I have an indirect recruit on my team who just completed her 30 days and qualified. She is bringing a recruit lead to our meeting next week. She is so excited, and so am I. This new gal "gets it"!!
I have really been working with my newest members about recruiting from the bat since Leadership. Well, the older ones too, but it seems that only the new ones are open to the idea.
I always give these "guests" a gift at our meeting. But, when it comes to talking at the meeting I am always nervous and anxious around the guests. Why?!?!?! I have no problem if it is my own personal guest.
I have really been working with my newest members about recruiting from the bat since Leadership. Well, the older ones too, but it seems that only the new ones are open to the idea.
I always give these "guests" a gift at our meeting. But, when it comes to talking at the meeting I am always nervous and anxious around the guests. Why?!?!?! I have no problem if it is my own personal guest.