- Ask to go first
- Tell her that her PC Show Sales MAY be affected by having MK there (JUST so she knows in advance)
- You could be honest with her (IF you are comfortable with that) to tell her that some guests may find the night too long
- You could suggest a format that would work best (ex: your demo last 30 minutes, the MK lasts about 30 minutes as well, etc)
  • #36
janetupnorth said:
On the contrary, it sounds like she was invited to the show and said that she'd bring her kit...I think she's mooching off the work done to get sales.

I ws thinking the exact same thing.

I don't erally have any suggestions, but I'd be annoyed!
I hate when I go to someone's DS party for another company and people start talking about how I sell PC. Yes, I do. But we're here for this other company, not to take business away from her while she does her thing!
  • Thread starter
  • #37
stefani2 said:
I have had this situation happen to me MORE than ONCE. So here is what I have learned:

- Ask to go first
- Tell her that her PC Show Sales MAY be affected by having MK there (JUST so she knows in advance)
- You could be honest with her (IF you are comfortable with that) to tell her that some guests may find the night too long
- You could suggest a format that would work best (ex: your demo last 30 minutes, the MK lasts about 30 minutes as well, etc)

I already did all this. :(
  • #38
redsoxgirl said:
I ws thinking the exact same thing.

I don't erally have any suggestions, but I'd be annoyed!
I hate when I go to someone's DS party for another company and people start talking about how I sell PC. Yes, I do. But we're here for this other company, not to take business away from her while she does her thing!

small hijack here. I totally agree with you on this.
Last month, one of my cluster mates had a party from another DS company. I guess the other DS rep knew my cluster mate sold PC, when I got to the show, cluster mate introduced me to the rep. Rep continues to talk to me about how she sold PC for over ten years and was a SD with PC. Then, when she starts her show, she kept telling me and my cluster mate how much better her stuff is compared to PC and everything was a comparison and such. It turned both of us off!! Why do people have to do that??
Why did weird MK lady feel the need to try to upstage you?
I would be infuriated, but it sounds like you handled the situation with class!!
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  • #39
I think she was too lazy to go out and work her business herself and decided to go off mine since was already invited and knew there would be people there. I know MK isn't doing that great, one of my friends got out of it because no one is buying $50 makeup now if they can get it at Wal Mart for $5.
  • #40
Score 1 for PC- No inventory!!
  • #41
chefsteph07 said:
I think she was too lazy to go out and work her business herself and decided to go off mine since was already invited and knew there would be people there. I know MK isn't doing that great, one of my friends got out of it because no one is buying $50 makeup now if they can get it at Wal Mart for $5.

I agree. I pretty much only use Mary Kay makeup and only because my mom sells it. When she places an order I get what I need because she gives it to me for 50% off. That's the only way I'm buying it!
  • #42
OH. MY. WORD. is all I can say. I cannot believe how tacky she was. To say she was not demoing and then to give a speal. To get there before you is obvious she was making sure her stuff would be seen first.
  • #43
I have a friend who used to do card-making classes as she was a Stampin' Up demonstrator. One of her good customers was a PC consultant and asked if she could "just set up a table in the back." My friend said no, she didn't feel comfortable with that as the people were coming to her class to make cards, not be bombarded with other DS opportunities they weren't expecting!! People can really be tacky.
  • #44
Kudo's to you for being polite instead of throwing down in your host's living room!

Suggestions (though I don't know how good they are):
- If you are supposed to go first, you might need to escort guests to the kitchen as they arrive! Or make sure host is clear that you need to go first and ask her to escort guests.
- Stop the flow of chairs! If/when you see that in the future, you can gently remind moocher DS rep. that you set them up where they are for a reason!
- Don't know if this would fly or not, but next time, you might consider interrupting moocher lady! Umm, excuse me, I need all the guests in the kitchen to help put together this pizza or we'll be here all day! You can share more when it is in the oven, like we agreed on earlier! (Just so she doesn't object in front of everyone...make it look bad if she continues!)
  • #45
Re: PC and Mary Kay?- UPDATE
chefsteph07 said:
Meanwhile, I have everything ready...pizza crust on stone, oven preheated, etc. MK lady comes in and asks me if I"ve "started cooking" yet...I tell her no, I am waiting to do my demo...after I tell her this she starts HANDING OUT CATALOGS/order forms and does a 15-20 min speil on MK!

One more thought for 'next time', when asked if you've started, tell her you are Ready to Go right now and invite everyone to your space!
  • #46
I would love to know what the MK lady's sales were.... Did she look like she was getting sales?
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  • #47
I know she got SOME, but as for how much, I have no idea.

My host is still collecting outside orders, right now she's at about $650 so she got more than half of what was at her party...good thing, at least I think it was worth it now...

Another thing, my past host who was there and appalled that this was going on, called me over the weekend and told me that her 19 yr old daughter wants to sign so I'm pretty happy about that!
  • #48
chefsteph07 said:
I know she got SOME, but as for how much, I have no idea.

My host is still collecting outside orders, right now she's at about $650 so she got more than half of what was at her party...good thing, at least I think it was worth it now...

Another thing, my past host who was there and appalled that this was going on, called me over the weekend and told me that her 19 yr old daughter wants to sign so I'm pretty happy about that!

Way to go! :)
  • #49
That was really dumb on the MK-lady's part. The guests were there for one product specifically- they may have ordered, but it probably was more to 'appease' and please. They were caught in the middle and just being polite. Not to mention how LONG that party took for them! That will discourage those as repeat customers or future bookings. Who wants to do a 3-4 hr show??
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  • #50
That's kind of how I took it as well, and no wonder I didn't get any bookings from it...oh well...

Related to Navigating the Unfamiliar Territory of a Pampered Chef/Mary Kay Party

1. What are the common concerns for hosting a combined Pampered Chef/Mary Kay party?

Some common concerns for hosting a combined party may include how to effectively showcase both product lines, ensuring that both hostesses receive equal attention and recognition, and managing the timing of the party to allow for both product demonstrations.

2. How can I make the most of a combined Pampered Chef/Mary Kay party?

To make the most of a combined party, it is important to communicate with both hostesses and plan ahead for how you will incorporate both product lines into the party. You can also consider offering a special promotion for guests who purchase from both companies, or collaborate on a themed party, such as a "spa night" with Pampered Chef tools and Mary Kay skincare products.

3. How should I handle a situation where a guest is also a consultant for one of the companies?

If a guest is also a consultant for one of the companies, it is important to be respectful and acknowledge their business. You can mention their products or services during the party, but be mindful of not turning the focus away from the hostesses and their businesses. You can also discuss with the hostesses beforehand how they would like to handle this situation.

4. Is it appropriate for a guest to promote their own business at a combined party?

This can vary depending on the hostesses and their preferences. Some may not mind if a guest promotes their business, while others may find it tacky or inappropriate. It is always best to discuss this with the hostesses beforehand and come to an agreement on how to handle it.

5. How can I incorporate a "spa night" into a combined Pampered Chef/Mary Kay party?

You can incorporate a "spa night" by offering product demonstrations that showcase how both companies' products can be used for pampering and self-care. For example, you can use Pampered Chef tools to make homemade face masks or use Mary Kay products for a mini facial. You can also offer special promotions or discounts for guests who purchase products from both companies to create the ultimate spa experience at home.

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