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Navigating a Friend's Unenthusiastic Show Booking

In summary, the host's wife booked a show for September 29, but has been MIA for the past week. The host reached out to her yesterday and she said her son had been sick. The host offered to reschedule the show, but the host's wife said she may have to cancel. If the host's wife doesn't want to reschedule, the host should let her know.
I had a friend's wife book a show for Sept 29th. When she booked it she really didnt seem all that excited about actually doing it, and for the past week she has been MIA when I've tried to call her about getting the invitations out. :mad: I was finally able to talk with her yesterday and she said that her son had been sick, she'd been busy,etc. So, with it being 2 weeks out I told her if she emailed me the addresses I would get the invitations out on Monday, but she emailed me saying that she cant find her address book and that she may have to cancel. I really think that was her plan all along. Now I'm worried that I'll be cutting it close for SS1. And it puts a lot of pressure on sales for my last show on the 28th.
But if she offers to reschdule her show should I do that? Or push her back till November and maybe things will change with her? I dont know..I just thought maybe someone would have some insite or suggestions. :confused:
I ALWAYS let a host reschedule rather than cancel. Experience has shown me that about half of them will never do a show or if they do it will be low in sales but the other half will have a good show on the new date.

I urge the host to keep the original date but if she doesn't want to do it she won't have a decent show anyway. It's better to let her reschedule and stay happy with you and PC. Sometimes they will try extra hard on the new date just to make it up to you.

One thing I suggest though is, if you can, give her a new date in a week that you already have your preferred number of shows scheduled or a day of the week that you don't usually book easily - that way if she cancels again you still have your schedule and if she doesn't you get the bonus sales (you didn't count on her show).
Help of a different kind?My question would be, did she come to you or was this a sort of "favor" for you as a friend? I have to say, if she really doesn't seem to want to do the show, it might be better to let it go. Of course reschedual if she's willing to, but if she seems as if she's just picking a future date to get rid of you NOW, give her the option of opting out. It's important for us to get bookings, but it shouldn't be the cause of bad feelings. If I sense someone feels more obligated than interested, I'll give it up. Maybe she knows someone who would like to do a show? Maybe she'd be willing to pass it around her office (or to her friends) if YOU have a catalogue show? If you let her know that she can give up hosting a show with no hard feelings, she might be glad to try to get you a booking from someone else.

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she actually came throughI guess maybe I was reading things wrong, or she had a change of heart or something. She emailed me all the addresses (36) and I was able to get them in the mail that same day. So hopefully she will have a great turn out and a good show. She did seem a little more "in to it" when I spoke with her, so maybe she did just have too much going on the 2 weeks that I tried to get in touch with her. Sometimes things do work out. ;)
Dear friend,I'm sorry to hear about the challenges you are facing with your upcoming show on September 29th. It can be frustrating when a host seems less enthusiastic about their party and it can definitely put a lot of pressure on your sales for the month.In this situation, I would suggest reaching out to your host and having an open and honest conversation about the importance of her show to you and your business. Let her know that you are willing to work with her and help make the process as easy as possible, but also express your concerns about the impact it may have on your sales.If she does offer to reschedule her show, I would recommend taking her up on the offer and pushing her back until November. This will give her more time to plan and hopefully, she will be more excited and committed to hosting a successful party. In the meantime, you can focus on your last show on the 28th and give it your all.I understand that these situations can be frustrating, but it's important to remember that things happen and we can only control our own actions. Keep a positive attitude and continue to work hard, and I'm sure everything will fall into place.Best of luck with your upcoming shows!Sincerely,

Related to Navigating a Friend's Unenthusiastic Show Booking

What should I do if my friend seems uninterested in hosting a Pampered Chef show?

If your friend initially seems unenthusiastic about hosting a show, try to find out why. Are they unfamiliar with Pampered Chef and what it has to offer? Do they have concerns about the time, effort, or cost involved? Once you understand their hesitation, you can address their concerns and highlight the benefits of hosting a show.

How can I convince my friend to host a Pampered Chef show?

Be genuine and enthusiastic about the products and the show itself. Share your personal experiences and the positive impact Pampered Chef has had on your life. You can also offer incentives or special deals to make hosting a show more appealing to your friend.

What if my friend says they don't have time to host a show?

Acknowledge and respect their busy schedule, but remind them that hosting a show can be a fun and easy way to spend time with friends and family. Assure them that you will take care of the planning and preparation, so they don't have to stress about it.

My friend is worried about the cost of hosting a show. What should I do?

Explain the benefits of hosting a show, such as earning free and discounted products, and how it can be a cost-effective way to stock their kitchen. You can also suggest hosting a catalog or online show, which requires minimal effort and has no upfront costs.

What if my friend is not interested in Pampered Chef products?

Respect their decision and don't pressure them into hosting a show. Instead, offer to do a product demonstration for them or ask if they would be willing to refer you to someone who may be interested. Remember to always be respectful of your friend's preferences and boundaries.

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