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Miss the First 40 Minutes of 24?

In summary, the family watched the premier of "24" and missed the first 40 minutes because the DVR was not recording. The rest of the episode was amazing and the husband liked it better than the wife. They are going to watch the rest of the season when the kids go to bed. They found a website that has current season episodes, and bookmark it for future reference.
Gold Member
Okay. So the one show my DH and I are totally obsessive about is "24". Have literally been counting down the hours to the premier tonight.

We have to wait until the kiddos go to bed to watch it, so we always tape it on our DVR...well, 40 minutes into taping, DH notices the red light isn't on, and we missed the FIRST FORTY MINUTES! Yikes! With a show like this, it was hard to figure out what everything was about.

The rest of the episode was absolutely awesome, and we are so stoked that it has finally started! Just need to know about those first 40 minutes of Day 6!

So, anybody watch it who could give a synopsis (spelling?) of what happened in those first forty mintues? We are going crazy!

have you check Television Without Pity? I don't know the url--just google it.
DebbieJ said:
have you check Television Without Pity? I don't know the url--just google it.

I love this site!:D
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  • #4
They haven't updated to current season yet...great site though. I am bookmarking for future reference.

Anyone able to help with tonight's premier?

I know that it has been a few months since it ended but when did Wayne Palmer become president???
I can't tell you a lot because it was soo long (2 hours) I can tell you Jack had been released from the people holding him from last year (Asia I believe) anyway he was actually like bought or something by the US to trade for the terrorist here in the US it has been 2 years that he was held. So they let him clean up and he had scars all over his back. (He had not spoken one word in that 2 years) and he agreed to be traded because he would die for something instead of nothing. Not sure what else you missed. My husband only likes this one show so we watched it all. He has his ringer on the phone with that sound the show makes Oh I think you missed the part where the neighbors took in the boy who's father was arressted for terrorism. He was innocent but obviously the boy is the one who was the terrorist
WE LOVE this show TOO!! Tell me where you started and I'll see if I can help. It looks like trps told alot already but we're not sure exactly where you started!
The President, which is now Wayne Palmer, David Palmer's brother paid the Chinese a lot of money to release Jack. Come to find out, the only reason he was released is because Bad Guy #1 wanted him so he could kill him. He said if they handed him over, he would give them the location of Bad Guy #2. CTU has been looking for this guy because he has been heading a lot of suicide bombings in the US. Well, Jack steps off the plane, hair and beard very long. When he changes his clothes, he has scars all over his back where he has been tortured for the last two years by the Chinese. They tell Jack why he was released, and that he is going to have to die in order to stop bad guy #2. Bad Guy #1 wants Jack because Jack had tortured and killed his brother many years ago. Jack tells them that he doesn't even care if he dies. He said the only reason he fought to stay alive in China was because he didn't want to die for no reason. He said at least this was for a good cause. So, they hand over Jack to #1. Him and his men take him somewhere and begin torturing him. Guy #1 whispers into Jack's ear that the Government has the wrong guy. He says Bad Guy #2 is really there to stop the bombings not to cause them. Then he says "He's here to stop me". So of course Jack is now ready to get out of there so he can let CTU know they are going after the wrong guy. Just as #1 is about to cut one of Jack's fingers off, the phone rings and all but one of them walk out of the room. When the one guy that's left turns his back, Jack pulls the monitor off his arm that is monitoring his heart (bad guy put it on because he told Jack he didn't want him to die before he was done with him). He drops his head down to make it look like he is dead. When the guy runs over to him, Jack bites his jugular vein and he starts bleeding to death. Jack is able to pull the keys out of the guys pocket and unlock his handcuffs. He manages to escape rather quickly. Not drawn out like on a lot of episodes. He calls CTU to tell them not to bomb #2's house because he really isn't the bad buy. They patch him through to the President so he can tell them. The President believes him but his advisors don't and they talk him into going ahead and doing it. Jack knows where #2 is because he heard #1 giving the coordinates of his location to CTU on the phone when he got Jack where he wanted him. Jack hotwires a car and goes to #2's location. He manages to convince him to get out seconds before a chopper flies over and drops a bomb.

Did you see any of the stuff above? I'm not sure what all happened in the first 40 minutes, so wasn't sure if I was telling you anything that you already saw. I just got hooked on this show. On New Years I rented movies and thought I was just renting a movie, but it was really disk 1 of season 2. I couldn't stand not knowing how it ended. I took it back to look for more, but the only other one that had was disk one of season 1, so I rented that too. Then I went out and dropped $100 to get the first two seasons. Me and my husband just finished up season 2 night before last. I still haven't seen Seasons 3-5, so I'm not real sure who a lot of the new people are. I can't afford to buy them right now, so we will just have to wait. One thing is for sure, I am glad that Kim is not on there this time. I didn't like her character at all the first two seasons. I mean, come on, how can one young girl get into so much trouble all the time. I didn't like his wife on Season 1 either. I've been looking at their website, so I see that Nina and Sherry Palmer both get killed in Season 3. Can't say that I am upset about that. Sherry was very annoying. I was sad to see that Tony gets killed in Season 4 or 5. I just hope that doesn't mean that he turns out to be a bad guy. Circuit City has them on sale this week for about $35. Still a little too much for me, but a lot less than regular. Best Buy had them for $19 a season right before Christmas. :eek: But that was before I knew a thing about the show!
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  • #9
Aha! Another "victim" of 24! When we first got season 1, we would stay up until 1 or 2 in the morning, because we had to "see just one more episode"!

We started right in the middle of a phone call from Fayed (sp?) to CTU. Chloe was all upset about Jack. Buchanan was telling Chloe that this was what Jack wanted, and at least he wasn't dying in vain.

Don't like the new guy (Milo or Miles or something like that). We think that Palmer's sister's guy is a bad guy put in place a long time ago.

Glad to see Peter MacNichol (he's a favorite actor of mine), but hate the roll so far. Weasel is written all over him!

Did you catch that the Homeland Defense lady (blonde in the President's office) is married to Buchanan? Once you see season 5, you'll understand why that's a big deal!

Call around to your movie rental places. A lot of them (at least around here) carry complete seasons, not just part.

Thanks for sharing!
  • #10
nikked said:
Aha! Another "victim" of 24! When we first got season 1, we would stay up until 1 or 2 in the morning, because we had to "see just one more episode"!

We started right in the middle of a phone call from Fayed (sp?) to CTU. Chloe was all upset about Jack. Buchanan was telling Chloe that this was what Jack wanted, and at least he wasn't dying in vain.

Don't like the new guy (Milo or Miles or something like that). We think that Palmer's sister's guy is a bad guy put in place a long time ago.

Glad to see Peter MacNichol (he's a favorite actor of mine), but hate the roll so far. Weasel is written all over him!

Did you catch that the Homeland Defense lady (blonde in the President's office) is married to Buchanan? Once you see season 5, you'll understand why that's a big deal!

Call around to your movie rental places. A lot of them (at least around here) carry complete seasons, not just part.

Thanks for sharing!

Milo is from Season 1. He is the guy that they called in to help Jamie find out what what was on the key card. He was the one that discovered that it had been switched when Jack switched them. Since we just watched 1 & 2 he is still fresh in my brain. I liked him as a computer geek, but it's kind of weird to see him as the boss. I guess we will see as the season goes on how he does.

Yes, I like Peter MacNichol too ("The Biscuit" from Ally McBeal). I don't like his character either. Looks like he may end up being a bad guy.

Feyed is the guy that is really behind all the bombings, not Assad (or however you say their names). From what I saw last night, Feyed used to work for Assad and then he turned bad. Assad knows the men working for Feyed, so when he saw a couple of them, him and Jack followed them. One of them got on a subway with a bomb strapped to him. Jack follwed him while Assad followed the other guy. Jack was able to kick the bomber out a window just as he pushed the button to set the bomb off. Did you see that part?

If you go to 24's website, it will show you which characters were on which season and give you a little description. Milo looks a lot different than he did in Season 1.
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  • #11
I knew I recognized Milo, and I think he may have even been around last season towards the end, but I'm not sure. Thanks for the info.
  • #12
Oh my gosh!!!On www.abcnews.com there is an article about the last episode of 24 tonight. I didn't read the article because it says if you don't want to know how it it ends, don't read. However, it gave a breif description saying

24-Too much Reality?
The shocking conclusion to tonight's episode of FOX's suspensful "24" will be the subject of many water cooler conversations tomorrow. Can it happen? How will people react? If you don't want to know what happens, don't click.

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